Department for General Assembly and Conference Management


Company Detail

With over 1,000 staff at United Nations Headquarters in New York and almost 2,000 worldwide, including conference management staff at the United Nations Offices at Geneva (620), Vienna (174) and Nairobi (65), the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management (DGACM) is the largest in the United Nations Secretariat.

Those of us who work in DGACM are committee secretaries and research staff, meeting planners and protocol officers, translators, revisers and verbatim reporters, interpreters and editors, proofreaders, graphic designers and printers, conference officers and administration staff, and more.

Our work is central to the mandate and functioning of the United Nations as an international forum within which representatives of Member States and other groups meet to deliberate on the major questions facing the world today and to propose answers to those questions. Our mission is to facilitate and enhance dialogue and cooperation among Member States and, by doing so, to contribute to the realization of the objectives of the United Nations and the Sustainable Development Goals.

DGACM’s success depends on the professionalism, dedication, teamwork and sometimes the personal sacrifice of its staff members. We come from all corners of the world, with diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. However, as international civil servants, we share one defining character: we are motivated by the noble purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. Often working behind the scenes, DGACM staff make a quiet but essential contribution to the work of the United Nations.

156 Jobs are opening

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