United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq


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The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) is a political mission established in 2003 by UN Security Council Resolution 1500, at the request of the Government of Iraq. The Mission has been on the ground ever since, and its role was greatly expanded in 2007 with the adoption of Resolution 1770.

UNAMI’s mandate is to advise and assist the Government and people of Iraq on a number of issues. This includes advancing inclusive political dialogue and national reconciliation, assisting in the electoral process and in the planning for a national census, facilitating regional dialogue between Iraq and its neighbours, and promoting the protection of human rights and judicial and legal reforms. More about UNAMI’s mandate.

The mandate also tasks the Mission with working with government partners and civil society to coordinate the humanitarian and development efforts of the UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes. While UNAMI itself does not deliver humanitarian and development programmes, it raises the profile of development and humanitarian issues in Iraq and connects Iraqi partners – both the Government and civil society organizations – with the technical expertise available within the UN family in Iraq.

UNAMI is headed by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Iraq, who is supported by two deputies. One Deputy SRSG oversees political and human rights affairs, while a second Deputy SRSG oversees UN humanitarian and development efforts and performs the functions of Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq. Currently, there are approximately 320 international staff and more than 470 national staff working for the Mission in Iraq.

The Mission is administered by the United Nations Department of Political Affairs and supported by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, as well as the Department of Field Support.

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