Pact is part of the consortium implementing the MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership project, a five-year global funded USAID project to provide targeted Maternal Newborn Child Health, Family Planning and Reproductive Health (MNCH/FP/RH) and Technical and Capacity Development Assistance to countries to facilitate countries’ journeys to self-reliance. MOMENTUM aims to contribute to global technical leadership and learning, and USAID’s policy dialogue for achievement of global MNCH/FP/RH goals through support to globally endorsed MNCH/FP/RH initiatives, strategies, frameworks, guidelines, and action plans.
Pact is contributing to a 3-year MOMENTUM buy-in in Côte d’Ivoire that will increase, in the selected underserved areas, the accessibility, quality, and use of proven interventions that fundamentally improve women’s health as well as that of their newborn infants and children. The activity is expected to build on past MCH and FP/RH efforts that have proven successful in Côte d’Ivoire, to complement ongoing MCH and FP/RH interventions, and to take advantage of USAID’s strong district level presence by coordinating with HIV/AIDS and malaria efforts in ways that optimize inputs and health outcomes.
The Capacity Development Officer will support capacity development project activities in Côte d’Ivoire and contribute to technical project components. The CD Officer will focus efforts on ensuring adequate capacity is developed among several local partners by using Pact’s approaches, including the Integrated Technical and Organizational Capacity Assessments (ITOCA), Organizational Performance Index (OPI) and others. They contribute to the quality design and delivery of the program’s CD activities and ensuring that these are implemented in compliance with all donor, consortium, Pact, and project-specific policies. The position will conduct regular monitoring with each local partner.
Management and coordination support