Climate Change Curriculum Development Consultant TOR

Honiara, Solomon Islands
negotiable Expires in 2 months


Tracking Code
Job Description
Solomon Islands Knowledge-Action-Sustainability for Resilient Villages project has a consultant assignment based in Honiara for interested and qualified applicants on this locally-led climate adaptation project.


The Climate Change Curriculum Development consultant will work closely with the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development (MEHRD) and the Project Management Unit (PMU) of Save the Children’s and the Solomon Islands Government’s Solomon Islands Knowledge-Action-Sustainability for Resilient Villages (SOLKAS) Project to:

· Finalise development of existing draft climate change micro-learning modules for integration into the national junior secondary curriculum (forms 1 – 3) as Learner Resources and Teacher Guide

· Develop teacher training materials and training sessions


Background: This consultancy is to:

– Providing quality assurance, including developing further these draft materials (Learner’s Resources and Teacher Guide) for each year into quality draft materials for piloting by:

o Addressing the comments and feedback

o Reviewing recommended resources from existing Pacific school climate curriculum for incorporation as appropriate

o Seek inclusion of appropriate news stories or case studies from the local context

– Consult with MEHRD and MECDM (Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Management) stakeholders with support from local consultant to obtain feedback and revise accordingly with SOLKAS PMU to ultimately seek endorsement from MEHRD for piloting phase in pilot schools

– Manage piloting phase with local consultant and MEHRD colleagues to assess the materials in use at pilot schools and gather feedback to inform revision of the Learner Resources and Teacher Guides

– Update materials to incorporate feedback and submit for final rounds of review with key stakeholders

– Following approval of the materials (Learner Resources and Teacher Guide for each grade), design Teacher training sessions

– Deliver teacher training sessions with local consultant and MEHRD colleagues


The SOLKAS Project is one of the largest locally-led adaptation projects globally, and one of the first with a strong focus on the education sector. Largely funded under the Green Climate Fund (GCF) with co-finance from the governments of Australia,New Zealand and the Solomon Islands, the project will reduce children, youth and communities’ exposure to climate hazards and help build sustainable, resilient communities and livelihoods in the context of climate change. SOLKAS is a partnership with the Government of the Solomon Islands, through the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management, and Meteorology (MECDM), and Save the Children Solomon Islands (SCSI). Implementing ministries include MEHRD, MAL, MRD, MWYCA, MFMR, MECDM and MPGIS.


This consultancy will work with MEHRD, SOLKAS PMU, technical assistance and schools to contribute to component 1 by developing curriculum and teacher training relevant to climate change for junior secondary. We are looking for suitably qualified and experienced applicants to fill the consultancy role of Climate Change Curriculum Development Consultant – working closely with MEHRD Teaching and Learning Department, Curriculum Development Unit and Schools Division and DRR and CC Officer of MEHRD, the consultant will be responsible for delivery of consultancy objectives in line with timeframes and the Terms of Reference.


Application Requirements:
Interested candidates should provide the following documents below.

  1. Cover letter responding to the criteria in the Terms of Reference (TOR) with specific example of Environmental / Climate experience
  2. Short Financial Proposal detailing fees for each deliverable in the TOR


Applicants can contact Save the Children Human Resources Department to request the TERMS OF REFERENCE (ToR), by sending an email to


Application closes at midnight, 10 December 2024


All applications should be addressed to:

SOLKAS Project Manager
Save the Children – Solomon Islands Office

Honiara, Solomon Islands


All Applications must be emailed to [email protected]


Save the Children is a child-safe organisation. All employees are required to undergo a National Police Check, a Working with Children Check where necessary, and sign our Child Protection Policy and Code of Conduct.



Job Location
Honiara, Capital Territory (Honiara), Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands, Honiara


UN Jobline