The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page.
The Carbon Pricing Unit (CPU) of GGGI is implementing several programs related to scaling up international carbon trading, now covered by Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. By opening these markets and the resultant flow of transactions it is envisaged a robust and reliable global price for carbon can be established, something many governments and private sector actors have long called for to motivate the transformational change needed to achieve the ambitious goals of Paris. GGGI’s Article 6 programs provide technical assistance and capacity building to government counterparts to improve their readiness for Article 6 engagement. These programs support the design of projects and policies for pilot transactions and strengthening of institutional frameworks required for their implementation.
The Supporting Preparedness for Article 6 Cooperation (SPAR6C) Program, funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German government, is a five year, 20M EUR program from 2022-2027. Its objective is to use Article 6 (A6) cooperative approaches to engage the private sector in NDC implementation and to raise ambition. This will enable cost-efficient, flexible, high integrity carbon markets with positive sustainability impacts. Transformative design of A6 pilots for real transactions of internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) will be enabled by research-based capacity building in four partner countries: Colombia, Pakistan, Thailand and Zambia. The program consists of six work packages, of which two are centrally managed and four are country driven. In the first two, best practice tools and approaches to implement cooperative mechanisms will be developed, underpinned by an international forum – a community of practice of Article 6 implementing countries – that brings together countries and practitioners, who share the common objective of raising ambition through markets. In-country implementation will focus on three areas of work in each of the four countries: 1) Long-term planning, 2) institutional readiness to transact and 3) pilot design and transactions. More than eight A6 pilot programs will be implemented in Colombia, Pakistan, Thailand and Zambia based on a toolbox of innovative guidance and approaches for transformative A6 design.
The program is implemented through a consortium led by GGGI and consisting of UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre, Carbon Limits AS, GFA Consulting Group GmbH, and Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH. The SPAR6C Program is supporting Colombia in developing its institutional, regulatory, and technical framework and capacities to embark on Article 6 transactions of ITMOs during the NDC implementation period 2020-2030. The program’s first stage has been the development of a Readiness and Needs Assessment for implementing Article 6 (RNA), which examines the country’s capacities and systems to consolidate a strategy, and guiding principles, institutional and procedural framework, and monitoring tools related to Article 6. The analysis was carried out based on secondary information registered in the NDC, the National GHG Emissions Inventory, the Biennial Update Report, and existing policies and regulations related to climate change, among others.
The RNA developed by the program identifies the need for the Government of Colombia to prioritize mitigation measures that could benefit more for participation in Article 6, in order to strategically participate in the mechanism. Given the implications of Article 6 for national NDC compliance due to the obligations of corresponding adjustments, GGGI is advising the government with various analyses that provide decision support for the determination of the eligibility of these measures.
One of these analyses relates to the inclusion of additional costs related to the implementation of the mitigation measures in the marginal abatement cost curves (MACC). In addition, GGGI is expected to construct additional MACC for new mitigation measures to be contemplated in the updated NDC. This will feed into financial gap analyses to evaluate the role that the Article 6 carbon market may have in financing the NDC targets, and furthermore the impact Article 6 can have on the national economy. All these can become relevant robust inputs that inform a business plan for participation in the Article 6 mechanism as well as the trajectory of implementation of mitigation actions to reach carbon neutrality by 2050, informing the update of the following NDCs including the carbon market as one of the financing instruments and increase ambition. Additionally, the SPAR6C program is contributing to assess the role of carbon markets in the climate finance and investment landscape in Colombia.
GGGI will conduct these analyses with various service providers. With this context, GGGI is seeking an experienced economics and financial expert to accompany these studies, provide technical orientation, review of products, quality control and quality assurance.
On the other hand, SPAR6C is embarking on studies scoping the viability of Article 6 for various mitigation activities and subsectors in Colombia, including green hydrogen, forest restoration and industrial logistics. It is expected that in 2025 Colombia will determine eligible sectors for Article 6, enabling SPAR6C to structure pilot projects for transactions.
The expert will support additional analyses related to the economic and financial dimensions of the mitigation activities developed by the program. The expert will advise and guide the program in the identification of financial gaps, improvement of cost information, development of financial scenarios and plans for A6 activities, and other recommendations related with implications and opportunities the country will have by participating in Article 6 carbon market and implementing the NDC mitigation actions.
GGGI is seeking an economic and finance expert that supports the preparation and implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement in Colombia as part of SPAR6C Program at GGGI Colombia and GGGI´s Carbon Pricing Unit.
Under supervision of the GGGI Colombia Senior Officer – Policy Coordinator & SPAR6C Colombia Coordinator, the consultant will support the following activities of Article 6 preparedness and implementation in Colombia:
The consultancy will be supervised by Senior Officer, Policy Coordinator and GGGI SPAR6C Colombia Manager, to ensure the timely and quality delivery of the products described in the contractual objectives. Follow up of activities will be done taking as reference the agreed working plan and further amendments as agreed.
The consultant will provide support and technical input for the implementation of SPAR6C Program in Colombia, through permanent advice and guidance to the expected results related to economic and mitigation modelling, tracking voluntary market finances, and develop pilot Article 6 transactions.
The consultant is expected to have biweekly interactions with the Senior Officer, Policy Coordinator and GGGI SPAR6C Colombia Project. The consultant will be asked to report progress in relation to contractual objectives, activities, and milestones during the meeting. The consultant shall support the GGGI team in internal and donor reports on the topics of the consultancy. Changes in the workplan could be agreed as a result between GGGI and the consultant.
Before submitting each deliverable, the consultant will be expected to share and circulate a draft version of the document with the GGGI Project Manager, allowing at least two weeks to receive comments and feedback. Submission of final deliverables must include a clean version as well as a tracked changes version (for MS Word documents) which includes responses to comments received. Additionally, the consultant will participate in bi-weekly meetings of the Project Team.
Within the framework of the Supporting Preparedness for Article 6 Cooperation Program, the consultant must promote and participate in dialogues with relevant stakeholders, provide technical inputs and develop proposals that support the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, acknowledging and taking into account the following objectives/activities of SPAR6C Program for Colombia:
The description of required expert may be split into following parts: