Graphic Design Support for Visualizing Achievements

negotiable Expires in 2 weeks


Mission and objectives

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN Human Rights) is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote and protect the enjoyment and full realization, by all people, of all human rights. The Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and international human rights laws and treaties established those rights. UN Human Rights was created by the General Assembly in 1993 through its resolution 48/141 which also details its mandate. UN Human Rights is mandated: Promote and protect all human rights for all Recommend that bodies of the UN system improve the promotion and protection of all human rights Promote and protect the right to development Provide technical assistance to States for human rights activities Coordinate UN human rights education and public information programmes Work actively to remove obstacles to the realization of human rights and to prevent the continuation of human rights violations Engage in dialogue with Governments in order to secure respect for all human rights Enhance international cooperation for the promotion and protection of all human rights Coordinate human rights promotion and protection activities throughout the United Nations system Rationalize, adapt, strengthen and streamline the UN human rights machinery


The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is the leading UN entity on human rights. OHCHR provides assistance in the form of technical expertise and capacity-development in order to support the implementation of international human rights standards on the ground. It assists governments, which bear the primary responsibility for the protection of human rights, to fulfil their obligations and supports individuals to claim their rights. OHCHR has a staff of some 1300 people and its headquarters are in Geneva, as well as an office in New York. It has field presences that comprise regional and country/stand-alone offices. Furthermore, UN Human Rights supports the human rights components of UN peace missions or political offices and deploys human rights advisers to work with the United Nations Country teams. The new OHCHR Multi-Country Office (MCO) in East Africa was established in September 2024 and aims at providing technical assistance and substantive support to Uganda, Tanzania, Eritrea and Djibouti. The MCO is currently looking for an online volunteer to support its efforts in graphic design and visibility. The online volunteer will also provide support to the OHCHR country office in Kenya.

Task Description

OHCHR is looking for one (1) Online Volunteer who under the guidance of the Head of the MCO and in close collaboration with the Human Rights Officers will produce design proposals for (1) newsletter, covering the developments on civic space in the sub-region, (2) donors funding proposals. In particular, the/each Online Volunteer is asked to: – Collect information on document/material background such as target audience, design style, branding guidelines etc.; – Create draft design based on requirements and discuss with focal point – Develop the design according to agreed requirements. The Online Volunteer/s will have the opportunity to build connections with the Human Rights Officers at the MCO and learn about the ways in which graphic design can increase the visibility of successful interventions on human rights.

Competencies and values

Living conditions and remarks



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