Duties and Responsibilities
Created in December 1999, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) is the designated focal point in the United Nations system for the coordination of efforts to reduce disasters and to ensure synergies among the disaster reduction activities of the United Nations and regional organizations and activities in both developed and less developed countries. Led by the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction (SRSG/ASG), UNDRR has over 150 staff located in its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and in regional offices. UNDRR guides, monitors, analyses, and reports on progress in the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. It supports regional and national implementation of the Framework and catalyzes action and increases global awareness to reduce disaster risk working with UN Member States and abroad range of partners and stakeholders, including civil society, the private sector, parliamentarians and the science and technology community. ASEAN has undertaken important efforts to face current and future challenges posed by disaster risk through the implementation of the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) Work Programmes under and the leadership and guidance of the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM). ASEAN Secretariat is undertaking efforts to develop the AADMER Work Programme 2026-2030 to further guide ASEAN in building a disaster resilient region. This Work Programme coincidentally will be the last AADMER Work Programme before the “deadline” for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and related 2015 frameworks such as the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda for Financing for Development. The development of the AADMER Work Programme 2026-2030 will therefore benefit from building on the outcomes of the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework (MTR SF) and its political declaration. The development of the AADMER Work Programme 2026-2030 will also benefit from integrating, together with the diverse ASEAN policies and frameworks on gender mainstreaming, key elements of the Gender Action Plan to support implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (Sendai GAP). The Sendai GAP aims to accelerate progress towards the mutually reinforcing goals of gender equality and the prevention and reduction of disaster risk by ensuring DRR efforts are gender-responsive and promote and support women’s empowerment and leadership. The Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR) 2022 and the Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR) 2024 also provide important references to be considered in the AADMER Work Programme 2026-2030, taking into account that the GPDRR and the APMCDRR provide an important opportunity to review risk reduction efforts, share innovative solutions and make actionable commitments to accelerate disaster risk reduction by 2030. Building on the outcomes of the Sendai Framework Midterm Review, the updating of the Asia-Pacific Action Plan 2024-2027 for Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 was an important consultative process undertook in the way towards the APMCDRR 2024 and supports the contextualization of the outcomes of the MTR SF to Asia Pacific. The evolving approaches being adopted by countries and intergovernmental organizations for the roll out the Early Warning for All (EW4All) Initiative may also be important elements to be taken into consideration in the AADMER Work Programme 2026-2030. Duty and responsibility The Consultant to support the development update of the AADMER Work Programme 2026-2030 will be responsible to integrate, as appropriate and agreed by ASEAN, relevant outcomes of the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework (MTR SF) and its political declaration, relevant elements of the Gender Action Plan to support implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (Sendai GAP), relevant outcomes of the APMCDRR and the GPDRR2025 relevant elements of the EW4all Initiative and other relevant elements of key global and regional frameworks into the AADMER Work Programme 2026-2030. The Consultant to support the development of the AADMER Work Programme 2026-2030 will also help develop a monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the progress and impact of the AADMER Work Programme 2026-2030, which is, as appropriate and agreed by ASEAN, aligned to the Sendai Framework and indicators and in line with the “end” of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and related 2015 frameworks such as the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Paris Agreement and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda for Financing for Development. The consultant will be homebased and work under supervision of the Deputy Chief UNDRR Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and in close collaboration with the ASEAN Secretariat.
Qualifications/special skills
First-level university degree in disaster management, political science, development studies, economics, or related areas development-related areas is required. • 10 years of experience in disaster risk reduction, sustainable development, climate change adaptation or related areas is required. • Experience working in disaster risk reduction in ASEAN countries is desirable. • Experience working in development of DRR policies in ASEAN region is desirable.
No Fee