The Pan American Development Foundation


Company Detail

About PADF
The Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) believes in creating a hemisphere of opportunity, for all. We work across Latin America and the Caribbean to make our region stronger- more healthy, peaceful, just, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable for current and future generations. For 60 years, we have served the most vulnerable communities, investing resources throughout the hemisphere. We partner with and enable civil society, governments, and the private sector for the greater good of the region.

With 60 years of experience across Latin America and the Caribbean and strong partnerships with local communities, civil society, and public and private sectors, we have an impeccable track record of success with extensive in-country networks and sound financial controls. We are uniquely positioned to develop and implement adaptable programs across multiple technical areas, quickly deploy to any country in Latin America and the Caribbean and activate existing local networks, measure and evaluate our impact with comprehensive performance indicators, and communicate our progress through integrated communications strategies.

67 Jobs are opening

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