Implementation partner (firm) for the study on the impacts of discount vouchers for SPF-PL among shrimp farmers in Bangladesh

Thakurgaon, Bangladesh
negotiable Expired 10 months ago
This job has expired.



As part of the CGIAR Research Initiative on “Rethinking Food Markets and Value Chains for Inclusion and Sustainability”, a consortium of partners including the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Alliance Bioversity-CIAT, WorldFish, and Michigan State University (MSU) plan to undertake a randomized controlled trial (RCT) among shrimp farmers in Bangladesh. This activity is part of Work Package 1 (WP1), titled “Making globally integrated value chains inclusive, efficient, and environmentally sustainable”, and focuses on increasing participation and profitability of smallholders and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in global value chains (GVCs).

In Bangladesh, the study team proposes to conduct research on the impacts of distributing discount vouchers for specific pathogen-free post-larvae (SPF-PL) among shrimp farmers. IFPRI seeks the services of an implementing partner to conduct surveys, distribute vouchers, and monitor their redemption from a designated hatchery on behalf of the study team. The RCT will evaluate the impacts of discount vouchers for SPF-PL at different levels in the context of shrimp farming in three districts of southern Bangladesh: Khulna, Bagerhat, and Satkhira.

There is an existing sample of 1,222 shrimp farmers in these districts from a study conducted by the WP1 team. These farmers will be revisited for the experiment.


Scope of work

The implementing partner will distribute discount vouchers among randomly selected subsets of shrimp farmers so that they can purchase the SPF-PL to produce shrimp. These vouchers will be distributed in three treatment groups. In treatment group A, about one-third of the sample will receive a discount voucher to buy the first ten thousand (10,000) units of SPF-PL at the market price of normal hatchery PL (the benchmark). In treatment group B, another one-third of the sample will receive a discount equal to half the discount received by treatment group A. The remaining third (treatment group C) will be a control group, receiving only an information treatment on SPF-PL, but no monetary discount. The highest amount to be purchased with the voucher and the exact monetary values of the discount vouchers are being determined based on the data from the previous rounds and discussions with the stakeholders.

The implementing partner will take the responsibility for distribution of discount vouchers among the sample farmers, and afterwards, monitoring the adoption of SPF-PL among the farmers, in collaboration with the study team. The implementing partner is expected to collaborate with a reputable shrimp SPF-PL hatchery located in Khulna district, whose responsibility in turn will be to ensure steady supply. Upon receipt of the discount vouchers, the voucher-recipient farmers will call the designated hatchery to place orders for the required amount. The hatchery, in line with their regular practice, is expected to deliver the specified SPF-PL to farmers’ facilities using their dealer and agent network. The discount will be given to the farmer after the voucher is exchanged with the dealer/agent. The implementing partner will pay the partner hatchery the discounted amount and collect the redeemed vouchers, following a mutually agreed upon schedule. These vouchers may be redeemed by farmers until September 30, 2024.

The implementing partner is expected to carry out the following tasks:

  1. Assist in developing an appropriate design for the discount voucher in collaboration with the study team. Ensure that the vouchers look uniform in terms of size, materials, and color, and that the only difference is in terms of the assigned discount level. Produce the discount vouchers.
  2. Collaborate with a reputable shrimp SPF-PL hatchery located in Khulna to ensure stable supply of SPF-PL to eligible farmers under the study. Submit the draft contract with the hatchery to the study team for review.
  3. Distribute the vouchers to the farmers under the study and inform them on where the vouchers can be redeemed.
  4. Monitor and keep accurate records of the redemption of vouchers by farmers from the assigned hatchery via their agent/dealer network.
  5. Receive all collected vouchers from the hatchery every two weeks, and verify the transactions with farmers.
  6. Maintain continuous communications with the hatchery, especially around any urgent issues related to voucher redemption.
  7. Ensure timely disbursement of funds to the hatchery as per an previously agreed upon schedule.
  8. Assist in the design of survey instruments for a phone survey, to be conducted using SurveyCTO.
  9. Conduct the phone survey of farmers upon the conclusion of the voucher redemption period, tentatively in October 2024.
  10. Submit records of all redeemed vouchers and survey data to the study team by November 2024.


Required qualifications of the consultant / survey team leader

  1. Demonstrated experience conducting field work and survey work in Bangladesh within the last 5 years. Prior experience with implementing voucher distribution experiments or other randomized controlled trials is preferred.
  2. Demonstrated experience conducting survey-related trainings.
  3. Expert knowledge of local context and languages in the study areas.
  4. Experience in building trust and good relations with local businesses, local administration, village leaders, interviewees and communities.
  5. Strong program management skills: demonstrated experience successfully coordinating large field teams and managing deliverables.
  6. Excellent computer skills and experience using CAPI software (such as SurveyCTO or KoboToolbox) and statistical software packages, such as STATA.

Application deadline: June 18, 2024

Thakurgaon, Bangladesh


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