Consultant (Organization) for Endline quantitative data collection, jobs in seed companies

negotiable Expires in 4 months


Terms of Reference

Evaluation of CropIn platform services by a solvent extractor in Maharashtra, India

Endline quantitative data collection



With support from the Gates Foundation, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) is evaluating the use of CropIn platform services by a large solvent extractor in Maharashtra, India. The solvent extractor works with organic, sustainable, and conventional farmers of soybean in Latur, Osmanabad, Bid and nearby districts of Maharashtra. Two digital smartphone-based platforms have been deployed in specified treatment areas for use by the solvent extractor’s field extension agents and by farmers linked to the solvent extractor. These platforms support the delivery of general technical extension advice, market, and price information to soybean farmers by extension agents. At the same time, they enable two-way communication between farmers and extension agents so that farmers can raise queries and request support or advice on issues specific to their plots.


Statement of Work

IFPRI is studying the impact of the introduction of these digital platforms on a range of outcomes of interest to IFPRI, the processor and the Gates Foundation. These include (but are not limited to) cost of cultivation, agricultural yields and profits, price realization, recognition of the processor and the proportion of soybean output that is sold through the processor, information seeking behavior and the use and perception of the advisory services, knowledge, and adoption of recommended behaviors. We have conducted baseline and midline surveys of farmers. We are now looking for a highly experienced firm to help conduct the endline quantitative survey in January 2024 in the study districts in Maharashtra. The exact study locations will be provided by IFPRI.

As part of the quantitative survey, the firm will coordinate and conduct a short questionnaire with approximately 5000 farmers from 300 villages located in seven contiguous districts. These include approximately 4500 farmers who were interviewed at baseline and midline, and a sample of approximately 500 additional farmers who were interviewed at midline only. The list of farmers will be shared by IFPRI. We estimate that each interview will last approximately 40 minutes. The duration of the field survey must not exceed 60 days. IFPRI will also be distributing items to farmers as compensation for their time; the firm is expected to handle this distribution along with the field interviews.

The survey firm is expected to carry out the following tasks:

· Review survey instruments developed by IFPRI and provide feedback as appropriate.

· Translate and pretest survey instruments in Marathi. Provide a brief report on the pretest.

· Data will be collected via Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) on tablets. The firm will be responsible for providing the tablets needed for this purpose.

· Develop and test the CAPI data entry program based on the questionnaire provided by IFPRI. The firm will incorporate IFPRI’s feedback on the CAPI program.

· With assistance from the IFPRI team, prepare a field implementation manual in English and Marathi prior to enumerator training. The field manual will be the basis for quality assurance of the data collection process.

· Organize the selection, hiring and payment of enumerators and supervisors to conduct the required data collection work.

· Facilitate the enumerator training in collaboration with IFPRI staff. It is expected that this will entail approximately 5-7 days of classroom training, in-field practice sessions and debriefing.

· Make changes in the CAPI and the paper questionnaire based on the in-field practice sessions and feedback from IFPRI. The firm will provide IFPRI with the final versions of the CAPI and paper questionnaires used to collect data.

· Make arrangements to offer refresher training for enumerators if needed, or train additional enumerators in case of attrition.

· Develop a field schedule for the data collection team to be shared with IFPRI in advance; this will include the date-wise plan at the block level along with contact details of the field manager and supervisors, so that the IFPRI team can conduct field visits.

· Develop spot- and back-checks, including audits, and share these with IFPRI for feedback prior to the start of data collection.

· Develop a dashboard that will present real-time survey information that can be accessed by the IFPRI team.

· Make necessary logistical arrangements for the survey (travel, accommodation, materials etc., as applicable).

· Conduct the individual-level surveys within the specified timeframe of 60 days. The farmers are pre-selected and contact information will be provided by IFPRI. The firm is expected to coordinate with the respondents to conduct the interviews.

· Distribute the compensatory items to farmers as instructed by IFPRI.

· During the data collection process, stay in daily contact with IFPRI’s Field Manager and conduct weekly calls of AMS field managers with the IFPRI team to discuss progress.

· Share information on attrition among respondents on a weekly or bi-weekly basis (exact frequency to be discussed) so that strategies to limit sample loss can be developed.

· Share the data generated from the spot and back-checks with IFPRI so that issues can be promptly resolved.

· Share the complete data generated from CAPI with IFPRI during the data collection, as and when the data is uploaded to the servers and no less than once in two weeks. These data will not be the cleaned data sets, but the raw data sets as sent to the firm from their survey teams.

· Conduct routine data cleaning to ensure consistency and range-checks, following a data cleaning protocol that IFPRI will share prior to the end of data collection. Share the error check do-files with IFPRI.

· Provide responses to queries from IFPRI in relation to data cleaning, if and as needed.

· Deliver cleaned electronic data from the individual-level surveys with three weeks of the close of data collection.

· Provide a short data collection report including data collection and management and cleaning processes, the template of which will be discussed with IFPRI.

· Throughout this process, demonstrate responsiveness to IFPRI communications, especially around any urgent data collection issues.


Required qualifications

· Demonstrated experience conducting field work and survey work in India within the last 5 years.

· Demonstrated experience conducting survey-related trainings.

· Expert knowledge of local context and languages in the study areas. Written and spoken proficiency in Marathi is a must.

· Demonstrated ability to identify and recruit enumerators in the study areas.

· Experience in building trust and good relations with local administration, village leaders, interviewees and communities.

· Strong program management skills: demonstrated experience successfully coordinating large field teams and managing deliverables.

· Excellent computer skills and experience using statistical software packages, especially CAPI and STATA.


Preferred qualifications

· Prior experience with agriculture surveys.

· Prior experience working in Maharashtra.

· Knowledge of the soybean value chain or prior experience working with soybean farmers.


Application: Please submit a letter of interest highlighting qualifications mentioned above, along with a detailed budget, outline of prior experience and information on the team composition. Materials should be submitted in English.


Deadline for the application: December 15, 2024.



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