UNITAR’s Green Development and Climate Change Programme (GCP) develops the capacities of individuals and training institutions in developing countries to implement the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and to advance green and climate resilient development. It offers a range of services, including executive training, institutional capacity development, support for national learning strategies, learning methodology development, and knowledge-sharing. Activities are carried out through partnerships with other UN organizations, bilateral development partners, as well as leading learning institutions and think tanks. The Programme also hosts the Secretariat for UN CC:Learn, the One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership (www.uncclearn.org) and is a member of the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) (www.un-page.org).
The Associate Programme Officer for Green Development and Climate Change provides planning, implementation and programme management support for UNITAR’s portfolio in the area of climate change.
Under the supervision of the Specialist, Green Development and Climate Change Programme, Division for Planet, the incumbent: