Result of Service
The objective of this consultancy is to provide technical guidance to the teams of NAP Costa Rica, Honduras, República Dominicana, Panamá and El Salvador and contribute to the efficient implementation of the project “Building capacity to advance National Adaptation Plan Process in the Latin America and the Caribbean region” by executing the tasks outlined in the Terms of Reference. Specific tasks and responsibilities The Adaptation Specialist and NAP technical lead consultant will contribute to the effective implementation of the project by performing the following tasks:
Output 1 NAP Process steering arrangements and coordination platform launched and institutionalized. (Outcome 3.1) Activity 1.1: Provide technical expertise to the NAP portfolio, especially for strengthening adaptation planning in countries and inter-organizational engagement for the implementation of adaptation strategies. Activity 1.2: Participate with the adaptation team on the technical guidance for the management of approved projects, in support of different outcomes of the projects in NAP Portfolio. Activity 1.3: Provide technical expertise to the Implementing Parties responsible for the execution of the project activities and accompany them in the development of climate change adaptation measures and strategies in the countries or at the regional level. Responsibility: The consultant, in collaboration with the Regional Subprogramme Coordinator for the Climate Change Unit in UNEP LACO, will analyze opportunities for inter-institutional coordination and linkages to bolster the development of climate change adaptation strategies at the regional level. The consultant will be expected to liaise with NAP lead entities and stakeholders (which may include executing entities, civil society organizations and the private sector) in the countries involved.
Output 2: A mechanism established to track adaptation progress, report advances and evaluate outcomes for future revision for the NDC adaptation themes. (Outcome 3.1) Activity 2.1: Provide technical advice for project results, track results framework indicators. This includes the utilization of sex- disaggregated indicators and gender-based monitoring frameworks to assess project outcomes (if applicable). Activity 2.2: Evaluate, capturing and synthesizing lessons and uptake of best practices and knowledge. Introduce innovation and best practices to enhance project performance of the NAP Portfolio. Responsibility: The consultant, in collaboration with the Regional Subprogramme Coordinator for the Climate Change Unit in UNEP LACO, will provide expertise to the NAP Portfolio projects, especially in regards to NDC updating process and UNFCCC Adaptation Communications as mechanisms to track adaptation progress.. The consultant is expected to be the local NAP focal point at the regional office and will evaluate performance and advancement of expected results, as well as the technical management of the projects and teams to advance the achievement of the proposed objectives.
Output 3: Private sector investments in adaptation promoted through engagement and programming processes. (Outcome 3.3) Activity 3.1: Participate in field missions as needed to meet with government officials and other stakeholders, including private sector representatives, to support the development, implementation and evaluation of climate adaptation strategies, policies and initiatives. Prior consent of his/her supervisor and in accordance with UN Environment rules and procedures, in line with the outcomes from the NAP Portfolio. Activity 3.2: Provide team members and partners with technical advice on climate change adaptation substantial matters including strategies to guarantee that issues such as gender equality, disaster risk reduction, private sector engagement and synergies with other adaptation and mitigation measures are undertaken, in line with the outcomes 3.3 from both NAP Panamá and NAP El Salvador, and in support of other outcomes from the projects in NAP Portfolio. Responsibility: The consultant will liaise with the relevant national actors from the private sector, to create/strengthen the national strategies to involve private companies. The consultant is expected to provide technical guidance for the documentation needed for the successful engagement of the private sector in climate adaptation. The consultant is expected to bolster the inter-sectoral activities to engage regionally with the other members of the NAP Portfolio.
Output 4: Capacities of the private sector strengthened to understand and respond to climate vulnerability and risks. (Outcome 3.3) Activity 4.1: Provide technical guidance to the NAP portfolio for the engagement of the Private Sector, to strengthen companies understanding and response for climate vulnerability and risk management. Activity 4.2: Provide technical expertise to develop a climate change adaptation financing strategy to effectively mobilize public and private sector financing for adaptation measures. Responsibility: The consultant will provide technical expertise for private sector capacity building in the countries, or capacity building of staff associated with the NAP portfolio on private sector engagement strategies for vulnerability and risk response. The consultant will be expected to review and make technical proposals for relevant NAP portfolio documentation, as well as collaborate in the development of relevant documents for engagement with environmental authorities.