Result of Service
DELIVERABLES The assessment will include the following outputs: a) Work Plan and Inception Report. No later than 2 weeks after the signature of the contract, the consultant should deliver the inception report, which should include the background of the project, an analysis of the Project profile and implementation and a full review of all related documentation as well as project implementation reports. It should provide a detailed Work Plan of all the activities to be carried out related to the assessment of project 2023P. Additionally, the inception report should include a detailed evaluation methodology including the description of the types of data collection instruments that will be used and a full analysis of the stakeholders and partners that will be contacted to obtain the evaluation information. First drafts of the instruments to be used for the interviews/surveys should also be included in this first report. b) Draft final assessment Report. No later than 6 weeks after the signature of the contract, the consultant should deliver the preliminary report for revision and comments by the Programme Planning and Operations Division (PPOD) of ECLAC and the Evaluation Reference Group (ERG), which includes representatives of the implementing substantive Division/Office. The draft final evaluation report should include the main draft results and findings, conclusions of the evaluation, lessons learned and recommendations derived from it, including its sustainability, and potential improvements in project management and coordination of similar DA projects. c) Final Assessment Report. No later than 8 weeks after the signature of the contract, the consultant should deliver the final assessment report which should include the revised version of the preliminary version after making sure all the comments and observations from PPOD and the ERG have been included. Before submitting the final report, the consultant must have received the clearance on this final version from PPOD, assuring the satisfaction of ECLAC with the final evaluation report. The report will follow the DA evaluation template provided by ECLAC. PAYMENT SCHEDULE AND CONDITIONS The contract will include the payment for the services of the consultant and all the related expenses of the evaluation. Payments will be made according to the following schedule and conditions: a) 30% of the total value of the contract will be paid against the satisfactory delivery of the inception report which should be delivered as per the above deadlines. b) 30% of the total value of the contract will be paid against the satisfactory delivery of the draft final evaluation report which should be delivered as per the above deadlines. c) 40% of the total value of the contract will be paid against the satisfactory delivery and presentation of the final evaluation report which should be delivered as per the above deadlines.
Expected duration
8 weeks
Duties and Responsibilities
BACKGROUND The project under evaluation is part of the projects approved under this account for the 12th Tranche (2020-2023). It was a joint project implemented by ECLAC and UN-Habitat as co-lead, with ECE, ECA, ESCAP and ESCWA. For ECLAC the implementing division was the Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division. The duration of this project was of approximately three and half years, having started activities in January 2021, and ending around June 2024. OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE OF THE EVALUATION This assessment is an end-of-cycle review of the project. The objective of this evaluation is to review the work of the 5 regional commissions under the project, at the country and regional levels. This review will include targeted questions under the criteria of relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability. As it is a partial assessment focused on the work done by specific implementers under the project, it will not assess the criteria of coherence, nor will it include a review of the design of the project. The assessment will serve as a key input for the project-level evaluation to be conducted by UN-Habitat. The assessment will result in recommendations specific to the regional commissions, to inform the project-level evaluation conducted by UN-Habitat. GUIDING PRINCIPLES While this assessment does not constitute an evaluation, but an input to an evaluation, it will seek to be independent, credible and useful and adhere to the highest possible professional standards. It will be consultative and engage the participation of a broad range of stakeholders. The unit of analysis is the work done by each of the regional commission under the project, rather than the project itself. The assessment will be conducted in line with the norms, standards and ethical principles of the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG). It is expected that ECLAC’s guiding principles to the evaluation process are applied. In particular, special consideration will be taken to assess the extent to which ECLAC and the other commissions’ activities and outputs respected and promoted human rights. This includes a consideration of whether ECLAC interventions treated beneficiaries as equals, safeguarded and promoted the rights of minorities, and helped to empower civil society. The evaluation will also examine the extent to which gender concerns were incorporated into the project – whether project design and implementation incorporated the needs and priorities of women, whether women were treated as equal players, and whether it served to promote women’s empowerment. Other concerns to be integrated into the assessment are disability inclusion, and environmental issues. Moreover, the assessment process itself, including the design, data collection, and dissemination of the assessment report, will be carried out in alignment with these principles. The assessment will also consider the contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Evaluators are also expected to respect UNEG’s ethical principles as per its “Ethical Guidelines for Evaluation”: • Integrity • Accountability • Respect • Beneficence METHODOLOGY The assessment will use the following data collection methods to assess the impact of the work of the project: a) Desk review and secondary data collection analysis b) Semi-structured interviews c) Survey/Questionnaires d) Case Study/ies Methodological triangulation is an underlying principle of the approach chosen. Suitable frameworks for analysis and evaluation are to be elaborated – based on the questions to be answered. The experts will identify and set out the methods and frameworks as part of the inception report. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Intellectual property rights. The consultant is obliged to cede to ECLAC all authors rights, patents and any other intellectual property rights for all the work, reports, final products and materials resulting from the design and implementation of this consultancy, in the cases where these rights are applicable. The consultant will not be allowed to use, nor provide or disseminate part of these products and reports or its total to third parties without previously obtaining a written permission from ECLAC.
Qualifications/special skills
Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in environmental science, environmental policy, economics, engineering, public policy, urban planning or a related area. At least seven years of progressively responsible relevant experience in programme/project evaluation are required. At least two years of experience in areas related to public policies for sustainable development, urban development, climate change and/or related areas is highly desirable. Experience in at least five evaluations with international (development) organizations is required. Experience in Regional Commissions and United Nations projects, especially Development Account projects is highly desirable. Experience conducting evaluation of joint projects, across multiple regions, is highly desirable. Proven competency in quantitative and qualitative research methods, particularly self-administered surveys, document analysis, and informal and semi-structured interviews is required.
Proficiency in English and Spanish is required. Proficiency in French preferred, proficiency in other languages of the project is a plus.
Additional Information
Not available.
No Fee