In March 2022, the UN Secretary-General launched the Early Warnings for All initiative (EW4All) with the ambitious aim to create a world where every person, everywhere in the world has access to a life-saving early warning system. At COP27, an Executive Action Plan was presented to guide the implementation of the initiative. It underlines the importance of partnerships and inclusive multistakeholder engagement as critical cross cutting enablers for successful implementation of the initiative and commits to the organization of annual Multi-Stakeholder Fora (MSF).
Five regional EW4All MSF were organized in 2024 and early 2025, and the outcomes of those discussions have helped shape the discussions the first Global EW4All MSF, to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 2-3 June 2025. This conference will bring together global, regional, national and local actors to promote peer-to-peer and cross-regional learning, share good practices and experiences, build new partnerships and identify ways to close remaining gaps on early warnings.
The Global EW4All MSF consists of six thematic sessions in the margins of the 8th Global Platform for DRR. It is guided by the following principles: coherence with global agendas; multi-stakeholder approach; focus on those most at risk and ensuring that no one is left behind; interactive, innovative, scientific-based and impact-focused; inclusion and accessibility; gender equality and the promotion of women’s agency and leadership; green and paper smart; and risk-conscious.
The EW4All MSF conference organizers are looking for two conference Graphic Recorder / Visual Note-Taker, to capture and visually represent the key points, discussions, and themes of the eight sessions of the MSF conference (each applicant to apply for 4 sessions). Applications are individual.
The Graphic Recorder will be asked to use artistic skills to transform verbal information into visual formats, such as illustrations, infographics, and mind maps, making complex ideas more accessible and engaging.
This live note-taking process will be conducted in-person in the conference venue, to allow participants to have visual references to enhance group insights and understanding.
The audience for these visual artifacts will be: the participants to the EW4All MSF sessions; the participants to the GPDRR sessions on 4-6 June (the visual artifacts will be exposed at the conference venue after the end of the EW4All MSF); and online viewers via institutional social media channels.
The Risk-informed Early Action Partnership, hosted by the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, is the hiring lead for the purpose of this consultancy. The consultant will be contracted by the IFRC and the standard contractual terms will apply.
Application Instructions