Conduct a Research and Write News/Story for the UNITAR Division for Prosperity

negotiable Expires in 3 months


Mission and objectives

UNITAR Division of Prosperity offers world-class learning and knowledge sharing services to present and future change-makers from developing countries, particularly youth and women, that are designed to shape an inclusive, sustainable and prosperous world.We train developing countries, particularly those facing socio-economic challenges including LDCs, LLCDs, SIDs and conflict/post conflict countries, and marginalized communities, including women and youth, with the skills for sustainable prosperity.Our programmes strive to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs, prioritizing the agenda’s goal to reach the furthest behind first to ensure no one is left behind. We offer evidenced-based learning services using cutting edge methodologies and technologies adaptable to the needs of the regions and individuals we serve.With our headquarters in Hiroshima, peacebuilding is central to our work.


The UNITAR Division for Prosperity is launching new training programmes, reaching out to more people who need learning opportunities for their communities and countries. Each participant in our training programmes has different background and history; thus, publishing each participants’ story will make a positive impact on future participants. Support by motivated Online Volunteers will help the Division better provide success stories and encourage future participants.

Task Description

The UNITAR Division for Prosperity is seeking motivated Online Volunteers with experience in journalistic writing to support the development of impactful participant stories. Volunteers will write a 2-3 page article in English, showcasing the impact of our training programmes. Each volunteer will be assigned to write one alumni story. Using written reports, sample alumni stories, writing guidelines and interview materials provided by UNITAR, volunteers will develop stories that highlight the experiences and achievements of our alumni. Additionally, volunteers are expected to conduct preparatory research on relevant topics, including the socio-economic contexts of the countries or regions where our participants live or work.

Competencies and values

Living conditions and remarks



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