Consultancy for Situation Analysis and GBViE Assessment Toolkit Harmonisation, Humanitarian Response Division, UNFPA

Remote Work
negotiable Expires in 2 months


Purpose of consultancy:
UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. Under its new strategic plan (2022-2025) UNFPA aims to expand its humanitarian response capacity to better safeguard the lives of women, adolescents and youth- especially adolescent girls, while also addressing mental health and psychosocial support needs. As part of its broader mandate to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights globally, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is committed to preventing and responding to Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies (GBViE).

The Humanitarian Response Division of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has been at the forefront of addressing GBV in emergencies (GBViE) and producing tools, resources and guidance documents through various initiatives, such as the development and launch of the Inter-Agency GBV Case Management E-learning, and the mapping and development of guidance for establishing Women and Girls Safe Spaces (WGSS). These efforts are part of a larger strategy to strengthen the quality and reach of GBV services globally. To support this mission, UNFPA is seeking a consultant to conduct a situation analysis and stocktake of its GBViE response systems and tools to better understand areas of strengths, identify gaps and opportunities to enhance the effectiveness of UNFPA’s GBViE programming in humanitarian settings. The ultimate goal is to ensure that UNFPA’s GBViE response remains survivor-centered, adaptable to various crises, responsive to the evolving needs of those affected by GBV in crisis contexts and aligned with global Minimum Standards for GBV Programming in Emergencies.

Objectives of the Consultancy

The consultancy has two main objectives:

1) Conduct a Situational Analysis of UNFPA’s GBViE Response Systems and Tools in Humanitarian settings (focus on countries with Humanitarian Response Plans/Flash Appeals. The objective of this task is to conduct a comprehensive situational analysis of UNFPA’s Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies (GBViE) response systems and tools in humanitarian settings. This analysis will identify strengths, gaps, and areas for improvement to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of UNFPA’s GBViE interventions. The Situational Analysis will focus on:

● Stocktake of current UNFPA’s GBViE response to identify strengths and best practices, highlighting successful practices and strengths that can be scaled and showcasing examples where UNFPA’s interventions have made a significant positive impact.

● Identifying gaps and challenges by analysing areas where UNFPA’s GBViE response might be falling short, focused on alignment to the Inter-Agency Minimum Standards for GBV programming in Emergencies. Make concrete recommendations to address gaps.

● Review of Progress Towards the achievement of GBViE Capacity Development Plan and identify new needs. As UNFPA reaches the midpoint of its three-year GBViE Capacity Development Plan, it is crucial to take stock of progress to date and chart a strategic path for the remainder of the implementation period. This milestone provides an opportunity to assess the current state of the plan, identify areas needing acceleration or enhanced rollout, and respond to emerging needs. The review process will include assessing key achievements, identifying gaps, and highlighting priorities that have emerged since the plan’s inception. A brief mid-term report will capture these findings, summarizing progress to date, highlighting priority areas for prioritization and capacity investment to ensure that our capacity-building approach is fit for purpose, and providing forward-looking recommendations. This report will also include analysis of trends in capacity-building needs across regions and countries, identify effective capacity-building methodologies, and incorporate feedback from UNFPA GBViE staff at regional and country levels on preferred approaches. Additionally, it will identify potential gaps and areas for scaling up to ensure a holistic approach to capacity strengthening.

2) Development of Harmonised/Standardised GBViE Assessment Toolkit.

● Conduct a mapping and review of existing assessment tools used for GBViE assessments across UNFPA, focusing on HRP (Humanitarian Response Plan) and Flash Appeal countries, to identify areas of overlap and divergence.
● Develop a harmonized GBViE Assessment Toolkit that provides a structured framework and practical resources to support UNFPA country offices and partners in conducting both rapid and comprehensive GBV assessments in emergency settings. The toolkit will include:
a. An overview of GBViE assessment processes in crisis contexts
b. Tools for various types of assessments
c. Best practices and step-by-step guidance for effective GBViE assessments
● The toolkit will be designed to enhance safe and ethical data collection, support evidence-based decision-making, and align with Standard 14 of the Inter-Agency Minimum Standards for GBV Programming in Emergencies. This deliverable aims to standardize GBViE assessment practices and promote safe and ethical GBV assessments in humanitarian settings

Scope of work:

The consultant is expected to employ a participatory approach that includes the following key activities:
● Desk review: Analyze relevant documents, including the current GBViE capacity development plan, existing GBViE Assessment Tools, Inter-Agency GBV Minimum Standards + its M&E Framework, and other related materials to understand the context and identify key areas for review.
● Stakeholder Engagement & Consultations: Conduct interviews, focus group discussions, and consultations with key stakeholders, including representatives from UNFPA regional and country offices, partner organizations, government representatives to gain insights and perspectives on strength, gaps and the GBViE Capacity Building Plan and its implementation. Ensure that a diverse range of perspectives is included, especially from those directly involved in GBViE programming.

● Collaboration with UNFPA Teams: Work closely with UNFPA’s technical and programmatic teams to ensure that findings and recommendations are aligned with organisational priorities and strategic objectives.

Indicative Timeline (December 2024 to April 2025):

1) Inception and Data Collection Phase (2 months)
● Produce an inception report that provide overview of methodology, approach, tools, work plan, timeline) based on the scope of this ToR. Consultations should be held with UNFPA country, regional and global (HRD) teams including Regional Humanitarian Advisors in addition to analysis to guiding documents and frameworks.
● Conduct all data collection including secondary data review

2) GBViE Assessment Toolkit (1 months)
● Mapping/ Review existing GBViE assessment tools used across UNFPA in humanitarian contexts.
● Develop a standardised/harmonised GBViE Assessment Toolkit that includes an overview of GBViE assessments in crises, a variety of tools for conducting rapid and comprehensive assessments, safety and ethical considerations for GBV assessments, and step-by-step guidance on conducting effective assessments, with a focus on best practices.
3). Final report and dissemination of findings/feedback loop to UNFPA (1 month)

The contract is a full-time consultancy of 5 months, starting 1st December 2024 until March 2025
The total number of days is: 109 days (there will be no field mission involved)

Supervisory arrangements:
The consultant works under the technical guidance of the GBViE specialist.
Humanitarian Response Divisions consultancies are under the overall guidance of the HRD Director. All final products and deliverables need to be approved by the Director.

Expected Travel:

Required Expertise and Qualifications:

● Advanced degree in social sciences, gender studies, public health, research, or a related field

Knowledge and experience:
● Advanced degree in, social sciences,public health, gender studies, or a related field.
● At least 5 years of relevant experience, including recent field experience working with GBV programming specifically in remote and low resource settings and/or humanitarian is a must.
● Familiarity with UNFPA’s GBV and SRH work in humanitarian contexts is a considerable advantage, especially if in the identified priority countries.
● Previous experience leading or conducting assessments (survey / interview tool design, data collection and analysis, visualisation and / or reporting) an asset.
● Demonstrated experience in conducting field consultations, data collection, and developing guidance documents or toolkits. Experience developing GBViE Assessment toolkits will be a plus.
● Strong analytical and writing skills, with the ability to translate complex concepts into practical guidance.
● Previous experience working in multi-cultural environments / with people from diverse backgrounds is an asset.
● Excellent interpersonal skills – friendly and warm personality, can create positive rapport with colleagues quickly – even if remotely.
● Excellent planning and organizational skills
● Good research / data management skills (collect, analyse, present and disseminate all necessary information; no advanced software knowledge or IT skills required)
● Good analytical skills (make recommendations based on findings)
● Good communication skills, including oral and written.
● Initiative-taking and resourcefulness.
● Professional level of English with strong writing skills
● Other UN languages are a plus.

Required competencies:

● Exemplifying integrity
● Demonstrating commitment to UNFPA and the UN system
● Embracing cultural diversity
● Embracing change
Core Competencies:
● Achieving results
● Being accountable
● Developing and applying professional expertise/ business acumen
● Thinking analytically and strategically
● Working in teams/ managing ourselves and our relationships
● Communicating for impact
Functional Skill Set:
● Results based programme development and management
● Job knowledge, technical expertise
● Innovation and marketing of new approaches
● Leveraging the resources of national partners/building strategic alliances and partnerships
● Advocacy/Advancing a policy-oriented agenda

How to Apply:
Please send your CV and a cover letter outlining your approach to the assignment. Please include a proposed work plan, timeline, and expected fees. If available, please also include some samples of previous work, particularly guidance documents or reports related to the topic.

Application should be sent to [email protected] by 25th November 2024, quoting “Situation Analysis and GBViE Assessment Toolkit Harmonisation” in the subject line.

Late applications will not be accepted. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advanced to the next stage of the selection process.

Remote Work
UN Jobline