UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential.
Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.
And we never give up.
For every child, respect
Present in Brazil since 1950, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has been supporting the country’s most important transformations in childhood and adolescence. UNICEF participated in major immunization and breastfeeding campaigns; the mobilization that resulted in the approval of article 227 of the Federal Constitution and the elaboration of the Statute of Children and Adolescents (ECA), in addition to other major advances in guaranteeing the rights of Brazilian children and adolescents. The UNICEF Country Programme focuses its efforts on the most excluded, particularly those victims of the most extreme forms of violence, working to strengthen integrated and intersectoral public policies in the areas of: health, education, protection against violence, social assistance, and participation of adolescents, in 18 states of the Brazilian Legal Amazon and the Semiarid region – Selo UNICEF initiative, and in 08 large urban centers – Agenda Cidade UNICEF initiative.
Agenda Cidade UNICEF is been developed in every capital cities where UNICEF has zonal offices (Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Recife, Fortaleza, Salvador, Manaus, Belem, São Luís), and it brings together in a integrated way key strategic programs of UNICEF in Brazil in order to reduce the violence affecting the most vulnerable children and adolescents in urban centers, specially education programs – Education that Protects; School Active Search; Successful School Pathways, and The Early Childhood Friendly Unit Initiative (UAPI). In Rio de Janeiro the priority territory for integrated actions is Pavuna.
Besides that, UNICEF works in State of Espírito Santo with School Active Search, where 100% of the municipalities have adhered the strategy, as well as the State Secretariat of Education.
School Active Search is a strategy carried out by UNICEF and the National Union of Municipal Managers of Education (Undime), with the support of the National Collegiate of Municipal Social Assistance Managers (Congemas) and the National Council of Municipal Secretariats of Health (Conasems). It supports municipalities and states to face the risk of school dropout and exclusion. For this, the methodology helps to identify the causes that children and adolescents drop out of school, to engage the social protection network and to (re)enrolment them. More than 3,502 municipalities and 22 states had joined the strategy. About 389,000 cases of children and adolescents were in progress and, of these, more than 189,000 were (re)enrolled in school. Rio de Janeiro is one of the municipalities that have adhered, and published a decree to formalize it, called “Bora pra Escola”. More information can be found at: buscaativaescolar.org.br
Education that Protects is a program to strengthen the right to education as a strategy to protect life and prevent violence. It provides recommendations and resources to promote the engagement of the System of Rights Assurance in school inclusion and the commitment of education networks to prevent and break violence cycles. More information can be found at: Educação que Protege (unicef.org)
Successful School Pathways strategy aims to support municipalities and states in the definition, implementation and evaluation of policies and actions to face age-grade distortion. It is already being implemented in 8 states and there is an expectation of having more states and at least 1,000 engaged on it. This strategy will be implemented in Pavuna to support the schools to face the school failure culture. More information can be found at: trajetoriaescolar.org.br.
Early Childhood Friendly Unit Initiative (UAPI), implemented in five Brazilian capitals (Belém, Fortaleza, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and São Luís) aims to support the achievement of services of excellence for young children through the technical assistance, training, monitoring and certification of health (Primary Health Care Facilities) and education units (daycare centers and pre-schools). The initiative has the potential of promoting intersectoral work between different areas, gathering efforts from different institutions for the strengthening of services, improving monitoring and evaluation of services, and leading to the elaboration and implementation of a concrete plan of action for improvement of identified bottlenecks. The UAPI started in August,2022 and will be implemented during a period of 18 months. More information can be found at: www.unicef.org/brazil/relatorios/iniciativa-unidade-amiga-da-primeira-infancia.
Under the direct supervision of the Rio de Janeiro Chief of Field Office and in close collaboration with the Chief of Education in Brasilia, the external consultant will support the UNICEF team in the implementation of: Education that Protects, Successful School Pathways, and UAPI, in Pavuna territory, where Agenda Cidade UNICEF works primarily in Rio de Janeiro. School Active Search, beside Pavuna, is implemented in the entire municipality. In addition, the consultant will contribute to the School Active Search implementation in Espírito Santo State, and their 78 municipalities.
How can you make a difference?
Promote discussion with several stakeholders from different areas (Education, Health, Social Welfare, and others) and systematize the results; capacity building for partners and school community; engagement of adolescents, families, community leaders and different beneficiaries; advocacy for the right of Education for vulnerable children and adolescents.
Intending that all the results cover the integration of activities, schedules and strategic actors, where is possible. For this reason, some quantified activities below can be carried out together to attend more than one result.
Result 1: Education that Protects in Pavuna territory
1. Through UNICEF pre-established coordination, engage 42 public managers and their teams to implement initiatives that ensure children are protected from all forms of violence in the schools;
2. Virtually and in-person, organize training to education managers, with a pre-elaborated UNICEF methodology to implement a system of protection, prevention, and response to violence;
3. School community with 90 participants (84 from school level and 6 from Regional Coordination) with knowledge and influencing the curricula of engaged schools on violence and structural racism that impact learning and are usually not addressed;
4. The portfolio of Education that Protects of Agenda Cidade UNICEF, based on the experience from Pavuna Territory, with the design of the integration of School Active Search, School Failure Culture and UAPI – early childhood education strategies, with the participation of teachers, health and social welfare professionals from Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro.
Result 2: Successful School Pathways in RJ
1. Organize at least 5 online and in-person training to support the team to implement Successful School Pathways strategy in Rio de Janeiro State;
2. Execute at least 10 technical meetings, one per month, to monitor and support the Successful School Pathways strategy in Rio de Janeiro State.
Result 3: Early Childhood Friendly Unit Initiative (UAPI)
1. Enhanced methods for UAPI implementation, through participation in strategic meetings and discussions about the UAPI initiative local and nationally providing technical expertise and inputs for the strengthening of the initiative, identifying bottlenecks and lessons learned as well as potentialities that must be taking into consideration for a solid and sustainable programme;
2. Framework as a result from the discussions about the UAPI incorporation in the context of the Agenda Cidade UNICEF, also focus on the prevention of violence against children;
3. Stimulus provided to maintain at least 12 early education units engaged for the next UAPI cycle.
Result 4: School Active Search strategy in Rio de Janeiro, especially in Pavuna territory.
1. Execute at least 10 technical meetings, one per month, to monitor and support the municipal manager committee and local manager committee in Pavuna to continue the intersectorial implementation of SAS strategy;
2. Execute at least 10 meetings, events, or advocacy activities in order to engage the 10 Secretariats that participate by SAS, Justice System and other stakeholders to implement the strategy and re-enrolment children and adolescents in school
3. Organize at least 5 online and in-person training to support the teams to use the SAS platform and methodology, and help to register the data about the children and adolescents attended from the strategy.
Result 5: School Active Search strategy in Espírito Santo
1. Produce Work Plan to supervise the UNICEF’s partner in Espírito Santo to implement School Active Search in 78 municipalities, and State Secretariat of Education, describing the technical assistance that will be offer and at least 10 meeting, one per month to monitor, discuss and elaborate actions to support him
2. Organize and elaborate, with UNICEF’s partner in ES, 5 road maps online and/or in person training about SAS methodology and platform to municipalities teams and State teams, in order to help them to improve the strategy implementation; participate from all the online training that will be realize
3. Produce 5 monitoring technical reports about the work executed from UNICEF’s partner work in Espírito Santo, as well as School Active Search implementation by municipalities and State to evaluate and supervisor the actions carried out.
For all of results is required the product:
• Work Plan detailing the assistance that will provide to Rio de Janeiro, and the supervision to Espírito Santo, including activities, schedule, goals, and results.
The services included in the contract will be delivered continuously, with the same intensity throughout the months. The results will be evaluated by the following deliverables:
Result 1: Education that Protects in Pavuna territory
Result 2: Successful School Pathways
Result 3: Early Childhood Friendly Unit Initiative (UAPI)
Result 4: School Active Search strategy in Rio de Janeiro, especially in Pavuna territory.
Result 5: School Active Search strategy in Espírito Santo
Deadline/timeline | Results/outputs | Cost (% Budget estimated) | Estimated trip cost to ES | TOTAL |
August 2023 | R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5 | 9% | – | BRL 9% |
September 2023 | R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5, including trip to ES | 9% | financial proposal for 2 days travel to ES | 9% + travel planning |
October 2023 | R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5 | 9% | – | 9% |
November 2023 | R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5 | 9% | – | 9% |
December 2023 | R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5 | 9% | – | 9% |
January 2023 | R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5, including trip to ES | 9% | financial proposal for 2 days travel to ES | 9% + travel planning |
February 2024 | R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5 | 9% | – | 9% |
March 2024 | R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5 | 9% | – | 9% |
April 2024 | R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5, including trip to ES | 9% | financial proposal for 2 days travel to ES | 9% + travel planning |
May 2024 | R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5 | 9% | – | 9% |
June 2024 | R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5 | 10% | – | 10% |
Performance indicators
Immediately upon signature of the agreement, the UNICEF supervisor and the selected consultant will meet for detailed discussion of the Work Plan and the quality criteria for product delivery. Regular meetings will also be scheduled at a distance or in person to follow up the activities defined in the Work Plan.
The monthly reports shall be subject to review and approval by UNICEF after delivery by the Consultant. If needed, revisions and alterations may be requested by UNICEF related to quality and technical depth parameters. Only after final clearance from the UNICEF Brazil, will the payment be processed.
– Postgraduate degree, preferably in the areas of Education, Social sciences, Project management, Public Policies, Sociology, and/or Communication, for at least 5 years and 10-year bachelor in some of these areas. Proof will be provided by presentation of diploma of an institution accredited by the Ministry of Education.
– 10 years of experience in project and actions in Education, projects management and /or children’s rights. Experience in violence against children and school exclusion and failure is as asset. The experiences will be gauged by presenting, in digital format, records (results reports, images, videos, planning documents) of projects and trainings executed.
– 10 years of experience in community actions, training public technicians and managers and/or support to organize intersectoral flows and arranges. The experiences will be gauged by presenting, in digital format, (results reports, images, videos, planning documents) of projects and trainings executed.
Fluent in Portuguese.
Eleven [11] months
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.
Individuals engaged under a consultancy will not be considered “staff members” under the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations and UNICEF’s policies and procedures, and will not be entitled to benefits provided therein (such as leave entitlements and medical insurance coverage). Their conditions of service will be governed by their contract and the General Conditions of Contracts for the Services of Consultants. Consultants are responsible for determining their tax liabilities and for the payment of any taxes and/or duties, in accordance with local or other applicable laws.
The selected candidate is solely responsible to ensure that the visa (applicable) and health insurance required to perform the duties of the contract are valid for the entire period of the contract. Selected candidates are subject to confirmation of fully-vaccinated status against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) with a World Health Organization (WHO)-endorsed vaccine, which must be met prior to taking up the assignment. It does not apply to consultants who will work remotely and are not expected to work on or visit UNICEF premises, programme delivery locations or directly interact with communities UNICEF works with, nor to travel to perform functions for UNICEF for the duration of their consultancy contracts.