The mission of WHO’s District Health management system is to help countries, and to coordinator international action, to prevent, prepare for, detect, rapidly respond to, and recover from outbreaks and emergencies. Secondly is to help build the health and management systems at the Sub-national levels
The incumbent will report to the District Health Management cluster in the Countryoffice and under the overall guidance of the WHO Representative in the Countryoffice. The officer will collaborate with relevant technical officers in theCountry to agree on best strategies to advocate WHO’s work, goals andachievements. The first line responsibility involves leading and coordinating the technicalguidance to the district authorities and establishing resilient health systemat the district level. Inform, and monitor strategic decisionmaking, planning and implementation through the health sector response insupport of national and local health authorities’ identified priorities. Support the District Task Force and itssub-committees to effectively coordinate Outbreak Preparedness efforts in the district,ensuring collaboration and coordination of partners supporting the preparednessactivities in the district with the district task force, and collectiveresults. Manage operational planning andimplementation of WHO’s incident management system at the district level in theregion, coordinate the technical, normative, and operational support incooperation with district team members, ensuring fulfilment of WHO’s criticalfunctions. Make recommendations on WHO response staffing needs; liaise with WHO country office to ensure timely mobilization ofthe required human resources. Provideleadership, motivation, guidance, and performance management of staff andexperts, build dynamic and efficient teams and efficient management of WHOresourcesSupport the systematic and regular identification and monitoring of health risks and needs and the planning andimplementation of the most effective prevention, control and response measures.This includes the dissemination of risk communication messages, thestrengthening of early warning and surveillance systems, the delivery ofquality health services and the undertaking of operational and scientificresearch to improve interventions as needed in response to affectedpopulations, at the district level. Co-develop and co-implement a relevantmonitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning processes. Guide the WHO’sfield support team on a continued self-assessment and reflection on planning,budgeting, operational service delivery. Contribute to building the national capacity through need identification, development, operationalization and implementation of a capacity building and training plan. 8. Conduct regular and frequent coordination meetings with all district health and other sectors’partners, convene internal meetings to monitor and evaluate programmeimplementation, district work plans, facilitation of resource mobilization ,prioritization, accountability of all stakeholders and effectivedecision-making. 9. Engage with other relevant localauthorities and civil society to facilitate and ensure the smoothimplementation of the agreed strategy. 10. Provide the WHO country office withbriefings, situation reports and event management information through the WHOCountry office Coordinator; to enable the overall continuous monitoring andplanning process would feed into WHO’s communication and advocacy products,situation reports, etc. Bring issues and concerns to the attention of the Clusterlead District Health Management with a recommended course-of-action. 11. Perform any other incident-specificrelated duties, as required by the functional supervisor (such as resourcemobilization and advocacy).
Essential: First university degree (Bachelor’s) public health, management or public administration or related field from an accredited/recognized institute.
Desirable: Medical degree. Specialized training in emergency incident management; training inhealth systems and specific training in humanitarian response
Essential: Two (2) years’ relevant work experience, at the national and international levels,in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluation of emergency incidentmanagement and response programmes. Considerable experience in managing teams, budgets and resources including developing and promoting collaborative actions with national authorities.
Desirable: Prior humanitarian working experience at field level with WHO, other UN agencies,health cluster partners or an international non-governmental or recognized humanitarian organizations with expertise in disaster and outbreak response.Demonstrated experience working with sub-national health authorities (province,region, and/or district) at the country level.
Sound knowledge in planning,management, monitoring and evaluation of health programmes, including budgetingand resource management.Sound knowledge and experience in Healthsystems strengtheningProven skills in working withpartners and strengthening their technical, management and operational capacitywithin the incident management system. Demonstrated skills in strategicplanning, organization and guiding actors and groups towards agreed goals. Ability to take the perspective ofa national partner to support their needs and challenges. Demonstrated abilityto produce results, while respecting WHO’s professional, ethical and legalframework.
Respecting and promoting individual and cultural differences
Building and promoting partnerships across the organization and beyond
Ensuring the effective use of resources
Creating an empowering and motivating environment
Essential: Expert knowledge of English.
Remuneration comprises an annual base salary starting at UGX 184,847,000 (subject to mandatory deductions for pension contributions and health insurance, as applicable) and 30 days of annual leave.
The World Health Organization, Uganda Country Office is looking for a qualified and competent Ugandan national to fill the following vacant position:
The mission of WHO’s District Health management system is to help countries, and to coordinator international action, to prevent, prepare for, detect, rapidly respond to, and recover from outbreaks and emergencies. Secondly is to help build the health and management systems at the Sub-national levels..
The incumbent will perform the following duties:
The incumbent will report to the District Health Management cluster in the Country office and under the overall guidance of the WHO Representative in the Country office. The officer will collaborate with relevant technical officers in the Country to agree on best strategies to advocate WHO’s work, goals and achievements.
The first line responsibility involves leading and coordinating the technical guidance to the district authorities and establishing resilient health system at the district level.
1. Inform, and monitor strategic decision making, planning and implementation through the health sector response in support of national and local health authorities’ identified priorities.
2. Support the District Task Force and its sub-committees to effectively coordinate Outbreak Preparedness efforts in the district, ensuring collaboration and coordination of partners supporting the preparedness activities in the district with the district task force, and collective results.
3. Manage operational planning and implementation of WHO’s incident management system at the district level in the region, coordinate the technical, normative, and operational support in cooperation with district team members, ensuring fulfilment of WHO’s critical functions.
4. Make recommendations on WHO response staffing needs; liaise with WHO country office to ensure timely mobilization of the required human resources. Provide leadership, motivation, guidance, and performance management of staff and experts, build dynamic and efficient teams and efficient management of WHO resources
5. Support the systematic and regular identification and monitoring of health risks and needs and the planning and implementation of the most effective prevention, control and response measures. This includes the dissemination of risk communication messages, the strengthening of early warning and surveillance systems, the delivery of quality health services and the undertaking of operational and scientific research to improve interventions as needed in response to affected populations, at the district level.
6. Co-develop and co-implement a relevant monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning processes. Guide the WHO’s field support team on a continued self-assessment and reflection on planning, budgeting, operational service delivery.
7. Contribute to building the national capacity through need identification, development, operationalization and implementation of a capacity building and training plan.
8. Conduct regular and frequent coordination meetings with all district health and other sectors’ partners, convene internal meetings to monitor and evaluate programme implementation, district work plans, facilitation of resource mobilization, prioritization, accountability of all stakeholders and effective decision-making.
9. Engage with other relevant local authorities and civil society to facilitate and ensure the smooth implementation of the agreed strategy.
10. Provide the WHO country office with briefings, situation reports and event management information through the WHO Country office Coordinator; to enable the overall continuous monitoring and planning process would feed into WHO’s communication and advocacy products, situation reports, etc. Bring issues and concerns to the attention of the Cluster lead District Health Management with a recommended course-of-action.
11. Perform any other incident-specific related duties, as required by the functional supervisor (such as resource mobilization and advocacy).
Essential: First university degree (Bachelor’s) public health, management or public administration or related field from an accredited/recognized institute.
Desirable: Medical degree. Specialized training in emergency incident management; training in health systems and specific training in humanitarian response
Essential: Two (2) years’ relevant work experience, at the national and international levels, in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluation of emergency incident management and response programmes. Considerable experience in managing teams, budgets and resources including developing and promoting collaborative actions with national authorities.
Desirable: Prior humanitarian working experience at field level with WHO, other UN agencies, health cluster partners or an international non-governmental or recognized humanitarian organizations with expertise in disaster and outbreak response. Demonstrated experience working with sub-national health authorities (province, region, and/or district) at the country level.
· Sound knowledge in planning, management, monitoring and evaluation of health programmes, including budgeting and resource management.
· Sound knowledge and experience in Health systems strengthening
· Proven skills in working with partners and strengthening their technical, management and operational capacity within the incident management system.
· Demonstrated skills in strategic planning, organization and guiding actors and groups towards agreed goals.
· Ability to take the perspective of a national partner to support their needs and challenges.
· Demonstrated ability to produce results, while respecting WHO’s professional, ethical and legal framework.
WHO Competencies
*1. Teamwork
*2. Communication
*3. Respecting and promoting individual and cultural differences
4. Building and promoting partnerships across the Organization and beyond
5. Ensuring the effective use of resources
Use of Language Skills
Essential: Expert knowledge of English.
WHO offers staff in the National Officer category an attractive remuneration package, which for the above position includes an annual net base salary starting at UGX 168,791,000 (subject to mandatory deductions for pension contributions and health insurance, as applicable) and 30 days of annual leave.