Result of Service
At least eight (8) joint strategic meetings for members of the Human Rights Network have been planned, organised and facilitated by the consultant. (PBF)
A programme of activities, including capacity building and joint advocacy planning for members of the Human Rights Network is developed by end of June 2023. (PBF)
At least five (5) human rights capacity-building events for members of Human Rights Network have been organised; and at least five (5) thematic presentations delivered by the consultant during the capacity-building events. (PBF)
Support and coaching to members of the Human Rights Network is provided, and a least five (5) joint advocacy or awareness raising actions are designed and implemented in cooperation with Network members. (PBF)
Analytical progress reports related to the results achieved by the Human Rights Network drafted one month before the end of the engagement period. (PBF)
A concept of activities for human rights capacity building events and advocacy actions for four thematic groups drafted, as a result of kick-off meeting. (ONE UN)
At least 16 regular meetings with the human rights defenders from the left bank of Nistru/Dniester River – alumni of the OHCHR Human Rights Capacity Building Programme have been organised (ONE UN);
At least 4 capacity building events and cross-river exchange of experience activities for human rights defenders from the left bank of Nistru/Dniester River, including NGOs, individuals belonging to various underrepresented groups, organised; with at least 4 human rights-related thematic presentations during trainings delivered. (ONE UN)
Support and coaching to members of the human rights defenders is provided, and a least four (4) human rights advocacy actions to claim the human rights of vulnerable groups on the left bank of Nistru/Dniester River are designed and implemented (ONE UN)
Work Location
Expected duration
1 Sept – 31 Dec 2023
Duties and Responsibilities
Under the direct supervision of the Programme Coordinator and National Human Rights Officers, the consultant will facilitate and substantively contribute to the meetings, human rights capacity building events and support human rights advocacy initiatives by CSO actors from both banks of Nistru/Dniester River.
Under the present Terms of Reference, the Consultant will:
1. Convene and facilitate regular meetings and events for members of the Human Rights Network; Develop a programme of capacity-building activities on human rights and advocacy for members of the Human Rights Network; Organise capacity building events and substantively contribute to the programme. (PBF)
2. Support the Network members through all the phases of group development which will strengthen the ability of the teams to grow, tackle problems, find solutions, plan work, and deliver results. This will require alternating in an agile manner the roles of facilitator, consultant, coach and mentor on the design and implementation of advocacy actions on human rights and social cohesion, in cooperation with members of the Human Rights Network. (PBF)
3. Convene and facilitate a kick-off meeting with the human rights defenders from the left bank of Nistru/ Dniester river – alumni of the OHCHR Human Rights Capacity Building Programme; draft a concept of activities for human rights capacity building events and advocacy actions for four thematic groups comprised of persons with disabilities, Roma community, people affected and living with HIV/AIDS, survivors of domestic violence; convene and facilitate regular meetings for the human rights defenders; organise capacity building events, cross-river exchange of experience activities and substantively contribute to the programme. (One UN)
4. Provide coaching and mentoring sessions for the design and further implementation of human rights advocacy actions to claim the human rights of vulnerable groups on the left bank of Nistru/Dniester river developed jointly with human rights defenders from the left bank of Nistru/ Dniester river, including NGOs, individuals belonging to various underrepresented groups. (One UN)
Qualifications/special skills
First degree in law, human rights, political and social studies or other relevant discipline;
Advanced studies in human rights would be considered an advantage.
At least 3 years of professional experience in organising capacity building, community mobilisation and/or awareness raising activities for community groups and civil society on both banks of the river, is required;
• At least 3 years of professional experience in the promotion of human rights and integration of human rights-based approach into activities of rights-holders and/or duty-bearers is required.
• Previous experience in working in the Transnistrian region of Moldova on human rights and empowerment of vulnerable groups, would be considered a strong advantage;
• Previous experience of working with NGOs, decision-makers at the regional and local levels in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova would be considered a strong advantage.
• Fluency in Russian and/or Romanian is required; Candidates that speak both languages will have an advantage.
• Knowledge of English is desirable.
No Fee