Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
negotiable Expires in 2 months


I JOB SUMMARY: Gender and youth adviser provides technical leadership and support for the development and implementation of RFSA gender and youth activities in CARE operational Zone/Woreda’s. The Gender Advisor Will closely work with RFSA technical team and the gender and youth officers at Zonal/Woreda level. The position holder with provide assistance and capacity building training on gender and youth development for RFSA and government staffs. The position holder will coordinate gender analysis and youth related studies and provide appropriate guidance. She will identify gaps, consolidate best practices in the field and share lessons to all concerned. The adviser leads/conducts standard quality training and produces or adopts related guidelines to ensure gender, women empowerment and youth priorities are integrated into all technical aspect of RFSA. In consultation with RFSA coordinator and Technical Advisor from consortium, she will supervise formative research in implementation areas to identify key issues, social norms and barriers and to make recommendations on how to address gender and youth related concerns and challenges. The gender and youth adviser will oversee the mainstreaming of all gender and youth related aspects of the project, participate in all Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning events, respond to identified issues and make timely adjustments to implementation strategies.


II. RESPONSIBILITIES AND TASKS: Job Responsibility #1: Strategy design, planning, monitoring and implementation (40%) • Provides technical leadership on the development and implementation of evidence based, realistic and effective gender, women empowerment and youth engagement strategies for all technical sectors under the RFSA project including food security, nutrition, livelihoods, CCA, DRR, WASH and community mobilisation/social accountability; • Provides Inputs into problem identification, causal and problem analysis and activity development, i.e. focusing on gender analysis, women empowerment and youth engagement aspects of RFSA project; • Participates in RFSA detailed implementation planning (DIP), and annual reviews, to ensure Gender and Youth responsive project planning processes are implemented throughout the life of the project; • Ensure the RFSA result framework has put properly embraced gender sensitive indicators in areas of women empowerment and gender equality indicators-access to resource, control, leadership status within community and etc; • Responds to the results of research and regular monitoring with effective measures that can be implemented to produce results within the lifetime of the project • Ensure gender transformative approaches are promoted to create opportunities for men and women, and youth to actively challenge gender norms, enhance social and economic influence for women and youth in communities, and address power inequities between men and women Job Responsibility #2: Staff training and coaching (30%) • Conducts induction for staff and stakeholder partners and ongoing training processes for gender and youth officers in RFSA • Leads the development and facilitation of trainings on staff development initiatives for gender, including the staff transformation process under SAA; • Identify capacity building needs of RFSA and government partner staffs and provide training according to their priorities • Develops and implements follow-up, engagement and coaching plans to build staff capacity and to increase their level of expertise and skills and their commitment to apply strategies; • Develops TOR, and actively participates in the selection of temporary technical assistance (consultants) to engage on gender and youth issues, as required; • Provides ongoing backstopping and technical support to RFSA staff. Job Responsibility #3: Networking, Learning, Partnership (20%) • Establishes all necessary relationships with the RFSA consortium leaders, implementing partners, field offices, different units within CARE and government stakeholders to ensure that gender and youth issues can be shared; • Disseminates learning and ensures all staff are updated on gender and youth priorities; • Together with other thematic advisers of RFSA and LDM, supports efforts to measure the impact and document lessons learned and best practices; • Produces gender and youth related aspects of reporting and AR for USAID/BHA • Lead the collection of lessons on implementation of the GSD provisions, men engagement etc.. and present findings to government and other stakeholders • Work closely with LDM to ensure that Gender, Women Empowerment and Youth (GWEY) issues are reflected in M&E plan, frameworks, and reports to assess whether the GWEY objectives are on the right track or being met • Work closely with purpose level Advisors to ensure that staff reflection and gender learning is an integral part of staff meetings and reviews Job Responsibility #5: Others (10%) • Participates in all major activities of the RFSA project; • Responds to requests for additional capacity building support within CARE; • Perform other duties as assigned. III GENDER EQUALITY • Understanding and demonstrated commitment to the importance of gender, youth, and social inclusion issues. • Demonstrated commitment to principles of Gender Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and PSEAH (safeguarding), as evidenced in previous positions / programming Salary – 2,270$


IV. QUALIFICATIONS (KNOW HOW A EDUCATION/TRAINING Required: • B.A. degree in Social Science, gender studies or equivalent combination of education and work experience. Desired: • M.A. degree or equivalent in related fields B EXPERIENCE: Required: • 4-6 years of work experience in development related areas, conversant with adult learning and training of trainers methodologies, practical experience in women and youth programming • At least 3 years of work experience in gender analysis, training and mainstreaming. Desired: • Gender related NGO experience. • Previous experience with livelihoods programs and or food assistance interventions.


C TECHNICAL SKILLS: Required: • Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work effectively with a wide range of constituencies; • Analytical, training/facilitation skills; • Sensitivity to different aspects of diversity (cultural, religious, disability), firm belief in teamwork and sensitivity to HIV/AIDS • Computer skills (word, Excel); Desired: • Quantitative and qualitative data analysis skills.


D COMPETENCIES • Coaching, initiating action, communicating with impact, innovation, planning and organizing, building partnership, facilitating change, adaptability.


V. CONTACTS/KEY RELATIONSHIPS • The Adviser will work directly with the RFSA team in CARE Ethiopia with direct relationships with gender officers in RFSA implementing Zones and woredas. • Externally, the Adviser will manage government contact, including relationships with MoWYCA particularly at region and lower levels.


VI. WORKING CONDITIONS AND LEVEL OF TRAVEL REQUIRED. • This position is located in Addis Ababa, with up to 50 % field travel

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


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