Vacancy Announcement
Secretariat of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
Division of Administrative and Management Services (AMS)
Publication Date : 28 September 2024
Deadline for Application : 27 October 2024 (at midnight, Abu Dhabi Local Time)
Title : Consultant – Performance Management and Appraisal Training
Total Fees : USD 12,500
Contract Type : Individual Consultant
Duration of Contract : 2 months
Location : Remote (online modality)
Expected Date for Entry on Duty : As soon as possible
The International Renewable Energy Agency is an inter-governmental organization headquartered in Abu Dhabi, mandated to promote the widespread and increased adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy in the pursuit of sustainable development, energy access, energy security and low- carbon economic growth and prosperity.
IRENA’s mission is to play a leading role in the ongoing transformation of the global energy systems as a center of excellence for knowledge and innovation, a global voice of renewable energy, a network hub for all stakeholders and a source of advice and support for countries. At present, IRENA has 169 Members (168 States and the European Union) that acceded to its Statute, and 15 additional States in the process of accession and actively engaged.
To optimize its internal efficiency and ensure alignment with its strategic objectives, IRENA has implemented a Performance Management and Appraisal System (PMAS) as outlined in Directive ST/Directive/2023/1. This system is designed to provide a framework for fairly assessing staff performance and to improve the delivery of programmes by optimizing performance at all levels and clearly linking the mandates and the Work Programme of the Agency directly with the objectives assigned to individual staff members, in a cascading manner.
To support the effective implementation and understanding of this system, IRENA is seeking a qualified consultant to design and deliver comprehensive training sessions on performance management and appraisal system.
Under the overall guidance of the Director, Administration and Management Services (DAMS) and under direct supervision of the Chief, Human Resources, the consultant will perform the following duties:
(Considering IRENA’s PMAS policy, processes and tools):
Consultant Fee
IRENA shall pay the Consultant USD 500 per day, maximum of 25 workdays within duration of the contract, upon satisfactorily certified Consultant’s deliverables, as per the payment and deliverables schedule below.
Deliverables and Payment Schedule (Specific deliverablesand terms of payment)
Deliverables Planned Delivery Date Days/Payment (USD)
D1 Development of Training Materials Nov 2024 7 Days /USD 3,500
D2 Delivery of Training Sessions Nov 2024 14 Days, USD 7,000
D3 Post-Training Support and Evaluation Dec 2024 2 Days, USD 1,000
D4 Documentation and Reporting Dec 2024 2 Days, USD 1,000
Payment based on the above deliverable/s (deliverable – based contract), certified by the assigned personnel.
Advanced degree in Human Resources Management and/or Development, Organizational Development, Adult Education, or a related field.
Experience and skills required:
Language proficiency:
Qualified candidates must apply for the above-mentioned vacancy on-line, through IRENA’s recruitment platform, by submitting a complete and comprehensive CV and a letter of interest, including details of three professional references who will be contacted if their application is shortlisted.
Note that the candidate should be capable of working together with people from different national and cultural backgrounds. IRENA is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups, and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to.
Please note that only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted for further assessment and receive notice of the outcome of the selection process.