GCF Integrity Forum Facilitator Consultant

South Korea
negotiable Expired 2 years ago
This job has expired.




The Green Climate Fund (“GCF”) is a multilateral fund created to make a significant and ambitious contribution to the global efforts towards attaining the goals set by the international community to combat climate change.
GCF will contribute to the achievement of the ultimate objective of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In the context of sustainable development, GCF will promote the paradigm shift towards low-emission and climate-resilient development pathways by providing support to developing countries to limit or reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to the impacts of climate change, taking into account the needs of those developing countries particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. GCF is governed by a Board composed of an equal representation of developed and developing countries. The Fund is operated by an independent Secretariat headed by an Executive Director.

The Fund seeks to recruit a GCF Integrity Forum Facilitator to carry out the tasks, duties and responsibilities, deliver the set deliverables and provide support to the hiring unit as detailed below. The consultant will join the GCF team on
Remote based. This is a deliverable-based assignment over a five months-month period.


The Facilitator will be responsible for supporting the effective and efficient coordination, execution, and overall organization of the 2nd GCF Integrity Forum.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Consultant will be responsible for but not limited to:

1. Support the agenda setting for the 2nd GCF Integrity Forum in line with the objectives of the event, including identifying relevant discussion themes and potential resource persons;

2. Conduct a needs assessment of respective integrity capacities of participating AEs/DPs, including:

  • Preparing the Terms of Reference (ToR) and identifying the appropriate methodology and required materials;
  • Developing an implementation plan for acquiring the information, summary, and analysis;
  • Organizing and conducting online and in-person interviews, as needed; and
  • Drafting a needs assessment report

3. Organise and facilitate the virtual Pre-Forum consultations (regional structured dialogues with stakeholders);

4. Organise and facilitate the Forum, including:

  • Preparing the ToR for each session and identifying an effective methodology and required materials;
  • Identifying, inviting, and preparing/briefing resource persons (speakers and moderators) in line with session objectives, including preparing a session guide for them; and
  • Facilitating the session during the Forum;

5. Draft substantive and process reports as required;

6. Conduct a post-Forum evaluation on the programme agenda, session structure, and overall organisation;

7. Develop the follow-up action plan with recommendations based on the outcomes of the Forum;

8. Draft conference documents, collaterals, and other related communication, including concept notes and timelines; and

9. Perform additional operational tasks as may be required by the Head of the IIU or other designated staff.

Deliverables and Estimated Timeline

Reference Deliverables Estimated Submission Date Type
IFF*.01 Outline Development for the 2nd GCF Integrity Forum 14 June Written Inputs
IFF.02 1. Desk review
2. Preparation of ToR
3. Identification of methodology
4. Online survey for participants (including focus group discussions, as needed)
5. Analysis and report of results
30 June Written Inputs
IFF.03 Organisation and Facilitation of Pre-Forum Consultations (Regional Structured Dialogues with Stakeholders) 03 July Execution
IFF.04 Agenda Development, including:
1. Preparation of ToRs for each session (jointly with IIU)
2. Identification and coordination with resource persons (jointly with IIU)
31 July Execution
IFF.05 Organisation and Facilitation of the 2nd GCF Integrity Forum, including:
1. Management and facilitation of Forum sessions
13-15 September Execution
IFF.06 Drafting and Submission of Substantive and Process Reports, including:
1. Conference agenda
2. Needs assessment report
3. Post-Forum evaluation report
4. Final report with follow-up action plan and recommendations
15 October Written Inputs

* IFF: Integrity Forum Facilitator

Required Experience and Qualifications

  • Demonstrated track record of at least 7 years of experience in peer-to-peer (P2P) learning coordination or project/conference management in the areas of international climate finance, integrity, or accountability/transparency;
  • Strong competence and autonomy in the use of standard productivity tools (such as Office 365) as well as web-based applications (including Google Suite and other cloud-based tools);
  • Fluency in English is essential (both written and spoken), with knowledge of another UN official language as an advantage;
  • Ability to work independently and take initiative in response to conference contingencies;
  • Ability to deal with large volume of work under time pressure with a high level of accuracy;
  • Strong interpersonal skills and highly developed cultural sensitivity in communicating with all levels of staff and external clients;
  • Experience working in an international setting and a culturally diverse environment as an advantage; and
  • Strong commitment to project delivery and flexibility to work at a fast-paced environment and potentially non-standard office hours (GCF follows a UTC +9 time zone).
  • The closing date for application is 19 May 2023. Applications submitted after the deadline may not be considered.



South Korea


This job has expired.
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