Mission and objectives
Enable continuous access to education for children, youth, and teachers around the world and drive improved learning outcomes through high-quality, portable education to support their entry into other education or opportunity pathways, including formal education
The Learning Passport is an online, mobile, and offline tech platform enabling high quality, flexible learning. It provides a consistent learning experience to in- and out- of school children and adolescents, as well as hosting teacher and school leadership training. The Learning Passport has been launched in 45 countries reaching almost 10 million learners. In many of the developing worlds, teachers are not used to incorporating digital content into their lessons, and we want to provide short animations offering ideas for new ways of working without overloading them with information. Videos will be shared on the global learning passport library, and potentially used in follow up trainings hosted on YouTube or similar. The animation topics needed are as follows: 1. Blended Learning Basics (what it is and the benefits ie digital assessments, easy grading, helpful for absent students or to review topics or catch up, digital labs and books when there aren’t resources) 2. How blended learning benefits students with different needs 3. Universal Design for Learning (how to create a blended learning lesson plan that improves accessibility) 4. Station Rotation (what it is and an example rotating through stations that include digital learning, peer collaboration, and teacher instructionin in a hypothetical classroom) 5. Flipped Classroom (what is it and how students pre-learning content helps students come ready to learn and engage in discussion at the start of class) 6. How to teach an engaging lesson with limited devices (ex. only 1 laptop and smartboard, 1 computer per 3-4 kids, 1:2 model – ie driver and navigator)
Task Description
The Global Content Lead of the Learning Passport and the Eastern and Southern Africa Region lead (ESAR) is looking for two online volunteers to make 6 short animated videos that will help teachers with new ways to use the Learning Passport digital platform (a simple Learning Management System) for effective teaching and learning in their classrooms. Each video should be no more than 2 minutes long, and should be fun, cheerful, engaging, and clearly contextualized for teachers in low resource settings. To avoid challenges with trying to create characters that look and align to a specific region the animations should be more iconographic using simple diagrams, voice over, text and simplified representations of students and teachers. Online Volunteers will report to the Global Content Lead for the Learning Passport and the Regional Lead for the Learning Passport through email and short virtual meetings to: – Agree delivery schedule including interim target outputs – Agree mutually productive ways of working (eg preferred communication method and frequency) – Propose and agree the look and feel of the proposed animations – Develop and agree storyboards (with subject matter expertise input from the Regional Lead LP) – Produce draft animations for feedback from the Global lead and Regional Lead. – Discuss and review feedback – Produce revised animations incorporating feedback as agreed – Finalise and sign off animations
Competencies and values
Living conditions and remarks