The United States Department of Agriculture funds school meals in many developing countries, including Mozambique, where meals and literacy programming are delivered by a number of implementing organizations, including World Vision. In this project, IFPRI is partnering with World Vision to analyze how a school meals program can improve nutrition and literacy outcomes for children in primary school.
More specifically, World Vision will begin implementing a comprehensive school meals program in Menconta, Monapo, and Milange districts in Mozambique. The school meals consist of a porridge with micronutrients added and are provided to all teachers and students at the school, every school day.
In a subset of schools, World Vision will establish savings groups in the community with a particular focus on planning and saving for school meals so that once WV starts phasing out the program, the community and government can take over. In another subset of schools, an advocacy training will be held whereby the community is trained on their rights as citizens and how to advocate for government programs, including school meals.
Consultancy Summary
The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) seeks a qualified survey firm to conduct the baseline survey in 157 schools in Menconta, Monapo, and Milange districts, and will consist of the administration of the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) to all students in grade 3 in each school, a short interview with a sub-sample of 10 grade 3 students in 50 schools. In all 157 schools, interviews should be conducted with the grade 3 teacher, the deputy school director, the school cook, the commodities manager for the school meals, and the head of the school council. Within the community, the following will be interviewed: 10 randomly selected households within the community where the school is located, the community leader, the farmer group leader, and the savings group leader.
Interviews will be conducted on tablets and will be primarily in Emakhuwa or Portuguese. The enumerator teams must be fluent in these languages.
Statement of Work
Consultancy duration
The collaborator will perform this work from May – September 2024.
Required qualifications for consultant or lead staff at organization
Preferred qualifications
Requirements to Apply