Result of Service
The objective of this consultancy is to guide the development of a strategic Caribbean SIDS-SIDS peer-learning and cooperation on data for nature through the identification of relevant best practices on the role of official statistics in data for nature, lessons learned in SIDS, and the development of a SIDS-SIDS match-making roadmap/platform for peer-learning and cooperation in support to the SIDS Coalition for Nature and its Call for Action.
Work Location
Expected duration
12 months
Duties and Responsibilities
In response to the 2022 Call for Action of the SIDS Coalition for Nature, with the support of Spain as a Friend of the Coalition, with the support of the Republic of Korea through the UN Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD), and with the assistance of UN DESA’s ‘Data for SIDS’ (DATAS) initiative (jointly developed by UNSD and SIDS Unit), UN DESA is implementing a project to foster Caribbean SIDS-SIDS peer-learning and cooperation on Data for Nature to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The Outcome Document of the high-level Review of the SAMOA Pathway (2019) and the General Assembly resolution 74/3 contains the following calls for action that this project will directly support:
– OP30 (j) The strengthening of national and regional statistical systems and capacity to effectively monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Samoa Pathway and the 2030 Agenda;
– OP30 (v) Support to small island developing States to mitigate and adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change through diverse approaches, such as ecosystem-based approaches and nature-based solutions.
In addition, the SAMOA Pathway Outcome document (A/RES/69/15) under Partnership, also calls “for enhanced international cooperation, including North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation, and especially cooperation among small island developing States” (Paragraph 99). The 24-month project is in direct response to this call and focuses on cooperation amid SIDS.
After the global failure to meet the Aichi Biodiversity targets during the previous Decade, the new 2030 Global Biodiversity Framework adopted in December 2022 at COP15 is a second chance, the planet and SIDS cannot afford to miss. It is in that context that the SIDS Coalition for Nature was launched at high level during COP15 with the presence and participation of several Ministers, from SIDS and non-SIDS governments, as well as the UN Deputy Secretary-General. The Coalition made a Call for Action underlining 3 gap-bridging priorities to be urgently addressed through strategic partnerships in order for SIDS to be able to successfully implement ambitious biodiversity objectives.
In line with priority #2 of the Call for Action (data for nature) and the call for increased SIDS-SIDS peer-learning and cooperation, UN DESA (UN Statistics Division and the SIDS Unit of the Division for Sustainable Development Goals) has developed a program called Data for SIDS (DATAS). DATAS can be tailored to specific sectors (such as biodiversity) and its objective is to strengthen the capacities of National Statistical Systems and to produce better and more timely data to inform policies in an integrated manner and monitor progress towards achieving the SDGs through support for data governance, production, dissemination, innovation, and SIDS to SIDS collaboration. Particularly, component 4 of DATAS is about SIDS-SIDS cooperation and specifically aims to increase knowledge exchange, peer-learning amid SIDS on data availability, access, and the compilation and use of indicators to support evidence-based policy making.
The overall project is divided into 3 phases or outcomes: 1) Phase 1 | SIDS-SIDS Peer-learning Workshop; 2) Phase 2 | SIDS-SIDS Cooperation Roadmap; 3) Phase 3 | SIDS-SIDS Cooperation Roadmap Implementation.
In support of the SIDS Coalition for Nature, UN DESA (UN Statistical Division and SIDS Unit) is seeking the services of a consultant to support the implementation of phases 1 and 2 of this project.
In order to achieve the above-mentioned objective, the scope of work and methodology will follow a two-fold approach as detailed below:
Phase 1 | SIDS-SIDS Peer-learning Workshop
Increased knowledge and awareness amid the Caribbean SIDS about best practices, lessons learned on data for nature in the Caribbean region.
Mapping. In order to best prepare and ensure a constructive peer-to-peer exchange and effective learning process during the workshop, Component 1 will start with the production of a Regional Mapping (who does what where) on data for nature in the Caribbean. This regional mapping will be informed by review of relevant literature, relevant statistical products and publications, and stakeholder consultations. This regional mapping will be the basis to identify relevant lessons learned and best practices to be presented during the workshop (see next paragraph). The mapping will include national as well as regional or sub-regional initiatives. To the extent relevant only, the mapping will also consider lessons and best practices from other SIDS regions (Pacific and AIS) and/or from Latin America. In SIDS context, lessons on integrated solutions to biodiversity, climate change, freshwater, ocean-related and other environmental data issues are even more critical due to the limited resources available at SIDS institutions, including personnel, financial and technical capacities. Reviews of work initiatives done on any of the above topics should be in scope.
Workshop. Informed by the mapping and associated literature review as well as bilateral/stakeholders consultations, the consultant will then support the organization of one 3-day in-person Caribbean SIDS-SIDS peer-learning technical workshop to present lessons learned, challenges but also best practices and opportunities on data for nature. The consultant will be responsible for developing the agenda, identifying the speakers, facilitating the workshop and delivering a workshop report. The report will be available in the form of a Compendium (see below – Phase 2). The workshop will be designed for a technical audience (statisticians, specialists, practitioners, managers). The workshop will help to strengthen a Community of Practice in the Caribbean on Data for Nature. For learning purposes, the number of participants will be limited to about 30 people and will involve technical government staff from Ministries of Environment as well as National Bureau of Statistics or National Geo-spatial Agency. The workshop will be recorded, and an evaluation survey will be carried out. The language of the workshop will be in English.
Phase 2 | SIDS-SIDS Cooperation Roadmap
Increased understanding about SIDS-SIDS know-how transfer opportunities and potential cooperation schemes on data for nature within the Caribbean SIDS
Compendium. Based on the mapping and workshop outcomes, the consultant will, in Phase 2, compile, process, and structure (as relevant) the lessons learned, and best practices reflecting the role of official statistics, presented and discussed in order to form a Regional Compendium on Data solutions for Nature. The compendium will be a key knowledge product with the aim to inspire and foster the identification of practice, tools and approaches that SIDS would like to replicate or expand on in their own Island Nation. The consultant will work hand in hand with the SIDS Coalition for Nature, in its advocacy efforts, to make sure that best practices (data solutions for nature) captured in the compendium and the lessons learned/challenges identified are properly highlighted at high level during international fora (e.g. 4th International SIDS Conference). The compendium will be available in two versions – PDF and interactive online version to facilitate its use.
Roadmap. In addition to the compendium and based on the feedback received from Caribbean SIDS during the workshop, Phase 2 will prepare a SIDS-SIDS Cooperation Roadmap in a participatory manner with the 16 Caribbean SIDS. Such a Roadmap will facilitate match-making amid Caribbean SIDS on data solutions for nature and identify: (1) a series of best practices in data for nature and official statistics (carried out by some Caribbean SIDS) for which other Caribbean SIDS would have expressed (informal) interest during the workshop in learning more and potentially apply the tools, methods and technology with associated training on data for nature; and (2) SIDS with best practices willing to possibly transfer their know-know through SIDS-SIDS exchange. The Roadmap will pave the way and guide SIDS-SIDS cooperation and exchange of know-how in a third phase. To allow flexibility and interactivity, the roadmap will take the form of a digital platform for SIDS-SIDS match-making for peer-learning and cooperation in support to the SIDS Coalition for Nature and its Call for Action. The consultant will work hand in hand with the SIDS Coalition for Nature, in its advocacy efforts, to prepare draft communication material (in the form of a 15-slide PowerPoint presentation) for the SIDS Coalition for Nature to present both the compendium and roadmap at high level during international fora (e.g. 4th International SIDS Conference).
All outputs mentioned above should be delivered in English (British Standard), in Word and PDF format and will each take the form of one electronic copy. The feedback to be provided by UN DESA for each of the above-mentioned tasks should be reflected in each product.
Qualifications/special skills
An advanced degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in sustainable development, international development or related field is required. An advanced degree in environmental science would be a distinct asset.
At least seven (7) years of progressively responsible experience in sustainable development, particularly in areas related to environmental data and official statistics, is required.
Experience working in SIDS in the Caribbean region is desirable.
Experience in production of analytical reports and in quantitative and qualitative research methods, particularly self-administered surveys, document analysis, and informal and semi-structured interviews, is required.
Experience in developing interactive online platform to facilitate readers and users’ experience is desirable.
Experience working with a wide range of stakeholders, including inter alia government officials, and inter-governmental entities, is desirable.
Experience in facilitating workshops and carrying out multi-stakeholders’ consultations is desirable.
Strategic planning and management experience is desirable.
Excellent computer skills are desirable.
Fluency in oral and written English is required. Fluency in French and/or Spanish is an asset.
No Fee