Duties and Responsibilities
To build mutual trust and confidence and to promote effective implementation, the Paris Agreement established an enhanced transparency framework (ETF) for action and support (Art. 13), the mechanism to catalyse and track progress of the implementation of countries’ NDCs. In this respect, and while noting some flexibility for developing countries on the information to be reported, and providing Small SIDS the option to submit the information at their discretion, countries are expected to submit Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs), the first one to be submitted by 31 December 2024. The Paris Agreement also established through its Article 6 both market and non-market approaches for voluntary cooperation to reach their climate targets, amongst other through a high-integrity carbon crediting mechanism. The Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) was established in 2015 at the Conference of Parties (COP) that adopted the Paris Agreement to support implementation of the Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework. The Initiative works with over 50 developing countries. ICAT provides countries with tailored support and practical tools and methodologies to build robust transparency frameworks needed for effective climate action in sync with national development priorities. The projects ICAT supports relate to: building or enhancing transparency frameworks for mitigation; building a monitoring and evaluation approach for adaptation; building or enhancing frameworks to track progress in implementing nationally determined contributions; assessing the impacts of climate policies; estimating or enhancing projections of greenhouse gases; integrating and/or aggregating climate actions at the subnational level and by non-State actors; building a tracking system for just transition processes; establishing or enhancing a climate data system; and putting in place a framework to track climate finance. To support these areas, ICAT offers a suite of practical, open-source tools and methodologies to provide effective support to the transparency efforts of countries around the world. The UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre (UNEP CCC) is a leading international advisory organization on energy, climate, and sustainable development. Its work focuses on assisting developing countries and emerging economies in transitioning towards low-carbon, climate resilient development pathways and supports the integration of climate action into national development. UNEP CCC is actively engaged in implementing UNEP’s Climate Change Strategy and Energy Programme by delivering technical assistance and policy advice to developing countries and emerging markets in the context of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. As one of ICAT’s Implementing Partners, UNEP CCC has been selected to support the implementation of the ICAT Phase 3 in Mozambique. In order to be able to carry out reporting on implementation progress, as well as on support needed and received, an ETF needs to be established at the national level. Measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems are key elements to guarantee transparency, precision and comparability on climate change information. In response to the needed actions presented by the Paris Agreement, Mozambique requires a robust MRV system to track progress and impacts of mitigation and adaptation actions, and assess whether set targets are been achieved. Enhanced transparency through a robust MRV system will also support national policy decisions, and the tracking of climate finance flows received and needed. As part of its efforts to enhance its transparency capacities Mozambique has requested support from the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) to: – Align the previously developed institutional arrangement for the enhanced transparency framework and NDC Tracking framework with the recently updated National System for Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Change. – Enhance institutional capacities to monitor and track NDC implementation. – Enhance capacity to assess impacts of climate policies and sub-national adaptation plans to support preparation of new NDC and BTR submissions. – Share knowledge and lessons learned for replication of activities in other sectors and institutions. – Guide the development of criteria for the classification of measures relevant for the generation of Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes. The ICAT project in Mozambique will be implemented within the period of 1 September 2024 and 30 August 2025. For all ICAT activities, the main institutional partner is the Directorate of Climate Change of the Ministry of Land and Environment (DMC), where the UNFCCC focal points and the ICAT focal point are located. DMC will be responsible for guiding the consultant in the engagement with other stakeholders, including other ongoing projects with activities related to MRV and climate transparency. The ICAT phase 3 project will build upon the work done in the previous two phases of ICAT support, and will coordinate with other ongoing projects relevant for transparency of climate change, in order to stimulate synergies and avoid overlaps. UNEP CCC will review and sign-off all written deliverables, and provide technical support throughout project implementation. Specifically: – All deliverables specified in this TOR will be drafted by the consultant; – Feedback, comments and suggestions provided by DMC and by UNEP CCC, will be addressed by the consultant; – UNEP CCC to be ensured enough time to review in detail and provide feedback to the deliverables; – UNEP CCC will sign-off final version of deliverables.
Qualifications/special skills
A Master’s degree or equivalent in engineering, environment studies, business, management, administration or another relevant field is required. – A minimum of 7 years of work experience in the field of Environmental management, Climate change and/or measurement, reporting and verification. – A minimum of 5 years of work experience in project management and/or implementation. – Experience working with public institutions in Mozambique is required. The Expert should be in possession of strong inter-personal and verbal communication skills, possess proven analytical capabilities, as well as excellent writing skills. The Expert should have good knowledge of – and experience with – the organization of workshops and events.
Additional Information
To achieve the Consultancy Outcome listed under point 1.1, the Expert is tasked to fulfill the following activities: Project Coordination The Expert will support DMC in the coordination and implementation of ICAT activities through the following overall coordination tasks and responsibilities: – Booking regular meetings with national and international experts, DMC and UNEP CCC for status updates, feedback on outputs and coordination to ensure that activities are implemented according to the established work programme. – Lead the organization of meetings and workshops, by assisting UNEP CCC with logistics and procurement of potential venues and service providers, coordinate the delivery of services with the contracted service providers, identify and invite relevant stakeholders, and act as conferencier during the workshops. – Assess and report on the outcome of meetings workshops and outputs through the generation, dissemination and collection of responses from surveys, and drafting meeting and workshop reports. – Facilitate the implementation of activities through communication and coordination between national and international experts, national stakeholders, UNEP CCC and DMC. – Submit status report in conjunction with dedicated milestones set by meetings and workshops according to the established timeline. Output 1: Alignment of previously ICAT developed institutional arrangements for the enhanced transparency framework and NDC Tracking framework with parallel transparency related initiatives. Activity 1.1 Coordination, alignment and integration with other transparency efforts. Mozambique is coordinating a variety of efforts related to climate change, including parallel transparency initiatives. Amongst these, support from the EU will be provided for the development of an online platform, a National System for Climate Change Information Management (SNGIC). In addition, Mozambique is developing local adaptation plans by district, and EU support will also be used to develop a National System for Monitoring Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk Management (SNMVRC) which will integrate these local plans. In addition, Mozambique will develop a decree for carbon markets, and the alignment will also be considering transparency aspects of Article 6 participation. The institutional arrangements and NDC tracking framework developed through previous ICAT phases shall be revised to align and incorporate these upcoming systems that together will strengthen Mozambique climate change transparency capacities. Activity 1.2 Coordination with upcoming dashboards to ensure the applicability of previous ICAT outputs. A list of indicators and excel sheets for their monitoring has already been developed through the previous ICAT phases for tracking NDC actions. This activity will consist of knowledge dissemination to MTA on existing examples of online systems, and how previous ICAT outputs like reporting templates could and should be incorporated into the upcoming SNGIC. Output 2: Enhancement of institutional capacities to monitor and track NDC implementation. Activity 2.1: Prioritize indicators for NDC tracking. Phase 2 revealed that there are many data gaps that make the tracking of the identified indicators for NDC tracking not possible for Mozambique. This activity will review the excel sheets developed through previous ICAT phases and select the core indicators needed to track NDC implementation, considering data availability, while identifying potential data sources to fill data gaps. Activity 2.2 Development of NDC action tracking sheets. Energy, Waste, Agriculture Forest and Land-Used Change (AFOLU) and Water Sectors will be assisted on reporting for NDC based on existing tracking sheets but adjusted to prioritized indicators. The results of activities with these sectors will be disseminated to other sectors MRV experts through workshops. Activity 2.3 Build capacity for data collection together with national institutions. The activity consists of the collection of data together with national institutions and data champions to fill in NDC tracking sheets’ baseline values and define monitoring schedules and approaches. In some cases, data might be readily available within the institutions, but in most cases reporting structures will have to be established with other institutions to gather and aggregate data. The NDC tracking sheets will be complemented with a description of monitoring and reporting approach, and where needed plans for improvement of data gaps. Deliverables The following describes the expected deliverables: Deliverable #1: Consolidated national subsystem for MRV and Inception workshop report Report with revised and consolidated national subsystem for measuring, reporting and verification. A report describing the revised institutional arrangements and NDC tracking framework, incorporating upcoming systems and initiatives that together aim to strengthen Mozambique climate change transparency capacities, including the proposed incorporation into the upcoming National System for Climate Change Information Management (SNGIC) Inception workshop report A report summarizing the content and outcome of the Inception workshop, including: – The main findings of the MRV Expert’s deliverable Report with revised and consolidated national subsystem for measuring reporting and verification. – A summary of the discussions and outcomes of the workshop, including post workshop survey results. – A list of participating stakeholders with name, gender, position, affiliation, and contact information. Deliverable #2 1st quarterly status report A status report describing the progression of ongoing activities and outcome of the 1st quarterly meeting and working sessions with the institutions and data champions, including: – A summary of the advancement of activities and findings of implemented during the last quarter, including activities implemented by the Adaptation Expert. – A description of the engagement with national institutions and data champions. – Any preliminary developed tracking sheet for prioritized NDC actions developed by the MRV Expert – A summary of the discussions and outcomes of the quarterly meeting, including advancements, challenges, lessons learned, and expected future activities. – A list of participating stakeholders with name, gender, position, affiliation, and contact information. Deliverable #3 2nd quarterly status report and validation workshop report A status report describing the progression of ongoing activities and outcome of the 2nd quarterly meeting and working sessions with the institutions and data champions, including: – A summary of the advancement of activities and findings during the last quarter. – A description of the engagement with national institutions and data champions. – Preliminary developed tracking sheet for prioritized NDC actions. – A summary of the discussions and outcomes of the quarterly meeting, including advancements, challenges, lessons learned, and expected future activities. – A list of participating stakeholders with name, gender, position, affiliation, and contact information. – A summary of the implemented activities and findings of the Adaptation Expert. – A description of the engagement of the Adaptation Expert with selected Districts and local stakeholders for the assessment of the local adaptation plans. Deliverable #4 3rd quarterly status report A status report describing the progression of ongoing activities and outcome of the 2nd quarterly meeting and working sessions with the institutions and data champions, including: – A summary of the advancement of activities and findings during the last quarter. – A description of the engagement with national institutions and data champions. – Preliminary developed tracking sheet for prioritized NDC actions. – A summary of the discussions and outcomes of the quarterly meeting, including advancements, challenges, lessons learned, and expected future activities. – A list of participating stakeholders with name, gender, position, affiliation, and contact information. – A summary of the advancement of activities and findings of the Carbon Markets Expert. – A description of the engagement of the Carbon Markets Expert with national institutions – The main findings of the Adaptation Expert’s draft deliverable Report outlining the application of ICAT guidance(s) for estimating the ex-ante and ex-post impacts of the national climate policy / local adaptation plans , and proposal for improvement. – A summary of the discussions and outcomes of the validation workshop for the draft deliverable Report, including post workshop survey results. – A list of participating stakeholders with name, gender, position, affiliation, and contact information. Deliverable #5 4th quarterly status report, NDC tracking sheet report and final validation report A final validation report describing the overall implementation of ICAT activities, including: – A summary of the implemented activities and findings of the Carbon Markets Expert. – A description of the engagement of the Carbon Markets Expert with national institutions – The main findings of the Carbon Markets Expert’s deliverable Report describing institutional consultations and selection criteria for projects to be considered for NDC and carbon market activities. – A status report describing the progression of ongoing activities and outcome of the 4th quarterly meeting and working sessions with the institutions and data champions. – NDC tracking sheets for all prioritized NDC actions, including baseline data, and background report (minimum 5 pages) for each sheet including a description of monitoring and reporting approach, including institutional arrangements, and plans for improvement of data gaps where needed. – A summary of the discussions and outcomes of the final validation, including post workshop survey results. – A list of participating stakeholders with name, gender, position, affiliation, and contact information.