Organizational Setting
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) contributes to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through the FAO Strategic Framework by supporting the transformation to MORE efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems, for better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life, leaving no one behind.
The Fisheries Division (NFI) is responsible for the economic, social, institutional, governance and policy aspects of FAO’s activities related to fisheries and aquaculture and their development, with particular emphasis on human well-being, food security and poverty reduction; post-harvest utilization, marketing and trade with due regard to the protection of the environment, food security and well-being of fishing communities; collection, compilation, validation, trend analysis and dissemination of the best available and up-to-date fishery statistics and for the dissemination of FAO’s information on all aspects of world fisheries and aquaculture. The Division is also responsible for FAO’s activities related to the management and conservation of the living aquatic resources used by fisheries and aquaculture, including the biodiversity and ecosystem maintenance, with particular emphasis on most vulnerable and threatened species and habitats; management of responsible fisheries and aquaculture in accordance with modern management standards and best practices; development of fisheries technology, with due regard to the protection of the environment, food security and well-being of fishing communities, including the safety of fishers and fishing vessels.
The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) is a regional fisheries management organization (RFMO) established in 1993 under the provisions of Article XIV of the Constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The IOTC’s objective is to promote cooperation among the Contracting Parties (Members) and Cooperating Non-Contracting Parties of the IOTC with a view to ensuring, through appropriate management, the conservation and optimum utilization of stocks covered by the organization’s establishing Agreement and encouraging sustainable development of fisheries based on such. The IOTC implements its policy and activities through its secretariat, based in Seychelles.
The Commission has four key science-based functions and responsibilities which enable it to achieve its objectives. Briefly these include: reviewing the status of the stocks and to gather, analyse and disseminate scientific information (including catch and effort statistics and other relevant data); supporting research and development activities in respect of the stocks and fisheries covered by the IOTC; adopting, on the basis of scientific evidence, Conservation and Management Measures (CMM) to ensure the conservation of the stocks covered by the Agreement; and reviewing the economic and social aspects of the fisheries based on the stocks covered by the Agreement.
The position is located in Victoria, Seychelles in the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) within the Fisheries and Aquaculture Division (NFI).
Reporting Lines
The Fishery Officer (Stock Assessment) reports to the Senior Fishery Officer (IOTC Compliance Manager) and the IOTC Executive Secretary.
Technical Focus
In close coordination with senior management, the Fishery Officer (Stock Assessment) will lead and coordinate the stock assessment services required by the Commission and provide timely advice, analysis, reporting and general support to the IOTC Secretariat.
Key Results
Comprehensive technical and policy expertise to support the planning, development and implementation of divisional programmes, projects, products and services in accordance with divisional objectives and the FAO Strategic Framework.
Key Functions
• Plans and leads components of multidisciplinary teams, leads and/or participates on Organization-wide, cross-divisional committees, project teams and working groups, and/or provides specialized expertise in technical networks and/or international technical policy and standard setting bodies.
• Develops technical, analytical, monitoring and reporting frameworks, and related methodologies, tools, systems and databases, etc. to support the planning, implementation/delivery and monitoring of programmes of work, projects, products and/or services.
• Designs and conducts research, data collection, validation, analysis and/or reporting activities to support the development of technical standards, international instruments, innovative approaches and strategies, new tools, technologies, technical reports/publications, and/or policy proposals as well as the provision of technical/policy/ specialist/advice and expertise.
• Responds to country requests for technical and policy assistance, provides technical advice, assistance and solutions to Decentralized Offices and provides technical backstopping to field projects.
• Collaborates in, provides technical backstopping to, and ensures the quality/effectiveness of, capacity development and knowledge sharing activities within Member countries such as policy support, organizational development and individual learning events including preparation of related information, learning materials, on-line tools.
• Promotes international cooperation/advocates best practices, supports increased policy dialogue and provides technical expertise at international/intergovernmental meetings.
• Participates in resource mobilization activities in accordance with the FAO Corporate Strategy.
Specific Functions
• Analyses catch and associated datasets (Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE), length composition, tagging, etc.) using population modeling approaches, as directed by the IOTC Scientific Committee, to describe and quantify trends for IOTC fisheries and to develop fishery indicators.
• Undertakes stock assessments for the IOTC stocks using integrated statistical catch-at-age models (i.e. Stock Synthesis III) or data-limited methods, under the guidance of the IOTC Science working parties, to estimate the current status of IOTC stocks and the impacts of fishing upon them.
• Reviews and provides constructive criticism on all stock assessment papers and other analysis in support of stock assessments for IOTC science Working Parties.
• Leads and supports capacity building initiatives agreed to by the IOTC and upon request by IOTC Contracting Parties, relevant to these duties and responsibilities.
• Collaborates with, and supports the work of, IOTC Consultants and Scientists working in the development of operating models for Management Strategy Evaluation of IOTC stocks.
• Provides support to IOTC Contracting Parties requesting assistance in analysing fisheries data for use in stock assessments (e.g. CPUE standardizations).
• Utilizes new methods in fisheries stock assessment science and employs a broad knowledge of mathematical, statistical and modelling techniques, including demonstrated programing skills in high-level statistical languages such as R.
• Performs other tasks as required.
Minimum Requirements
• Advanced university degree in fisheries science, mathematics or similar field (core focus on fisheries stock assessments).
• Seven years of relevant experience in fishery stock assessment, preferably with experience in data poor fisheries, as well as advanced quantitative modelling methods.
• Working knowledge (proficient – level C) of English and limited knowledge (intermediate – level B) of another FAO official language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish).
• Results Focus
• Team Work
• Communication
• Building effective relationships
• Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Improvement
Technical/Functional Skills
• Work experience in more than one location or area of work, particularly in field positions.
• Extent and relevance of experience or knowledge of fisheries (tuna fisheries highly desirable).
• Extent and relevance of experience in analysing fisheries data via a range of stock assessment methods and related issues.
• Extent and relevance of experience in the preparation and dissemination of fisheries stock assessment results.
• Extent and ability to understand and contribute to Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) processes.
• Extent and relevance of experience in the management and leading of training workshops.
• Extent and relevance of experience in different countries and regions, especially in developing countries and countries in transition.