The objective of this requisition is to recruit a short-term consultant to prepare and conduct a rigorous impact evaluation (IE) of the Cash for Work (CfW) approach implemented under the Labour Intensive Works Program (LIWP) of the Social Fund for Development (SFD) in Yemen.
The LIWP’s objective is to increase the resilience of chronically or transitory poor households and reduce the negative effects of shocks and crises by creating short-term employment in construction of community infrastructure as well as to increase the community assets.
The IE will examine the effectiveness of the LIWP at targeting the poorest households and will assess the effects/impacts on resilience of participating households and communities both through the additional income generation as well as through enhanced access to basic infrastructure applying a counterfactual scenario. The results of the IE shall provide lessons learnt for future CfW-programming in Yemen and similar contexts and contribute to filling existing evidence gaps.
To evaluate the impact of the LIWP on both household and community resilience, the study shall analyze the effect of the LIWP on their resources and capacities to adapt, transform and absorb including their preparation and coping strategies. Therefore, the evaluation shall causally identify impacts of the LIWP on relevant constituents of household resilience including income, food security, (productive) assets, debt, employment and employability, skills from participation in the CfW activities, as well as confidence/despair/aspirations. It shall further analyze impacts on the community level. The evaluation shall differentiate short/medium term from longer term impacts. The terms of reference requests an evaluation to accomplish a variety of different goals. Among the goals listed, we can distinguish between six main types in terms of the types of analysis they imply:
(1) causally identify impacts of the LIWP on a range of household outcomes,
(2) analyse impacts on the community level
(3) differentiate short/ medium/ and long-term impacts,
(4) evaluate the targeting strategy,
(5) measure spill-over impacts
(6) compare the impacts of the program with cash transfers.
The specific focus of the evaluation and key evaluation questions shall be discussed and agreed upon with all project partners in a kick-off workshop at the beginning of the inception phase.
The total duration of the IE is of 36 months, indicatively starting in May 2023 and finishing in May 2026. The main step consists of:
2. Data collection
3. Data procession and analysis
4. Reporting and dissemination of results
Research and evaluation skills and experience
Sectoral knowledge and experience
General skills
The evaluation team shall be headed by a team leader with proven experience in leading an evaluation team for a similar assignment. The team leader should have at least 5 years of experience in similar positions.