Activity |
Unit |
Deliverables |
Total Quantity |
Unit rate (BDT) |
Total Budget (BDT) |
Implementation Strategy |
Outcome 1: Increased consumption of biofortified foods by vulnerable women, girls and children under five |
Capacity building of community-based women seed producer groups |
MT |
Community Based Women led Seed Producers will be contracted to produce certain quantity of foundation/certified/TFL seed. On a need basis, specific support will be provided to these CBOs to achieve individual seed targets. |
96 |
Capacity building of national seed companies |
MT |
National seed companies will be encouraged to produce quality seeds of biofortified zinc rice by providing support production, processing, packaging and selling. National seed companies will be contracted to achieve the Foundation/Certified/TFL seed target. |
50 |
Train and mobilize community-based women seed producer groups |
Trainee |
Training for the women seed producers will be conducted to enhance their skills in quality rice seed production through the best practice adoption. |
150 |
Loudspeaker announcement for promoting seed sales |
Event |
Using a horn speaker/video show, a core message has to be disseminated in the target area with a view to increase awareness about zinc rice seed and gran. |
45 |
Workshop with seed retailers |
Event |
Seed retailers will be sensitized on zinc rice benefits in human health and motivated to collect and sell zinc rice variety seed to local farmers. Each retailer will fix a target to sell seeds in Boro season. |
4 |
ToT to community health workers |
Trainee |
The contractors will identify 25 community health workers (CHW), in each batch. The CHW will be trained on zinc rice/zinc wheat benefits in human health and motivated to counsel women and adolescent to consume biofortified crop food. A medical doctor and a scientist will be the resource speakers |
100 |
Participatory demonstration plot establishment |
Plot |
Participatory block demonstrations will be established in at least one-acre continuous/clustered land. Inputs like seeds, fertilizers, signboards, crop cut & data collection must be ensured. Farmers themselves will use various necessary inputs and do proper crop management, harvesting, etc. |
20 |
Training to farmer leaders |
Trainee |
The farmer leaders will be trained on production technology of biofortified crops. Each partner will identify 25 farmer leaders, in each batch. A Sub-Assistant Agricultural Officer of DAE will be the trainer |
100 |
SBCC material development and/or multiplication |
Lump Sum |
Develop IEC/SBCC materials and distribute/circulate.
Video documentary 1, Calendar 500, one pager/flyer/variety brochure 10,000 pcs, etc. The project may reduce or increase the number of items or include or exclude any item as required. |
1 |
Farmers’ field day |
Unit |
Crop cut and field day event will be conducted in the presence of around 150 participants (farmers and guests like DAE personnel, seed dealers, retailers, local leaders, media personnel etc.) with proper arrangement. |
4 |
Meeting with policy makers and influential stakeholders at local level |
Event |
Meetings consisting of around 40 influential stakeholders per batch will be held at the district and sub-district levels. |
4 |
Nutrition counselling to women and adolescent girls through community nutrition promoters (CNP)/health workers (CHW) |
Event |
The trained CHW/CNP will educate women and adolescent girls about the benefits of biofortified crops and how to incorporate them into their diets. In each event/batch, 25-30 farm families will be trained. |
16 |
Outcome 2: Increased economic empowerment of women and women led SMEs |
Capacitate VCAs and SMEs, especially women, on the production and marketing of biofortified crops and foods |
Trainee |
The contractors will identify 25 women-led SMEs/VCAs for each event/batch. SMEs/VCAs will be trained in business management including product packaging, pricing, marketing, record keeping etc. |
50 |
Promotional campaign on grain/food whole seller & retail shops |
Shop |
Partners will decorate selected SMEs processing plant, whole seller & retailers’ shops with digital box signboards. |
20 |
SMS messaging with nutrition facts |
Person |
The nutritional message of biofortified crops will be disseminated to the target people in the project area through the leading telecommunications service provider in Bangladesh. |
200,000 |
Support SMEs to production/processing/packeting/branding of biofortified food/product |
MT |
Biofortified food production/processing/packeting/branding (putting information on the benefit of zinc and biofortified crop into grain bags) and marketing support should be provided to the processors/SMEs. |
500 |
Capacitate SMEs (preferred women led SMEs), for making food available in the market |
MT |
Partners will select and sensitize well-established SMEs/grain whole sellers and retailers so that they feel encouraged to work with biofortified crop for selling. |
200 |