New Delhi, India
negotiable Expires in 4 months



The Chief of Party (COP) has overall authority, leadership, and vision for the five-year CARE USAID-India Partnership for Early Learning (IPEL) Project that runs from September 2021 – September 2026 and is accountable for its delivering results. About IPEL: Through increased state commitment and improved FL delivery, IPEL works to ensure children in grades 1-3 can read with comprehension (in any vernacular language) and with fluency; can understand and solve problems using the pre-number and number systems (numeracy skills); can demonstrate cognitive development (e.g., sequencing, classification, and puzzles) and socioemotional and ethical learning (SEEL ) skills (sensitivity, cooperation, collaboration, habits); and can maintain the ability for creative expression (exhibiting feelings and communication). Through its system delivery mechanism, IPEL aims to reach 78,866 Anganwadi Centers (AWCs), 212,128 public primary schools, and over 11.8 million Indian public-school children (ages 3-8).


The IPEL Theory of Change is based on evidence that state-wide FL reforms require critical, interrelated, and at times, simultaneous interventions at three levels (state, district, and school levels), which will be achieved through the following IPEL components: • Component 1: Improved reporting system for foundational/early learning. • Component 2: Improved classroom instructional materials, policies, strategies, and standards adopted and practiced. • Component 3: Improved professional development of education functionaries for early grade teaching and learning. • Component 4: Strengthened visioning, financing, and coordination. • Component 5: Strengthened community and family engagement in EL practices. This role: The Chief of Party is accountable for realizing IPEL’s four operational objectives: the efficient use of resources; effective and adaptive management; strong technical implementation; and administrative support. The person also will be responsible for providing project leadership, managing the overall strategic vision, and delivering results. This will include financial and narrative project reporting and the management of relationships with partners (local implementing partner; resource partners; and state government), stakeholders, and the donor. The person is the leader of the Central Project Management Unit which coordinates interventions; develops implementation guidelines; measures project progress, performance, and impact; ensures cross-sectoral integration; and manages the integration of learning and innovation.


They also oversee the State Project Management Units (PMUs), led by the State PMU leads. The COP reports and coordinates closely with CARE USA’s Education & Skills Team on strategy, accountability, reporting, and implementation. They also establish, nurture, and maintain relationships with the state governments, especially the Department of Education and ICDS, in all of IPEL’s four states and work with key academic and government institutions at the national level. The Chief of Party manages a team of 70+ local staff at the central and state level who support project implementation, ensure compliance with all USG rules and regulations, and inform the overall direction and strategy of the project. They are also accountable for representation with USAID, the Government of India/state government, and participation in senior-level partner and stakeholder events and meetings. With staff and partners, the Chief of Party translates project goals and objectives into implementable strategies and plans. They oversee the preparation of the annual work plan, quarterly and annual project activity reports, MEL reports, and other deliverables, as specified in the grant agreement. Given the scale and complexity of the IPEL Project, the COP must have a proven track record of managing education programs in India including knowledge of the technical components within the project. They must also have a significant history of working with high-level government actors and bodies, implementing partners, donors, and other stakeholders. They must also possess significant experience managing large, multi-year international education programming and maintain a strong understanding of USG financial and operational regulations. They must have experience with the design and oversight of the annual project cycle in accordance with USAID’s annual planning cycles and have considerable experience achieving results in a team setting, supervising and coaching senior staff, and clearly communicating performance expectations.


RESPONSIBILITIES : Strategic oversight and leadership Ensure all program interventions are of a high quality and lead to measurable impact. This includes, but is not limited to, overseeing the preparation of annual work plans, identifying external technical support needs, ensuring that appropriate management practices are being used in project implementation, and ensuring established monitoring and evaluation systems are used to provide timely management information. Bring together technical, local implementing, and resource partners. Ensure all project resources are used efficiently, effectively, and transparently to meet program objectives, and in full compliance with USAID regulations and CARE policies. Organize and lead IPEL partnership and leadership meetings, including project technical review, coordination meetings and meetings with state PMU/lead; follow-up on program progress and recommend corrective measures to address problem areas, as required. Ensure all programming maintains a gendered lens that aligns with CARE’s globally-tested Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GWE) Framework to address issues around agency. Manage the relationship with USAID to ensure program implementation contributes to USAID objectives and government goals. In collaboration with the CUSA Point of Contact (POC), responsible for liaison on a regular basis with the assigned USAID Agreement Officer’s Representative (AOR) and other relevant donor staff to keep them abreast of the progress on implementation of activities. Lead the public relations aspects of the project, including program launching, press releases, documentation of success stories, and dissemination of results.

Partnership management, networking, learning, and representation Manage sub-grant of the IPEL partner effectively to ensure contract compliance, effective program performance, timely and accurate reporting, and proper management of project resources. Monitor monthly/quarterly expenditure rates and take appropriate corrective actions in consultation with the partner. Ensure oversight, tracking and approval of financial disbursements to sub-agreement partners for project-related expenditures. Conduct coordination meetings with IPEL partner and ensure all outcomes and agreed deliverables are achieved in an efficient manner.

Coordinate actively with KPMG on private sector engagement strategy, delivery, and outcomes. Establish, nurture, and maintain relationships with the Government of India in all four states and with other public and private partners. Participate in government coordination meetings at regional and national levels to discuss program-related issues. Keep up to date with developments of external programming of other agencies including best practices in-country and internationally and ensure the project is applying these consistently under IPEL and other related programs. Staff oversight and management Provide ongoing supervision, leadership, support, guidance, and mentoring to staff working with State PMU and CPMU Ensure that CPMU staff have appropriate individual operational plans linked to program priorities and annual work plans and that staff is supported to implement staff development plans in line with the project objectives.

Complete all performance management activities including performance planning, monitoring, and annual performance appraisals. Promote and model a working style aligned with the organization’s core values that encourages optimal performance of project staff. Provide ongoing feedback to program staff, recognizing and praising successes and pointing out issues that need corrective measures. Ensure that CARE’s Gender, Equity, and Diversity principles are mainstreamed into the IPEL team values and operating guidelines. Oversee program monitoring, evaluation, and reporting Undertake regular field monitoring visits. Participate in the design and implementation of program strategies and procedures as well as monitoring and evaluation systems to ensure the project meets its objectives and expected results. Ensure established MEL policies and procedures are consistent with CARE and USAID policies and procedures. Ensure the IPEL project has an appropriate and up-to-date results framework and MEL plan. Oversee effective implementation of a monitoring system to collect evaluation and periodic data for tracking program performance and decision-making. Plan and conduct quarterly and annual project review meetings to assess progress, adjust plans, and draw/disseminate lessons learned. Anchor and participate in project steering committee meetings. Ensure the development of comprehensive and high-quality monthly/quarterly/annual project progress reports and timely submission of financial and narrative reports to the donor. Prepare and deliver formal presentations to stakeholders about program progress, challenges, lessons learned and needed adjustments. Externally to IPEL, serve as a primary representative with key stakeholders and foster relationships with relevant counterparts/departments of the government, the locally represented multi/bi-lateral donors, foundations, international and national NGOs, private sector, CBOs, and other civil society organizations.


QUALIFICATIONS: Master’s or advanced degree in Education or a closely related field. Minimum of 10 years of senior-level management experience in donor-funded programs, particularly early learning system improvement programs. Previous experience with management of USAID-funded programs as Chief of Party or Deputy Chief of Party or Technical Director required. Prior experience of working with national and/or state governments. Experience with two or more of the following specializations: School Education, Early Childhood Education, Teacher Development, Curriculum, Gender and Equity, Monitoring or Assessment system. Demonstrated a strong understanding of USAID’s Education Program and Strategy and gender programming. Demonstrated understanding of the National Education Policy of India and Current challenges and opportunities around foundational learning in India. Previous experience and engagement with the culture and context of India is a must. Previous experience in setting up and managing PMUs within Government institutions to co-create technical solutions, build capacity of, and provide hand-holding support to system actors to roll out the solutions is strongly preferred Previous record of engaging private sector actors to support state government social impact initiatives through innovative PPP arrangements, new financing models, and sharing of technical know-how, will be an added advantage

New Delhi, India


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