Organizational Setting
The Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty (GAAHP) initiated under the G20 Presidency of Brazil aims at providing sustained, high-level political impetus to eradicate poverty, hunger and malnutrition worldwide. Under the Global Alliance, a policy basket will provide a menu of policy instruments proven to have a positive impact on reducing hunger, food insecurity, malnutrition and poverty that can be adapted to national or subnational contexts, and whose adaptation and implementation can be supported, upon the request of a Global Alliance member.
These policy interventions will be supported through a combination of three pillars: i) national pillar for domestic policy and programme implementation and/or direct country-to-country support and lesson sharing; ii) financial support pillar for multilateral and bilateral funding, development finance, innovative financial mechanisms, climate funding, philanthropy and others; and iii) a knowledge pillar where institutions offer technical assistance and cooperation, capacity building and knowledge sharing. The Global Alliance members can both provide and request support for any of these components.
The Global Alliance is implemented through a Support Mechanism hosted by FAO to create synergies and leverage technical expertise of the UN Development System and its existing footprint of UN agencies, funds and programmes.
The Support Mechanism key roles include:
a) Curate and maintain the reference basket of policy instruments and programmes of the Global Alliance;
b) Maintain an operative online platform;
c) Facilitate flexible partnerships between national governments wishing to deliver on their commitments to implement policies in the reference policy basket and other Global Alliance members that can provide financial or technical support;
d) Support the organization of the Global Summits Against Hunger and Poverty;
e) Collect and commission analysis to foster the Alliance’s goals and operationalize its principles;
f) Support the Global Alliance membership and its decision-making;
g) Monitor ongoing results from the Global Alliance’s global, regional and country-level partnerships and provide annual reports on progress; and
h) Communicate and liaise with the broad Alliance membership and the G20;
The structure of the Support Mechanism will include:
• a Rome office based at FAO that will focus on the knowledge and finance pillars;
• three Global South offices in Brasilia, Addis Ababa and Bangkok that will focus on the national and knowledge pillars; and
• a Washington office that will focus on the finance pillar and relevant technical expertise and contributions by the international financial institutions (IFIs).
All five offices will work under the overall leadership of the Director of the Support Mechanism of the Global Alliance. The position will lead the Support Mechanism on delivering the priorities established by the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty in accordance with FAO’s rules and procedures. This Support Mechanism shall remain autonomous from the hosting organization as an independent mechanism that will follow the mandate and approach contained in the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty´s Terms of Reference and Governance Framework as well as the guidance from the Board of Champions and Core Group of the Global Alliance.
This position is located in the Rural Transformation and Gender Equality Division (ESP) at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy.
Reporting Lines
The Director of the Support Mechanism of the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty reports to the Director, ESP for the purpose of ensuring adherence to FAO’s rules and procedures and alignment with the Global Alliance established priorities, and works under the overall supervision of the Chair of the Board of Champions in close collaboration with the Board of Champions and Core Group of the Global Alliance.
Summary of Duties and Functions
The Director will:
• Undertake the executive functions of the Support Mechanism of the Global Alliance Against Poverty and Hunger and represent the Alliance in relevant fora.
• Exercise overall management responsibility for the Support Mechanism, including strategic planning, budgeting and implementation of the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty´s Terms of Reference.
• Convene and coordinate the contributions of the UN agencies to the Alliance.
• Coordinate a multi-agency team, ensuring full coherence between the multi-agency team and the Support Mechanism staff.
• Lead the design and implementation of a joint strategy for the Rome, the Global South and the Washington offices for ensuring the provision of appropriate technical assistance to countries as well as the coordination of the offices to deliver on the Global Alliance’s mandate.
• Lead the curation and maintenance of the policy basket and programmes of the Global Alliance, based on submissions by Global Alliance members and guided by the approved inclusion criteria, including evidence of impact and developing/ commissioning analytical work.
• Lead the maintenance of an operative online platform with streamlined access to knowledge and support channels for Global Alliance member countries regarding policy implementation, including, as appropriate, partnering with and incorporating existing knowledge and information platforms.
• Support the organization of the Global Summits Against Hunger and Poverty, in coordination with the UN and its relevant bodies, programmes and agencies, and/or future G20 Presidencies, as appropriate.
• Actively engage with all stakeholders at the country level, supporting matchmaking and collaboration across all pillars to advance the adaptation and effective implementation of policy instruments.
• Track results from the Alliance’s global, regional and country-level partnerships and support the promotion of the Global Alliance achievements in relevant international fora and summits, including IFI-focused international events and fora.
• Prepare and support Steering Committee and Core Group meetings.
• Communicate and liaise with the broad Alliance membership, including informing Global Alliance members of new and potential members and receiving suggestions and concerns from Alliance members.
• Work with the different offices to define the financial and knowledge support needs required to consolidate and expand implementation of policy instruments.
• Under the direction of the Board of Champions, help prepare and commission specific work and analysis to foster the Alliance’s goals and operationalize its principles, leveraging knowledge partners.
• Supervise the Global South and Washington offices in facilitating, brokering and nurturing flexible partnerships between national governments wishing to deliver on their commitments to implement policies in the reference policy basket and other Global Alliance members that can provide financial or technical support.
• Supervise the Washington office in leveraging and integrating existing expertise in IFIs’ operational and informational networks.
• Liaise and coordinate with the UN Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection and with UN Food Systems Summit Hub (UNFSS Hub) to ensure synergy and mutual support in operations at the country level and seek to establish and strengthen partnerships with relevant agencies in support of the work of the Global Alliance.
• Lead resource mobilization and staff development consistent with the Global Alliance’s work plan and strategic vision.
• Enable a motivated and effective workforce by ensuring the recruitment of highly qualified staff, mentoring, coaching and supporting career development and staff capacity development strategy.
• Support knowledge pillar members in identifying and analysing opportunities for effective linkages between their work and the Alliance.
• Perform other duties as required.
Minimum Requirements
• Advanced university degree in economics, sociology, political science, development or other social sciences.
• Twelve years of relevant experience in international governance processes and international cooperation or collaboration related to economic, environmental and/or social development issues.
• Demonstrated skills and experience in managing for results, supervising and networking, including relevant working experience in a developing country context.
• Excellent communications and analytical skills.
• Ability to lead and work effectively with a diverse team of people of different national and cultural backgrounds in an international setting.
• Working knowledge (proficiency – level C) of English and intermediate knowledge (intermediate – level B) of another FAO official language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish).
• A proven track record in leading or co-leading international alliances and fostering collaborative excellence.
• A proven track record in managing multilateral and multi-stakeholder processes.
Desirable Requirements
• Working knowledge (proficiency – level C) of Portuguese is considered a strong asset.