Publication date: 19-Jun-2023
The main objective of this assignment is to support AFREC in the execution of a comprehensive Energy transition strategy that will help the AU Member States pursue their sustainable development goals by developing its energy resources, in line with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. The strategy should provide concrete measures to carry out “Deep Decarbonization Pathways (DDP)” as first ever action-oriented undertaken in Africa as a whole. Accordingly, the selected consulting firm (“the Consultant”) is expected to work on delivering on the three major workstreams as highlighted above. The assignment will include extensive internal and external consultations with local and international stakeholders from all AU member countries and the 5 countries that will be selected for the design of the decarbonization pathways. Other tasks include dissemination activities and workshops to support awareness of the deliverables mentioned above, they include but are not limited to: (i) producing power points, briefing notes, concept notes, press releases, meeting agendas, speaker’s briefs, and all other relevant report-related documents to support the engagement and dissemination of the produced deliverables with the wider stakeholders.