Air Operations Assistant

negotiable Expires in 2 weeks


Mission and objectives

En agosto de 2012, el Gobierno de Colombia y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP) iniciaron conversaciones para lograr un acuerdo de paz. A petición de las partes, una Misión política especial fue establecida mediante la Resolución 2261 (2016) del Consejo de Seguridad, la cual está conformada por personal civil y observadores internacionales desarmados. A partir de allí, la Misión tenía como mandato verificar la dejación de las armas bilateralmente con las FARC-EP y, participar como componente internacional (CI-ONU) en el Mecanismo tripartito de Monitoreo y Verificación (MM&V) del cese al fuego y de hostilidades bilateral y definitivo. Este mandato concluyo el 25 de septiembre del 2017. En junio de 2017, el Gobierno de Colombia y las FARC-EP solicitaron al Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidades la aprobación de una segunda misión política ONU, para un periodo de tres años. En julio de 2017, el Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas aprobó la resolución 2366 (2017), estableciendo una segunda misión política (Misión de Verificación) para un periodo inicial de 12 meses a partir del 26 de septiembre del 2017, con el mandato de verificar la implementación por partes del Gobierno de Colombia y las FARC-EP de las secciones 3.2 y 3.4 del Acuerdo Final ( Proceso de Reincorporación política, económica, y social de las FARC-EP y Garantías de Seguridad personales y colectivas para las FARC-EP y programas de seguridad para comunidades,). En el periodo de transición entre julio y septiembre 2017, la Misión inicio actividades provisionales relacionadas con su siguiente mandato, planteando la tarea de reportar los avances iniciales al Consejo de Seguridad.


The UNVMC Aviation Unit is responsible for providing the air transportation service to fulfill the mission mandate. It has the Headquarters of the Aviation Unit in the city of Bogota executing the functions with the support of the Air Operations Unit, Air Terminals Unit and Technical Compliance Unit. It currently has two rotary wing aircraft established in the bases of Cali and Villavicencio with the process of expanding the operation to a new base in the city of Medellin with another additional helicopter. It has a fixed wing aircraft based in the city of Bogota. All air operations are carried out in compliance with the regulations of the Civil Aeronautics of Colombia, ICAO and United Nations standard regulations. The processes of Planning, Execution and control of flights are carried out with the monitoring of Standard Operations procedures established for air operations in Colombian territory with an essential premise in compliance with operational safety. The operation is carried out in Colombian territory with sporadic international fixed wing operations according to the requirements of the mission.

Task Description

Under the direct supervision of the Chief/Air Operations Officer or in his/her absence Chief Aviation, the UNV Air Operations Assistant will be responsible for managing mission aviation operations as follows: * Pre-plan flight activities within the state, which is submitted to modular air operations {MAOC) for consolidation and approval; * The UNV will perform duties as a Flight Monitor on air missions as required and authorized by the Chief Aviation Officer (CAVO); * Compile daily projected Air Tasking Orders {ATO’s) in accordance with the required tasks; publishes and communicates ATO’s to all relevant elements in accordance with established procedures and deadlines; * Monitor of daily flights within the state and reporting of take-offs and landings to Flight Following Unit in Medellin; * Coordinate with local administration and COLCAA on all air activities within the state; * Post notice to airmen in crew briefing and providing copies to all crew; * Liase with Regional Administrative Officers {RAO’s) on state requirements for air sup-port; * Secure mine, threat assessment reports and flight safety assurances; * Disseminate weather reports {Metar) to other regions/states; * Plan and coordinate ramp operations {fueling, parking and towing) in accordance with laid down safety procedures; * Coordinate the integrated search and rescue operations for UN air assets and other aircraft upon request; * Coordinate with other units and agencies as pertaining to air operations matters; * Report all flight amendments/changes/deviations to Chief Air Operations and Flight Following Unit; * Report and file all observed safety hazards in the state/region; * Maintain database for crew in the region; * File all Risk assessment reports; Submit daily fuel stock status to Mission Air Operations Center {MAOC); * Prepare daily sitreps and share reports with MAOC on a daily basis after flight operations; * Process Daily Flight Schedule {DFS) in flight schedule and Aviation Information Management Suite {AIMS) and ensuring that all data entered is checked with Flight Following in Medellin for authenticity.

Competencies and values

Accountability, Adaptability and Flexibility, Client Orientation, Commitment and Motivation, Commitment to Continuous Learning, Communication, Ethics and Values, Integrity, Knowledge Sharing, Leadership, Planning and Organizing, Professionalism, Respect for Diversity, Self-Management, Vision, Working in Teams

Living conditions and remarks

Colombia is a unique country, and UNVMC is a unique (humanitarian) operation. Medellin is a family duty station classified as A by ICSC and it provides an exciting and enriching environment but also requires a mature level of cultural awareness and more stamina and commitment than elsewhere to make life comfortable and affordable. Therefore, flexibility, the ability, and willingness to live and work in harsh and potentially hazardous conditions involving physical hardship and little comfort are essential.

