Consultancy – Gender-based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS) Specialist, Humanitarian Response Division

Remote Work
negotiable Expired 7 months ago
This job has expired.


Purpose of consultancy:
The Gender-Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS) is located in the Programme Support Unit of the Humanitarian Response Division (HRD). Under the guidance and supervision of the GBViE Specialist (P4), the GBVIMS Specialist will work closely with the GBVIMS Steering Committee, UNFPA Regional and Country offices, and implementing partners for the successful implementation of this initiative. The GBVIMS Specialist will provide on and off-site technical support to the GBVIMS roll-out process, with a focus on conflict-affected countries and contexts where the GBVIMS has already been introduced. Provide ongoing technical support to the roll-out process, and liaise with the GBVIMS Steering Committee to coordinated training initiatives programmatic and technical support for UNFPA country offices. S/he will be responsible for making improvements and adjustments to the system based on the field roll-out experiences and GBVIMS review recommendations, ensuring that the logic/rationale of the incident recorder, incident classification system within ethical and safety considerations. She/he will work closely with the different work streams and task teams in HRD.

Scope of work:
A. Technical support

● Provide technical support on GBVIMS to UNFPA country offices and coordinate with the GBVIMS SC and the Technical Team in line with the findings and recommendations of the GBVIMS review.
● Coordinate the processing of technical assistance requests liaising with UNFPA regional offices to find suitable experts for the technical assistance, where necessary.
● Provide technical support to rollout the Guidance Note on the intersections between GBVIMS and the Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Arrangements on conflict-related sexual violence (MARA) in conflict and post-conflict settings.
● Provide coordination and technical support to the development of the next generation of the GBVIMS in line with the GBVIMS findings and recommendations.
● Participate in key relevant consultations and regular meetings of the GBVIMS SC.
● Coordinate, facilitate and document field rollouts of the GBVIMS
● Develop UNFPA technical guidance on GBVIMS and provide technical support in its rollout.
● Support the consultant to conduct and finalise the GBVIMS review.
● Coordinate the implementation of recommendations of the GBVIMS review.

B. Inter-agency coordination
● Ensure effective coordination of GBVIMS with relevant stakeholders and platforms at a global level, including GBVIMS SC.
● Maintain and disseminate updated information on the GBVIMS rollout coordinating with the GBVIMS SC members.
● Coordinate regular meetings and conference calls with the GBVIMS SC and GBVIMS Technical Team.
● Set up a global monitoring system of the implementation of the GBVIMS
● Collect baseline data on GBVIMS (on an bi-annual basis)
● Ensure the continuous use and implementation of the guidance and tools developed to monitor the implementation of the GBVIMS
● Formulate project proposals to support and/or sustain the GBVIMS rollout.
● Coordinate with relevant stakeholders both internal and external, including the GBVIMS SC, on the development and submission of proposals to potential donors.
● Develop interim/end-of-project reports for donors
● Ensure implementation of the recommendations of the GBVMS review.

C. Programme Management and Implementation
● Provide managerial and coordination support to the implementation of the GBV Capacity Development.
● Effectively manage, coordinate and communicate project-related issues at the global level
● Maintain and disseminate timely and updated information on the rollout of GBVIMS.

D. Technical Representation
● Represent UNFPA on the GBVIMS in relevant forums and global networks

Any other duties:
Performs any other duties as may be directed by the GBViE Specialist, Head of the Programme Support Unit, the Director and/or Deputy Director, including emergency deployment.

Delivery dates and how work will be delivered:

Electronic and hard copies, depending on the needs and as required.


Full time, 3 months (1st October – 31st December 2024), with possibility of extension through 30th June 2025

Supervisory arrangements:
Reports to GBViE Specialist
Humanitarian Response Division consultancies are under the overall guidance and supervision of the HRD Director. All final products and deliverables need to be approved by the Director.

Expected Travel:
Not anticipated

Required Expertise and Qualifications:

Advanced university degree in public health, social work, demography, social science, international development or other related field.

Knowledge and Experience:
● 5 years of program management experience, preferably including at least 2 years implementing a GBV program in a humanitarian context
○ Experience in developing and facilitating workshops and training
○ Demonstrated capacity to analyse data/statistics for humanitarian operations
○ Excellent computer skills: MS Word, Excel, Access and database software, including in depth knowledge of pivot table/chart analysis
○ Demonstrated understanding of issues related to confidentiality, data safety and other ethical concerns related to the sharing on sensitive data between humanitarian agencies
● Demonstrated organisational skills: the ability to work independently and productively, with multiple stakeholders in a fast-pace environment
● Excellent interpersonal and communication skills: the ability to successfully and effectively liaise with people in a wider range of functions in a multicultural environment

● Fluency in English is required. Working knowledge of French is a strong asset. Working knowledge of other UN languages is an asset.

How to Apply:
Please send your application and a short letter of motivation, including expected fees, with “GBV IMS Consultant” quoted in the subject line to [email protected] by 26th June 0024.
Late applications will not be accepted. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advanced to the next stage of the selection process.

Remote Work
This job has expired.
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