South Korea
negotiable Expired 1 year ago
This job has expired.



I. Background

1. The Green Climate Fund (GCF)—a critical element of the historic Paris Agreement—is the world’s largest climate fund mandated to support low-emission, climate-resilient development pathways. As an operating entity of the financial mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), GCF contributes to the goal of keeping an average global temperature rise well below two degrees Celsius.

The Fund seeks to engage a CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO CONDUCT A 360-DEGREE ASSESSMENT OF THE GCF ACCREDITATION PANEL to carry out the tasks, duties and responsibilities, deliver the set deliverables and provide support to the hiring unit as detailed below. This is remote/home-based assignement.

2. The GCF was designated as an operating entity of the financial mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (“UNFCCC”). It is governed and supervised by a Board that has responsibility for funding decisions pursuant to the Governing Instrument for the Green Climate Fund. It is supported by an independent Secretariat, accountable to the Board, having management capabilities to execute day‐ to‐day operations of the GCF, providing administrative, legal and financial expertise. The GCF’s headquarters are located in Songdo, Incheon City, Republic of Korea.
3. The GCF Accreditation Panel (AP) was established as an independent technical panel to advise the Board on matters related to the accreditation of entities to the GCF and is responsible for conducting the accreditation process. The AP is composed of six experts for one term of three years and prior to the expiry of each of their terms, each member of the AP shall undergo a performance review.
4. To achieve this, the GCF is seeking to engage an individual with relevant experience and proven record on facilitating peer reviews, particularly 360-degree assessments.
5. The objective of this assignment is to assist and facilitate the performance review of the Assessees. More specifically, to design/offer a powerful development tool to conduct a 360‐degree assessment exercise in which the Assessees would be able to reflect through self‐evaluation and receive anonymous feedback from the people with whom she/he works closely as per the “Guiding principles and methodology for the performance review of members of the Accreditation Panel of the Green Climate Fund”.
6. The GCF invites eligible individuals (“consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (profiles, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, managerial and technical capability etc.). Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications.

Preferred background and qualifications:
• Master’s degree level education in an appropriate topic: HR management, Psychology, Social Sciences;
• At least 10 years of experience of similar work facilitating peer reviews, particularly 360 degree assessments;
• Strong credibility and ability to maintain the integrity of the process;
• Ability to meet deadlines with attention to detail and quality;
• Excellent writing and reporting skills; and
• Ability to maintain absolute and appropriate confidentiality.

Additional information:
• Terms of reference of the performance review of members of the Accreditation Panel
• Guiding principles and methodology for the performance review of members of the Accreditation Panel of the Green Climate Fund
• Terms of reference of the GCF’s Accreditation Panel

Terms of reference of the performance review of members of the Accreditation Panel (decision B.BM-2017/03, annex III)
I. Introduction
7. The Accreditation Panel (AP), in accordance with decision B.07/02, paragraph (g), was established as an independent technical panel to advise the Board on matters related to the accreditation of entities to the Green Climate Fund (GCF). Furthermore, the AP is responsible for conducting the accreditation process in accordance with its terms of reference as contained in annex V to decision B.07/02 (annex V to document GCF/B.07/11). The AP is composed of six experts for one term of three years and was endorsed by the Board in decisions B.08/20 and B.BM-2015/01.
8. The GCF endeavours to nurture and develop talent in order to promote the most effective use of their expertise; to determine the quality of their service; to recognize their achievements; and to identify their training and development needs.
9. The Board notes the importance of providing feedback and evaluating performance, in order to facilitate learning and continuous improvement in the day-to-day operations of the AP.
10. The Board proposes to conduct a 360-degree assessment exercise of the AP members (Assessees). This would help the Assessees to gain insights on how she/he is perceived by other AP members and stakeholders and have an opportunity to adjust behaviours and develop skills that will enable her/him to excel at her/his role.
11. This Request for Proposals (RFP) seeks to identify an independent external evaluation firm that will undertake the tasks described below.

II. Objective of the assignment
12. The objective of the assignment is to assist and facilitate the performance review of the Assessees in accordance with the “Guiding principles and methodology for the performance review of members of the Accreditation Panel of the Green Climate Fund” (Annex III to this document).

III. Scope and focus of the assignment
13. The independent consultant or firm would design/offer a powerful development tool to conduct a 360-degree assessment exercise in which the Assessees would be able to reflect through self-evaluation and receive anonymous feedback from the people with whom she/he works closely as per the “Guiding principles and methodology for the performance review of members of the Accreditation Panel of the Green Climate Fund” (Annex III to this document).
14. In general, the tool will include, but may not be limited to, the following features:
(a) Designed to collect objective feedback from:
(i) A sampling of members of the Board and alternate Board members;
(ii) Relevant individual staff members of the Secretariat;
(iii) Other AP members; and
(iv) A sample of accredited entities;
(b) Internet-based administration and data collection;
(c) The capacity to administer to any number of respondents mentioned in paragraph 8(a) above;
(d) Utmost confidentiality;
(e) Detailed report and analysis with ratings, verbatim comments and graphs indicating strengths and areas for development; and
(f) Based on research conducted on the performance review processes of similar positions in comparable institutions.
15. The scope of the performance review of the members of the AP will include:
(a) Understand the organization’s mission and the mandate and role of the Assessees;
(b) Identify dimensions/behaviours to be measured with respect to the terms of reference of the Assessees, as contained in annex V to decision B.07/02, and the “Guiding principles and methodology for the performance review of members of the Accreditation Panel of the Green Climate Fund” (Annex III to this document);
(c) Draft and finalize the questionnaire for the 360-degree assessment exercise;
(d) Facilitate the steps outlined in the ‘Methodology’ section of the “Guiding principles and methodology for the performance review of members of the Accreditation Panel of the Green Climate Fund” (Annex III to this document); and
(e) Present a detailed report to the Board, through the Secretariat, and to each Assessee.

IV. Deliverables
16. The deliverables include a detailed report that addresses the following matters:
(a) The criteria for reviewing performance;
(b) Review of performance of each members of the AP against the criteria; and
(c) Recommendations.

V. Reporting arrangements
17. The detailed report referred to in paragraph 10 above prepared by the independent consultant or firm will be provided to the Board.
18. The independent consultant or firm shall keep the Board regularly updated with respect to progress related to the performance review via the Board or Board-approved representative(s).

VI. Duration of the consultancy
19. The consultancy is expected to take up to a maximum of four weeks starting from the date of signature of contract by both parties, subject to adjustments as required and mutually agreed.

Guiding principles and methodology for the performance review of members of the Accreditation Panel of the Green Climate Fund (decision B.BM-2017/03, annex II)
20. The Board per decision B.07/02, paragraph (g), established the GCF’s Accreditation Panel (AP) as an independent technical panel to advise the Board on matters related to the accreditation of entities to the GCF. The AP is comprised of six expert members with balanced representation between developing and developed countries and the appropriate range of expertise, and each AP member is nominated by the Accreditation Committee for endorsement by the Board.
21. The scope of the AP’s responsibilities are defined in the AP’s terms of reference (annex V to decision B.07/02).
22. This document includes guiding principles and the methodology for the performance review of each member of the AP.

I. Guiding principles
23. The review should:
(a) Take into account the accountability of the AP to the Board of the GCF;
(b) Cover the entire period of each AP member’s term, which commenced in accordance with relevant decisions B.08/20, B.BM-2015/01 and B.13/07; and
(c) Be conducted with a spirit of openness and positivity towards giving and receiving feedback.

II. Methodology
24. The performance review of AP members will be undertaken by an independent consultant or firm that will:
(a) Facilitate the self-assessment of the performance of AP members with regard to the duties adopted in annex V to decision B.07/02; and
(b) Develop and implement an online 360-degree assessment exercise eliciting feedback from:
(i) A sampling of members of the Board and alternate Board members;
(ii) Relevant individual staff members of the Secretariat;
(iii) Other AP members; and
(iv) A sample of accredited entities.
25. The 360-degree assessment exercise will collect qualitative and quantitative feedback on the AP members’ performance, including their contributions within their technical expertise, in line with the AP’s terms of reference in annex V to decision B.07/02:
(a) Governance systems, financial management, audit and control framework;
(b) Project management cycle and activity oversight;
(c) Transparency, investigation and anti-fraud provisions;
(d) Environmental and social safeguards and environmental and social management systems;
(e) Financial intermediation and/or financial sector supervision and oversight; and
(f) Experience in working in/with developing countries.
26. The assessment will also include evaluation of the essential competencies for the role – integrity, ethical behaviour, teamwork, communications, and ability to meet deadlines.
27. The independent consultant or firm will:
(a) Collate and review the information from the self-assessment, 360-degree assessment exercise and interview;
(b) Provide feedback to the individual AP members, for validation of the results and to give them valuable feedback on how their performance is perceived by other AP members and stakeholders;
(c) Report to the Board, through the Secretariat, the collated information on the performance review of the AP members at the seventeenth meeting of the Board to enable the Board to reach an overall assessment of performance, taking into account the recommendation of the independent consultant or firm; and
(d) Keep all personal information absolutely confidential, disclosing only to those who have the agreed privilege to view the data.

Terms of reference of the Fund’s Accreditation Panel (decision B.07/02, Annex V)
II. Role and mandate
28. The Accreditation Panel (the Panel) will be an independent technical panel of the Fund to advise the Board on matters relating to:
(a) Independent technical advice to the Board on the results of the in-depth assessment and review of individual applications for accreditation;
(b) Expertise in good-practice fiduciary principles and standards, financial intermediation functions, intermediation regulations and oversight;
(c) Expertise in environmental and social safeguards, as well as in evaluating environmental and social management systems in order to ensure that applicant entities have the capacity to implement and oversee the Fund’s interim and subsequent ESS;
(d) Expertise in international and recognized good practices in accreditation procedures and systems;
(e) Expert policy advice on developing countries’ special circumstances, including sustainability and climate-related issues;
(f) Members of the Panel will have a three-year term, with the possibility of renewal for a maximum of another consecutive term.

III. Composition and quorum
29. The Panel will be composed of six senior expert members, ensuring balanced representation between developing and developed countries and appropriate range of expertise.
30. The Panel may also invite senior expert observer members, on an ad-hoc or regular basis, to participate at sessions where no confidential information will be discussed.
31. The Secretariat will participate ex-officio.
32. Quorum will consist of participation by at least four senior expert members.

3.1 Chair and Vice-Chair
33. The Panel will appoint its Chair and Vice-Chair. In the event of absence or inability to participate in meetings of the Panel by the Chair, the Vice-Chair will automatically chair the meetings.
34. The mandate of the Chair and Vice-Chair will extend for one year.

3.2 Senior expert members
35. The senior expert members of the Panel will be selected and appointed through a nomination by the Board members and alternates of the Panel and endorsement by the Board. The composition of the senior expert members should ensure availability in the Panel of the following core areas of competency:
(a) Governance systems, financial management, audit and control framework;
(b) Project management cycle and activity oversight;
(c) Transparency, investigation and anti-fraud provisions;
(d) Environmental and social safeguards and environmental and social management systems;
(e) Financial intermediation and/or financial sector supervision and oversight;
(f) Experience in working in/with developing countries.
36. Senior expert members will therefore demonstrate recognized capacity and expertise in their fields of competency, supported by a successful career track at senior and executive level. In addition to this, each senior expert member will be able to demonstrate unquestionable personal reputation, integrity and ethical behaviour throughout her or his professional trajectory.
37. Senior expert members may be appointed for a consecutive term.

3.3 Expert observer members
38. Expert observer members from specialized entities may be invited to participate in the non-confidential meetings or sessions of the Panel as deemed necessary in order to enhance the capacity of its work.
39. The Panel will issue an invitation to the expert observer member, or the institution s/he represents.
40. The Panel will agree, in consultation with the Secretariat, on the modalities for participation by expert observers. These modalities may be revised at any time to reflect the evolving needs of the Panel.

IV. Modalities of work
41. The Panel will operate as a senior and independent technical advisory body of the Fund, and will report and be accountable to the Board. The Panel will be bound by these terms of reference as well as by relevant policies and procedures, including a code of conduct, to be developed by the Panel and endorsed by the Board. The rules and procedures of the Board, as well as any other relevant guidelines to be adopted by the Board, will apply mutatis mutandis to the Panel.
42. Meetings of the Panel may be held with members being either physically or electronically present. The dates and modalities of meetings will be determined by the Panel taking into account criteria of efficiency and effectiveness.
43. The Chair of the Panel will define the agenda and calendar of meetings of the Panel.
44. The Panel may also develop rules and procedures, in addition to the above, that are necessary to enhance transparency and effectively guide the conduct of its meetings. The Panel will submit to the Board the additional agreed rules and procedures for endorsement.
45. In conducting the review of applications for accreditation, the Panel may decide to make use of additional external technical experts. The Panel will clearly allocate responsibilities for the external technical expert, which will be included in their mission plan.
46. The Panel, with support from the Secretariat, will maintain a roster of external technical experts and develop standard terms of reference for their work.

V. Compensation
47. Travel and accommodation costs, per diem payment and a daily fee will be paid to senior expert members attending a meeting of the Panel in accordance with the Fund’s rules and regulations.
48. If a senior expert member of the Panel is requested to carry out a specific task between meetings, they will be compensated for the task undertaken by means of payment of daily fees, subject to the input being of good quality and delivered in good time. The daily fee will be determined in accordance with the Fund’s rules and regulations. The number of days necessary to complete a task will be determined by the Chair of the Panel in consultation with the Secretariat.
49. Travel and accommodation costs, per diem payment and a daily fee will be paid to external technical experts in accordance with the Fund’s rules and regulations and the external technical experts’ terms of reference.
50. Expert observers will not receive any payment and will be supported in their participation in meetings entirely by the entities they represent or in their own capacity.

VI. Disclosure of conflict of interest
51. All members of the Panel should disclose any actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest in relation to any of the activities, discussions and recommendations of the Panel, which will be duly recorded.
52. Furthermore, at the time of appointment, all members of the Panel will sign the oath contained in the Appendix to these terms of reference.

VII. Revision and termination of the terms of reference of the Panel
53. The Board may revise these terms of reference as necessary in order to incorporate lessons learned and to reflect the evolving needs of the accreditation process of the Fund.
54. The mandate and terms of reference of the Panel may be revised or terminated by the Board, if deemed necessary.

Appendix: Oath to be taken by members of the Accreditation Panel

“I solemnly declare that I shall perform my duties as a member of the Accreditation Panel (the Panel) of the Green Climate Fund (the Fund), honourably, faithfully, impartially and conscientiously.
I further solemnly declare and promise that I shall disclose any financial interest or any other real or perceived conflict of interest in: the accreditation of subnational, national, regional and/or international intermediaries and IEs of the Fund; the consideration and provision of advice on best-practice fiduciary principles and standards and environmental and social safeguards; and, in general, in any other matter in connection with the fulfilment of the mandate of the Panel.
I shall refrain from participating in the consideration of accreditation applications or policy discussions where any financial interest or any other real or perceived conflict of interest may arise, or where any personal circumstance might be incompatible with the requirements of integrity and impartiality expected of a member of the Panel.
Subject to my responsibilities to the Panel, I shall not disclose, even after the termination of my functions, any confidential or proprietary information which is transferred to the Board, the Panel or the Secretariat, or any other confidential information coming to my knowledge by reason of my duties for the Panel.”

Full name:




Applications from women and nationals of developing countries are strongly encouraged.

Please indicate your earliest availability to take up the assignment.

The closing date for applications is 08 September 2023, 11:59 PM (KST). Applications submitted after the closing date may not be considered.



South Korea


This job has expired.