Global Green Growth Institute


Company Detail

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies.

A resilient world of strong, inclusive, and sustainable growth.

A global transition toward a model of green growth. While this will be differentiated at the country level, at its core will be strategies that simultaneously achieve poverty reduction, social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and economic growth.

Working across the thematic priorities of sustainable energy, green cities, sustainable landscapes, and water & sanitation, GGGI aims to deliver impact through six strategic outcomes:

  1. GHG emission reduction
  2. Creation of green jobs
  3. Increased access to sustainable services, such as, clean affordable energy, sustainable public transport, improved sanitation, and sustainable waste management
  4. Improved air quality
  5. Adequate supply of ecosystem services
  6. Enhanced adaptation to climate change


Become part of a dynamic and expanding team that is focused on creating global change with local impacts.

Explore new opportunities for growth and make a difference for current and future generations. GGGI offers a wide range of opportunities around the world. We are seeking big picture thinkers who want to have a tangible, long-term impact and who are driven by making a difference.

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