Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


Company Detail

About BMGF

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) is an American private foundation founded by Bill and Melinda Gates. The primary goals of the foundation are, globally, to enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty, and, in the U.S., to expand educational opportunities and access to information technology.
The foundation works with partners worldwide to tackle critical problems in five program areas.
1. Our Global Health Division aims to reduce inequities in health by developing new tools and strategies to reduce the burden of infectious disease and the leading causes of child mortality in developing countries.
2. Our Global Development Division focuses on improving the delivery of high-impact health products and services to the world’s poorest communities and helps countries expand access to health coverage.
3. Our Global Growth & Opportunity division focuses on creating and scaling market-based innovations to stimulate inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
4. Our United States Division works to improve U.S. high school and postsecondary education, and support vulnerable children and families in Washington State.
5. And our Global Policy & Advocacy Division seeks to build strategic relationships and promote policies that will help advance our work. Our approach to grantmaking in all five areas emphasizes collaboration, innovation, risk-taking, and, most importantly, results.

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