Coordination Analyst

negotiable Expires in 1 week


Mission and objectives

UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace, and security.


The ROAS Strategic Note 2022-2025 will support UN Women’s global efforts to leverage increased resources for gender equality and women’s empowerment, including through UN coordination. UN Women and UNDS partners have accelerated efforts to roll-out UNCT-SWAP Gender Equality Scorecard (GES) reporting in the Arab States region. Subsequently, there is increased demand from UNCTs for technical support to address GES performance indicator 6.1 on allocation and tracking of joint workplan investments in gender equality and women’s empowerment. Following the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review of December 2020, UN Women at regional and country levels in the Arab States will track QCPR Indicator 1.4.18: Proportion out of total UNCTs with a Joint Work Plan in UN INFO that allocated 70 per cent or more of the UNCT Annual Funding Framework available resources to activities with gender equality as a principal or significant objective. This indicator highlights the increased importance of the UNCT Gender Equality Marker (GEM) as the recognized tool to measure investment in joint activities where gender equality is a significant or a principal objective. ROAS will prioritise the roll-out of regional capacity-building initiatives on the GEM to drive the UN system towards meaningful investments that will accelerate the achievement of international GEWE standards. Increased regional and country-level UNDS GEM capacities will foster greater investments in GEWE to achieve results at scale for women and girls; strengthen the positioning of Gender Theme Groups to engage in UNCT joint work planning processes; and facilitate identification of opportunities for UN Women to engage in joint partnerships. Per the General Assembly’s 2020 resolution on the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review (QCPR, A/75/233), accelerating progress on gender equality is a core function of UNCTs. Evidence generated for these standards and procedures showed that Gender Theme Group (GTGs) play an important role in Cooperation Framework development, in consensus building on national Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE) priorities, and in driving cross-thematic collaboration. The UNSDG’s GTG Standards and Procedures (S&P) was rolled out in 2021 and emphasize on the primary functions of the GTGs as a forum for inter-agency coordination on gender mainstreaming that will accelerate Agenda 2030 implementation at country-level.

Task Description

Under the direct supervision of Regional Coordination Specialist, the UN Volunteer will undertake the following tasks: – Gathers data on gender mainstreaming within UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks, including Common Country Assessments and Indicator Frameworks. – Gathers data on Gender Equality Marker coding in UN Country Team Joint Workplans. – Gathers data on UNCT Gender Equality Scorecards, action plans and annual reports. – Compiles Gender Theme Group annual workplans and reports from around the region. – Provides comparative analysis on gender mainstreaming and good practices in the Arab States region, based on these tools and platforms. – Support capacity-building initiatives for UNCTs, Gender Theme Groups etc. – Drafts case studies, recommendations on gender mainstreaming through UN coordination. – Drafts communications materials highlighting the impact of coordination on gender equality in the Arab States.

Competencies and values

☒ Accountability ☒ Adaptability and Flexibility ☒ Building Trust ☒ Client Orientation ☒ Commitment and Motivation ☒ Communication ☒ Creativity ☒ Ethics and Values ☒ Integrity ☒ Knowledge Sharing ☒ Planning and Organizing ☒ Professionalism ☒ Respect for Diversity ☒ Self-Management ☒ Working in Teams

Living conditions and remarks

Cairo, Egypt is a family duty station with a wide range of services (health, education and leisure) and good living conditions. Cairo (and Egypt) has long been a center of the region’s political and cultural life, with high levels of tourism. Like other similar cities, Cairo offers good quality of life in terms of access to shopping centres, banks, medical services, educational facilities, cultural events, etc. The Arab Republic of Egypt has a unique geographical position in Northeast Africa, at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, on the Mediterranean and Red Sea, and its connection to Sub Saharan Africa through the Nile Valley. The country is defined by desert and the Nile, the longest river on Earth. UN Volunteer Specialist gets the following package: • Volunteer Living Allowance (around EGP 63,000/Month) • Entry Lump-Sum = USD 400 (one-time payment paid in EGP) • Exit Lump-Sum upon completion of contract. • Medical and life Insurance premium/Cigna (100%) and dependents policy. • Access to UNV E-Campus for training and learning including access to LinkedIn learning. Further entitlements and information available at:



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