Electoral Assistant

negotiable Expires in 1 week


Mission and objectives

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) works in approximately 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty and the reduction of inequality and exclusion. The program helps countries to developing policies, leadership skills, partnership skills, institutional capacities, and to building resilience to sustainable development results. UNDP implements several projects in different areas, offering its partners technical, operational and management assistance through access to methodologies, specialized knowledge, specialized advice and a wide international network of technical cooperation.


This position is located within the Electoral Certification Team’s Support Office which is responsible for administrative support and the management (collection, analysis and dissemination) of information for the Certification Team. The Electoral Assistants will perform the functions of Liaison Officers with the various stakeholders of the electoral process and Analysts of information collected; Maintain up-to-date knowledge of events relating to political and security issues; Ensure the monitoring of daily situation reports, military and UNPOL contingent reports, local news, and verbal updates. The Electoral Assistant reports to the Special Assistant of the Certification Team.

Task Description

• Monitor, gather, select and analyse comprehensive information relevant to the electoral process. • Ensure maintenance of risk analysis in relation to the electoral process, in coordination with existing Mission units and resources. • Support the Electoral Certification Team and respond to specific information needs as required. • Establish and maintain contacts with the stakeholders of the electoral process, including political parties, media, universities, other civil society organizations, relevant government institutions, electoral authorities, security forces, diplomatic missions, international organizations and relevant UN agencies and sections of the UN Mission. • Perform other functions as required.

Competencies and values

Accountability, Commitment and Motivation, Communication, Ethics and Values, Planning and Organizing, Technological Awareness, Working in Teams, Professionalism, integrity, multicultural context .

Living conditions and remarks

Haiti, especially the capital Port-au-Prince, is a bustling and crowded country with high levels of poverty and unemployment throughout. While much of the infrastructure is somewhat lacking, and much of it is in the process of development, Haiti nonetheless has many areas of stunning natural beauty; it has a rich and diverse cultural heritage that is an enticing draw for foreign staff and expats alike. Haiti is affected by problems in terms of safety and security, and many governments advise avoiding certain areas of the capital of Port-au- Prince. Due to the instability of the political system in Haiti, there are frequent protests, some of which run the risk of turning violent and are therefore best avoided. While the end of 2019 was marked by nearly four months of “peyi lok” – widespread civil unrest, insecurity and political turmoil translating in recurrent teleworking arrangements – the beginning of 2020 started by a deadlocked political dialogue and then the onset of the COVID-10 pandemic in mid-March. UNDP in Haiti has become adept with regard to risk management. This has taken the form of proactively planning in advance in order to anticipate and prevent a negative impact of the volatile country context on programme and staff. For example, UNDP Country Office took the initiative to facilitate voluntary evacuation for high-risk UNDP and UNV personnel at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Strengthening security capacity within UNDP Country Office and an adaptive and proactive approach to the security environment has enabled UNDP to remain operational while ensuring the maximum safety for personnel. https://www.unv.org/



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