Climate Change Specialist

Banjul, Gambia
negotiable Expired 7 months ago
This job has expired.


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The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) makes public and private finance work for the poor in the world’s 46 least developed countries. With its capital mandate and instruments, UNCDF offers “last mile” finance models that unlock public and private resources, especially at the domestic level, to reduce poverty and support local economic development.

The Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility (LoCAL) is a mechanism to integrate climate change into local authorities’ planning and budgeting through the regular intergovernmental fiscal transfer system using performance-based grants in a participatory and gender sensitive manner, increase awareness and capacities to respond to climate change at the local level including through ecosystem-based solutions, and increase the quality and number of local investments that address climate change. LoCAL combines performance-based climate resilience grants (PBCRGs), which ensure programming and verification of change expenditures at the local level, with technical and capacity-building support. It uses the grants and demonstration effect to trigger further flows for local climate action including global climate finance and national fiscal transfers. LoCAL also aims to support private finance for small and medium businesses and municipal finance and public-private partnerships. LoCAL is currently active in 17 countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, with another 17 countries preparing to join (at the design stage).

The Gambia is highly vulnerable to climate change and is stepping its adaptation at local level. Its recent development policies and strategies are clearly establishing a long-term vision for the national and local development that puts the role of local administrations at the center in managing natural resources and reducing vulnerabilities to the climate change while adapting to the new climate.

It is urgent to train and invest in climate smart agriculture solutions, agroecology, modern agroforestry, and ecosystem-based adaptation. Nutrition sensitive agriculture Skills are also needed to build or monitor the construction of climate resilient infrastructure facilities including its maintenance. To do so, an integrated/holistic development planning and budgeting at local level is needed. Ecosystem based Adaptation that targets area development in an integrated manner enables addressing pressing needs while building resilience, instead of stand-alone sub-projects. Investments have been made for infrastructure in selected wards, but the repair and maintenance has proven difficult due to lack of spare parts and difficult access in the rainy season.

LoCAL offers an opportunity for The Gambia to address climate change at the local level while investing in climate resilient development pathways. In addition, the Project aims to combine green recovery with long-term climate resilience through multi-stakeholder engagement, inclusivity, gender-responsiveness, a whole-of-government approach, innovation & environmental sustainability. To be effective in delivering these commitments, climate finance must not only enhance development finance, but also reach the communities that need it most, so they can prioritize it to deliver solutions on the ground.

The Project therefore will expand support to strengthen the capacities of wards and their communities for local development notably on nutrition sensitive agriculture sector, while integrating climate risks and climate change adaptation in development planning and budgeting systems, in a participatory and gender-responsive manner. It will also increase the level of local climate finance, through the expansion of the Performance-based Climate Resilience Grants (PBCRG) system across the territory. LoCAL will help Local Governments localize and align their planning to the Nationally Determined Contributions and the National Adaptation Plan Process.

Scope of Work

As part of the project team; the Climate Change Specialist will be responsible for providing technical, policy, and programme design support and knowledge and capacity development services for the effective deployment of LoCAL programmatic activities, for providing operational support to the LoCAL Facility, and is also expected to limitedly contribute to LoCAL’s resource mobilization activities on an ongoing basis. S/He will specifically contribute to the effective delivery of the projects’ activities in the target Implementation regions under the LoCAL project by promoting climate resilience whilst applying CE and CSA principles and solutions, using the Local Climate Change Adaptive Living Facility (LoCAL) approach.

This will include providing technical advice on climate change issues and environmental sustainability to government counterparts at national and sub-national levels; leading the technical dialogue and provision of policy and technical specialist services in relation to climate change information and assessments, climate mainstreaming, and contribute to the technical dialogue on climate finance and (direct) access to international climate finance; ensuring the adequate integration of environment and climate considerations in the LoCAL; supporting piloting and establishment of a national local information system for adaptation in addressing hazards, vulnerabilities and exposure of target local governments (communes) and their communities in relation to climate change; and for the integration of environment and climate change issues in the local government development and investment plans and budgets that foster gender equality and climate resilient local economies, aligned with the LoCAL’s investment menu. The Climate Change Specialist is also expected to contribute to the management of day-to-day implementation of selected activities related to climate change and environmental sustainability; and report preparation in the section related to Climate.

Duties and Responsibilities
Summary of key functions:
  1. Technical Assistance to Programme Management and Implementation
  2. Policy Advisory and Technical Services in Climate Change
  3. Knowledge Management and Communication
  4. Networking and Partnership Building

Provision of Technical Assistance management and implementation 

  • Provide technical inputs and overall technical and management oversight of specialized technical assistance (TA) assignments on climate risk assessments, vulnerability assessments at the local level, establishment of a national local information system for adaptation (LISA) and similar assignments to increase the use of climate data at the sub-national level;
  • Provide technical advice and capacity building support (“learning by doing”) to target groups and local stakeholders for the progressive roll out and uptake of tools introduced to advance the use of climate data at the local level,  for the integration of climate change adaptation considerations, climate smart agriculture, circular economy principles, in the local development investment plans and budgets that foster job creation, gender equality and green and climate resilient local economies;
  • Coordinate the project team in the review and improvement of Adaptation Annual Investment Plans, ensuring compliance with the LoCAL standard on climate change adaptation mainstreaming (e.g., adaptation investment prioritization, review and advise of climate rationales, advise on technical specifications accounting for climate change risks, etc.);
  • Lead on the uptake by and assistance to target groups on LoCAL M&E tool for adaptation (Assessing Climate Change Adaptation Framework – ACCAF), ensuring its application along the planning cycle and capacity building to target groups as deemed needed;
  •  Monitoring of project activities, the identification of operational and financial challenges and recommend solutions, as deemed needed;
  • Coordinate sourcing of technical expertise and support, including assisting with the preparation of TORs, identification and evaluation of experts and reviewing reports;
  • Contribute to ensure quality planning (annual, and quarterly work-plans), reporting, monitoring and evaluation of the project;
  • Organize consultative meetings, seminars and workshops to drive analytical and policy work of the Project.

Provide Policy Advisory and Technical Services in Climate Change 

  • Provide policy, regulatory and technical advice on climate change adaptation issues to the Country Programme Management Team, including climate smart agriculture, circular economy and environmental sustainability to government counterparts at the national and sub-national levels;
  • Provide technical advice on nationally led climate-related initiatives and processes on adaptation, upon the request of the Government of The Gambia to UNCDF;
  • Work with the Programme Management Specialist in maintaining close working relationships with the Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Environment, other line ministries, Development Partners and other key stakeholders at various levels in order to support the quality of LoCAL mechanism deployment and its scale up;
  • Preparation of necessary briefings, talking points and update for UNCDF’s effective participation in project meetings, workshops, thematic working groups, and other relevant events;
  • Lead UNCDF’s efforts on advocacy, policy and technical dialogue on topics of expertise, including participation and contribution to policy-driven research and reviews on environment and climate change issues (e.g., NAP process, NDC implementation, revisions to local development planning and budgeting manuals and guidelines for climate change mainstreaming; national and subnational climate budget coding; integration of climate change in tendering, procurement and delivery processes, monitoring and reporting practices);
  • Advise UNCDF and other UN Country Teams on relevant national and international developments on climate change solutions, circular economy, climate smart agriculture and assist in identifying coordinated approaches;
  • Lead the technical dialogue and provision of policy and technical specialist services to national and local government counterparts in relation to climate change information and assessments, climate mainstreaming, and contribute to the technical dialogue on climate finance and (direct) access to international climate finance;
  • Ensuring the adequate integration of environment and climate considerations (e.g. specifications) in the investments delivered in the context of the programme, in line with the programme design document;
  • Lead “Learning by doing” for the piloting and establishment of a national local information system for adaptation, addressing hazards, vulnerabilities and exposure of target local governments (communes) and their communities in relation to climate change; and for the integration of environment and climate change issues in the local government development and investment plans and budgets that foster gender equality and climate resilient local economies, aligned with the LoCAL’s investment menu.

Facilitate Knowledge Management and Communication 

  • Lead the organization of consultative meetings, seminars and workshops to drive analytical and policy work as of relevance for the LoCAL project and LoCAL mechanism and in areas of specialty;
  • Identify key knowledge constraints in areas of work and organize learning, knowledge exchange, trainings, workshops, etc. to build the awareness and capacities on relevant themes (i.e., climate change, local climate risk assessments, environmental sustainability, mainstreaming, climate smart agriculture, circular economy, etc.);
  •  Lead the implementation of the Communication and Visibility Plan of the project, in collaboration with project team, partners and technical consultants;
  • Identify, collect, and disseminate best practices and lessons learned from the project in areas of specialty;
  • Liaise as needed with the relevant Ministries, National and International Research Institutes, NGOs, and other relevant institutions to collect and disseminate information relevant to LoCAL;
  • Coordinates closely with LoCAL Secretariat on knowledge management and communication to ensure a common message across countries and regions;
  • Enhance UNCDF’s visibility and profile on climate change, climate finance, circular economy, climate smart agriculture and local climate resilience in The Gambia.

Ensure Effective Networking and Partnership Building 

  • Guide the project team to identify and pursue strategic partnerships, opportunities for collaboration and synergies within the climate change community in the Gambia and in the region;
  • Contributes to the implementation of LoCAL in United Nations Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) and Delivering as One agenda, and support co-operation with UN sister agencies and partners to identify and develop synergies with relevant in-country projects with a focus on policy and capacity development for climate change mainstreaming;
  • With the guidance of the Programme Management Specialist, support cooperation with UN agencies, government, technical partners, bilateral donors and other financing institutions to identify and mobilize support for LoCAL;
  • Provide technical inputs and support in resource mobilization efforts, including supporting the drafting of funding proposals, concept notes, etc;
  • Maintain close working relationships with the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Environment and other key stakeholders at various levels to support the quality of the execution of the PBCRGS and its key results areas, to expand the mechanism in The Gambia, in close coordination with senior management and other team members;
  • Lead  the participation of UNCDF in working groups and steering committees on the issue of environment and climate change and related sectors and provide inputs for conducive policy and regulatory environment.

The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Office and the Organization.

Institutional Arrangement

The Climate Change Specialist will be based in Banjul and will have direct report and supervision to the Programme Management Specialist and working closely and collaboratively with the Programme Officer, both based in Banjul. S/He will also coordinate with the Regional Programme Specialist of the LoCAL Global Facility and the LoCAL Global Facility Manager as well as works in close collaboration with other Local Transformative Finance and LoCAL colleagues in the global, regional office or HQ based in country and across the region. The incumbent is expected to travel and engage the LoCAL implementing regions and would therefore sparingly be involved in limited travels out of duty station. In carrying out his/her work, the Climate Change Specialist will work in close collaboration with the UNCDF Gambia Programme Office team including specialists/consultants, various government line ministries, the Ward Development Committees (WDCs), the target CDAs and other LoCAL stakeholders


Core Competencies

  • Achieve Results: LEVEL 3: Set and align challenging, achievable objectives for multiple projects, have lasting impact;
  • Think Innovatively: LEVEL 3: Proactively mitigate potential risks, develop new ideas to solve complex problems;
  • Learn Continuously: LEVEL 3: Create and act on opportunities to expand horizons, diversify experiences;
  • Adapt with Agility: LEVEL 3: Proactively initiate and champion change, manage multiple competing demands;
  • Act with Determination: LEVEL 3: Think beyond immediate task/barriers and take action to achieve greater results;
  • Engage and Partner: LEVEL 3: Political savvy, navigate complex landscape, champion inter-agency collaboration;
  • Enable Diversity and Inclusion: LEVEL 3: Appreciate benefits of diverse workforce and champion inclusivity.

Functional/Technical competencies

Business Direction & Strategy 

  • System Thinking: Ability to use objective problem analysis and judgement to understand how interrelated elements coexist within an overall process or system, and to consider how altering one element can impact on other parts of the system.

Business Management

  • Project Management: Ability to plan, organize, priorities and control resources, procedures and protocols to achieve specific goals.

Partnership Management

  • Multi-stakeholder Engagement and Funding: Knowledge and ability to forge multi-stakeholder partnerships and remove any obstacles to resource mobilization and multi-stakeholder funding platforms;


  • Advocacy Strategy: Ability to create and implement advocacy strategies which lead to impactful change.

2030 Agenda: Planet: Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery

  • Climate Risk Management
  • Disaster and Climate Risk Governance.

2030 Agenda: Planet

  • Nature, Climate and Energy: Climate Change Policies: Governance / integrated planning for climate change investments in the context of urbanization.
Required Skills and Experience
  • Advanced university degree (master’s degree or equivalent) in Environmental Science and Management, Climate science, geographic studies, international development or a related field is required.
  • A first-level university degree (bachelor’s degree) in the areas stated above, in combination with an additional two years of qualifying experience will be given due consideration in lieu of the advanced university degree.
  • A minimum of five (5) years’ (with master’s degree) or seven (7) years’ (with bachelor’s degree) of relevant experience, in the field of climate change (preferably on adaptation), environmental management and/or Earth Science discipline, climate science applied to development is required;
  • At least three (3) years’ experience related to environmental assessments, climate risk and vulnerability assessments, climate modelling, geographical information system (GIS) and/or risk mapping, at the local level is required;
  • At least 3 years’ experience in context developing solution on climate action on how to tackle climate change at local level in The Gambia is required.
Required skills:
  • Experience and knowledge of climate change issues and its potential impacts on local economic development is required.
  • Experience in policy analysis, development work in the area of climate change and related issues is required;
  • Familiarity with and contributions to high-level policy dialogues and advisory functions involving high-level government counterparts and other stakeholders is required.
Desired additional skills:
  • Work experience with central government and line Ministries (Local Government & Environment) and knowledge of government systems is highly desirable;
  • Experience of designing, developing, and using knowledge products, mentoring, training, or outreach, in the context of climate change is highly desirable;
  • At least three (3) years’ experience working on policy, regulatory and technical specialist services with national and local counterparts is desired;
  • Experience and knowledge of the UNFCCC process and the role of climate finance is desired;
  • Experience with a UN organization/agency/international development sector is desirable.
  • Fluency in English and in one of the local languages (Mandinka, Pulaar, Wolof) is required.
Professional Certificates:
  • Environmental Certification is a distinct advantage.
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Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement.  We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.

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Gambia, Banjul


This job has expired.
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