Mission and objectives
UNICEF is a leading humanitarian and development agency working globally for the rights of every child. Child rights begin with safe shelter, nutrition, protection from disaster and conflict and traverse the life cycle: pre-natal care for healthy births, clean water and sanitation, health care and education. UNICEF has spent nearly 70 years working to improve the lives of children and their families. Working with and for children through adolescence and into adulthood requires a global presence whose goal is to produce results and monitor their effects. UNICEF also lobbies and partners with leaders, thinkers and policy makers to help all children realize their rights, especially the most disadvantaged.
UNICEF is currently updating its Finance for Children Framework, which entails having a clear picture on what UNICEF country offices are undertaking at country level. To ensure having sound data and knowledge management on UNICEF’s work on finance for children over the last couple of years, UNICEF has established a Global Mapping Excel data base in July 2023, to document the Finance for Children experiences. The data base includes a stocktake of UNICEF’s public finance for children work undertaken at country level over the last years (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021,2022 and 2023) based on existing resources. The global mapping data base will better inform the update of UNICEF’s new Finance for Children framework. The data base was extensively updated this year, and as of December 2024, the excel data base includes country experiences across 147 countries and captures more than 388 country experiences. This data base is used as a public good available for regional and country offices for trend analysis, and for knowledge exchange. The data base will be a “live” document to be updated/ reviewed on regular basis. The goal of this online project is to update the global mapping with country experiences from 2024, utilizing available online sources provided by UNICEF. Additionally, it aims to develop an interactive dashboard that will serve as a tool for experience sharing among country offices, regional offices and HQs.
Task Description
We are looking for 1 Online Volunteer who has experience in knowledge management and in supporting mapping of programmatic work at country level with excellent research skills and who can work with excel databases. The task will include the following responsibilities to better update the Global Mapping Database: – Review UNICEF’s online global, regional and country reports from 2024 to extract finance for children experiences to be added in the excel database. This will entail adding the title, source/ link to the report, extracting a 50 word headline statement for every country experience. – Facilitate and manage the current database, ensuring the accuracy of newly added information, and serve as the primary point of contact for making updates and modifications. – The average estimated workload is expected to include approximately: reviewing a maximum of 7 online UNICEF reports (these can include UNICEF Country Office Reports as well as regional and global reports) over the course of the assignment duration. This is an average of 1 report to be reviewed over the span of 2 weeks. There will be flexibility depending on the availability of online published documents. – The Online Volunteer will have the opportunity to build connections with the UNICEF Public Finance Focal Points in HQ and with 7 regional focal points, who will be available to answer any questions in case of clarifications. – The online volunteer will be receiving online support and guidance from UNICEF’s Public Finance Specialist in UNICEF NY Headquarters. – The online volunteer will be responsible for coordinating the translation of the current database into an interactive dashboard, which will serve as a knowledge-sharing tool for country offices, regional offices, and headquarters.
Competencies and values
Living conditions and remarks