Consultant (individual) for the Study of Strategic Grain Reserves (SGR) in Zambia

negotiable Expires in 4 months


1. Background and Context

Food insecurity is at historically high levels, with crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the conflict in Ukraine, and climate change exacerbating the situation. These factors have contributed to price volatility and market uncertainties that have serious implications for food security in developing countries, including Zambia.

In response to these challenges, strategic grain reserves (SGRs) have been increasingly considered as tools to help stabilize food availability and prices in times of crisis. In collaboration with the World Food Programme (WFP), this study aims to generate actionable knowledge and practical recommendations on the use of SGRs to bolster food security under worsening global climate and supply chain conditions. Specifically, the study will focus on Zambia, examining local conditions, needs, and policy frameworks.

2. Objective

The primary objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness, logistics, and cost-efficiency of Zambia’s SGR management and identify innovative practices that could enhance its impact on food security. The study will gather insights through desk research, supplemented by potential in-country key informant interviews if necessary, to tailor findings to Zambia’s specific context.

Findings will contribute to a broader analysis, informing recommendations on policy options and operational strategies to strengthen SGRs across developing economies.

3. Scope of Work

The Zambia case study will explore the following key areas related to strengthening Strategic Grain Reserves (SGR) for sustaining food security through desk research and potential key informant interviews:

  1. Supply Chain Management
    • Size and Transparency of Stocks: Analyze methodologies for determining the optimal size and composition of grain reserves, considering population needs, storage capacity, and financial implications of physical versus cash stock components.
    • Procurement Strategies: Examine procurement methods, particularly the engagement with small farms and timing relative to the crop cycle, assessing the impact on market dynamics and food security.
  2. Infrastructure
    • Storage Facilities and Transportation: Evaluate storage facility types, transport networks, and logistical systems used to manage and distribute grains within Zambia’s SGR, focusing on minimizing losses and ensuring efficient movement.
  3. Distribution Mechanisms
    • Pricing Policies and Safety Net Alignment: Compare pricing policies for grain distribution and assess how SGR strategies align with safety net programs to ensure access for vulnerable populations.
  4. Governance and Management
    • Institutional Setup and Partnerships: Outline the SGR’s policy and management structure, identifying key stakeholders and partnerships with government, private sector, and NGOs.


4. Methodology

This study will primarily rely on desk research, using data from existing reports, academic literature, and policy documents. Key informant interviews with relevant stakeholders in Zambia, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private sector entities, may also be conducted to provide further context and insights as needed.

5. Deliverables

  1. Country Case Study Report for Zambia – A comprehensive report addressing the questions above, including:
    • Analysis of SGR roles, impacts, and effectiveness in Zambia
    • Policy recommendations tailored to the Zambian context
    • Best practices and innovations for effective SGR management


6. Timeline

The study is anticipated to be conducted over a two-week period, with interim progress updates provided to the WFP team as needed.

7. Required expertise

The assignment requires a consultant with at least postgraduate degree in Agricultural Economics or Developmental Economics; a minimum of 5 years’ experience with technical expertise in agricultural value chains, market and price analysis, and rural development; and familiarity with the literature on food security and strategic grain reserves.

8. Application documents

Please upload your CV, recent research work (technical report or published research paper), and your daily rate on the online application.

Application Deadline: November 30, 2024



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