Consultancy for an Individual to Conduct Research on Gender, Climate-Smart Agriculture and Rice Based Systems in Mali

negotiable Expired 1 year ago
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IFPRI is seeking a consultant/individual to prepare and finalize a discussion paper on “Gendered Constraints and Opportunities for More Widespread Scaling of CSA and CIS in Rice-Based Systems in Mali.”

Mali is one of the least developed countries with an economy that relies heavily on cereal production. Rice alone contributes around 5% of the country’s GDP. Although domestic rice production increased between 2000 and 2020, the gains were not enough to keep pace with local demand, and about 15% of rice sold on the national market is imported. Moreover, Mali has multiple vulnerabilities to climate variability and change. Climate projections suggest that average temperatures could increase approximately by 1°C by the 2030s and by 2–3°C by the 2060s, compared with a 1990 baseline, with an uncertain trend in rainfall. Even if rainfall does not decrease, crop available soil moisture would likely decrease due to increased evapotranspiration caused by higher temperatures and some of the current areas for crop production may become unsuitable. Rice yields are projected to decrease by about 30% by 2080 compared to 2000 in Mali, with even higher rice yield reductions in irrigated systems, which contribute 62% to total rice production.

There are four main rice growing environments in Mali—irrigated lowland, rainfed lowland, rainfed upland and submergence system—each with their own cropping systems. Women play an important role in rice and associated crop and animal production in the different growing environments. Yet women face greater constraints in responding to the negative impacts of climate change due to socio-cultural norms and differences in access to resources, improved technologies, and services. AICCRA-Mail aims to increase understanding of gendered options and constraints for managing climate risk and promoting broad-scale Climate Smart Agricultural (CSA) technologies and access to Climate Information Services (CIS), including for marginal groups, identify and make accessible CSA/CIS technology packages for sustainable scaling with identified benefits for rural women and men. Findings will be used to inform the design of CSA and CIS packages to be integrated into gender-sensitive climate-informed advisory services.

To better understand gender roles in rice-based systems in Mali and identify opportunities for women to contribute to climate smart agriculture, qualitative data were collected from 20 sites distributed across 6 regions, and 12 circles in Mali. Protocols for key informant interviews and focus group discussions were developed to cover the following topics:

· Gendered roles in farming systems and the influence of climate change (FGD1)

· Gendered perceptions of climate change and women’s and youth preferences and needs for CSA and CIS technologies (FGD2)

· Barriers and incentive mechanisms for CSA and CIS adoption by women and youth (FGD3)

This study will draw on qualitative data (transcripts) from focus group discussions and key informant interviews with men and women farmers in the main rice-growing environments of Mali. The consultant/individual will work with researchers at IFPRI and Africa Rice as co-authors of the paper.


· Analyze transcripts from the 40 focus group discussions and 32 key informant interviews. Code transcripts using an agreed upon set of thematic codes and sub-codes. (15 days)

· Coordinate with the study team at IFPRI and Africa Rice to develop a working paper manuscript. (8 days)

· Submit to Discussion Paper Series and respond to internal reviewer comments (usually light) and copyeditor queries. (2 days)



· Final set of thematic codes in consultation with study team. Transcripts analyzed using thematic codes.

· Draft Discussion Paper

· Final Discussion Paper


Duration Dates: Date of Signed contract – December 31, 2023

Level of Effort: 25 days


Qualifications Needed:

· Familiarity with research on gender, climate change, and food security/nutrition

· Track record of producing high quality publications

· Experience conducting qualitative data analysis (i.e., thematic coding of focus group and interview transcripts)

· Experience collaborating with partners in low-income countries

· Ability to read, write, and communicate in French

· Advanced degree in the social sciences (masters or doctorate)

Preferred Qualifications:

· Publication record on gender, climate change, agriculture, and food security issues

· Familiarity with rice-based farming systems

· Familiarity with the Mali context



Note: We are unable to respond to every applicant individually; only selected applicants will be contacted.



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