International consultant for evaluation of MOD pilot trainings

negotiable Expires in 3 months


TERMS OF REFERENCE (to be completed by Hiring Office)
Hiring Office: UNFPA Turkmenistan CO
Title: International Consultant to conduct the Assessment of the Pilot Trainings on Gender Equality, Promoting Positive Masculinity, GBV Prevention and Emotional Intelligence conducted by military psychologists with young military conscripts.
Purpose of consultancy: UNFPA Turkmenistan CO in consultation with the Ministry of Defense, as well as young people, international development partners and other stakeholders initiated the development of a programme that focuses on mainstreaming gender considerations within the military conscription by building the capacity of military psychologists with essential skills and knowledge so that they increase awareness of young conscripts on gender issues, tackling harmful behaviors and prevent GBV, and support a successful transition of young conscripts from military to civilian life.

The Psychology Division of the Ministry of Defense, which is mainly responsible for mental and social wellbeing of the military personnel, including young conscripts, is a newly established Division, created out of necessity to work with youth for a positive change. The Psychology Division’s mandate created an opportunity for UNFPA to collaborate around gender equality, positive masculinity, GBV and SRHR, covering the human rights aspects. The Programme further enables conscripts to advocate for men’s engagement in gender equality, combatting toxic masculinity and GBV, ultimately benefiting women and girls in society.

In March 2024, trainings were organized in Mary and Lebap velayats with 30 military psychologists working with young military conscripts. The purpose of the trainings was to equip military psychologists with Training Materials for conducting the pilot trainings with selected groups of military conscripts. These pilot trainings are conducted from April to December 2024. As a result of these pilot trainings, it is expected to submit these the Training Materials for amending the Conscription Education Programme of the Ministry of Defense of Turkmenistan.

Short summary of the pilot trainings conducted by military psychologists:

Duration: 9 months (April – December 2024)

Velayats/Regions: Mary and Lebap

Facilitators: 15 military psychologists from each velayats/region (total 30)

Target groups: Each psychologist establishes 2 groups of 20 conscripts (total 40). Group members, to the extent possible, remain consistent for the 9-month duration, and to ensure LNOB principle, these groups of young men were composed of different regions, both rural and urban areas, marital statuses, diverse educational and ethnical backgrounds.

The 9-month pilot training program with selected groups of young military personnel comprises three main Modules divided by quarters:

Module 1: Introduction to the concept of gender. (April – June)

Module 2: Promoting positive masculinity and preventing GBV (July – Sept.)

Module 3: Conflict resolution and inclusive leadership (October – December)

UNFPA together with the MOD conducted two interim (quarterly) assessment of the pilot training process. The final assessment of the overall pilot trainings is planned for December.

Main Objectives of the Assessment of the Pilot Trainings:

  • To assess the effectiveness of the Pilot Trainings, by evaluating the clarity, relevance, and impact of the Training Materials and methodologies on the knowledge and understanding of the military conscripts.
  • To develop recommendations for further improvement of the Training Materials, based on the feedback from the military psychologists, conscripts, and other stakeholders and delivery methods for integrating the training into the Conscription Education Programme of the MOD.
  • To measure changes in conscripts’ knowledge and understanding related to gender equality and GBV, based on the conducted pre- and post-training assessments results, focus group discussions with conscripts, and interviews with military psychologists involved in the pilot trainings.
  • To assess the feasibility and acceptability of integrating gender training within the military context considering logistical, cultural, and institutional factors influencing the implementation and sustainability of the training.
  • To document lessons learned and best practices, reflecting key findings, challenges, and successes throughout the pilot phase to inform future scaling-up and institutionalization of the programme.
Scope of work:

(Description of services, activities, or outputs)

Expected Outputs of the Assessment of the Pilot Trainings:

  • Final Assessment Report assessing the pilot trainings’ effectiveness, impact on conscripts, and feasibility of integration, and reflecting key findings, conclusions, and recommendations for improvement and scale-up.
  • Recommendations developed on the improvement of the Training Materials incorporating feedback and lessons learned, assessment results, and optimization for integration into the Ministry of Defense’s Conscription Education Program.

The International Consultant will carry out the following assignments to produce the respective outputs:

  • Desk Review of the Training Materials (Modules 1-3 methodologies), quarterly progress monitoring reports, pre- and post-training assessment data, and other relevant documentation. Analysis of the data from quarterly progress monitoring reports, as well as in collaboration with UNFPA team to determine the assessment criteria and methodology considering the country context, particularly the military context (3 days).
  • Develop assessment guidelines and tools, including questions for interviews with military psychologists, as well as guidelines and answer sheets for focus groupdiscussions[1] with conscripts, and other relevant assessment tools (2 days).
  • Conduct interviews with military psychologists of Mary and Lebap velayats who facilitated the Pilot Trainings (gather feedback on the Training Materials, delivery methods, challenges faced, and recommendations), as well as with representatives of the MOD (to understand their perspectives on the program, its integration, and sustainability). Coordinate the facilitation of the Focus Group Discussions with conscripts[2] (4 days)
  • Prepare a Final Assessment Report that includes background information on the programme, executive summary with key findings and recommendations, assessment methodology and limitations, findings on the effectiveness of the Training Materials and their impact on conscripts, assessment of the feasibility and acceptability of integrating gender training within the military, lessons learned, best practices, and challenges encountered, conclusions and recommendations for improvement and scale-up (3 days).

The total number of days – 12 working days.

Expected Outcomes and Deliverables: The IC is expected to deliver all services and outputs to the UNFPA Turkmenistan Country Office in a blended working arrangement, combining remote work with an in-country mission to Turkmenistan. At the same time, the consultant will be expected to achieve the following overall deliverables:

Deliverable 1: Assessment Guidelines and Tools developed by November 30th, 2024.

Deliverable 2: Interviews with military psychologists conducted and facilitation of the focus group discussions with conscripts coordinated by December 20th, 2024. (In-country mission)

Deliverable 3: Recommendations on the improvement of the Training Materials submitted by December 30th, 2024

Deliverable 4: Final Consultancy Report submitted by January 3rd, 2024.

In-country mission (preliminary December 16-20, 2024) for conducting interviews with military psychologists, coordinating FGDs with conscripts and gathering data. The mission should be planned at least 1,5 months in advance to submit all requested meetings/detailed mission plan with the government for approval. (5 days)

Duration and working schedule: Duration of this consultancy is from November 20 to January 10, 2024, including operational closure of the contract.
Place where services are to be delivered: The consultancy services will need to be delivered in a blended working arrangement, combining online work with an in-country mission to Turkmenistan.
Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g., electronic, hard copy etc.): Dates for deliverables are provided under the section Expected Outcomes and Deliverables. All deliverables will be provided in an electronic format.
Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline: UNFPA Head of Office with the Programme Coordination Associate will monitor the International Consultant’s work through reviewing submitted materials and participation in the meetings.
Supervisory arrangements: The International Consultant will directly report to and work under overall guidance of the UNFPA Head of Office in technical consultation with UNFPA Programme Coordination Associate.
Expected travel: One mission to Turkmenistan is expected under this consultancy. Travel costs will be covered according to the UNFPA’s Duty Travel Policy.
Required expertise, qualifications, and competencies, including language requirements:
  • At least master’s degree in social sciences, gender studies, public health, international development, or a related field.
  • At least 5 years of experience in conducting training program assessments/evaluations, preferably in the field of gender equality, GBV prevention, and/or within military or similar contexts.
  • Strong experience in developing and conducting education programs, especially within military or similar settings.
  • Proven experience in developing evaluation methodologies, data collection tools, and conducting qualitative research.
  • Experience working with international organizations and government agencies
  • Strong knowledge of the work and approaches in gender, human rights and youth related programming used by UN agencies.
  • Strong ethical standards and commitment to confidentiality.
  • Knowledge of UN Turkmenistan operational environment would be an asset.
  • Excellent English and/or Russian speaking and writing skills required.
  • Excellent facilitation, communication skills and development of methodological guidance.
  • Familiarity with Central Asian contexts, particularly Turkmenistan, preferred.
Inputs / services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner (e.g., support services, office space, equipment), if applicable: UNFPA will provide the consultant with the available materials, data, information and reports. However, additional information will be identified by the consultant through desk reviews, consultations, other.
Other relevant information or special conditions, if any: The consultancy fee will be calculated based on the P3 level of the UN Salary Scale for Professional and higher categories, effective 1 January 2024 and will be paid in a lump sum upon quality provision of the deliverables.

COA: 71205, UKB60, 54700, TKM05GEN, MENEDUCATE, PU0074

UNFPA provides a work environment that reflects the values of gender equality, diversity, integrity and healthy work-life balance. We are committed to ensuring gender parity in the organization and therefore encourage women to apply. Persons with disabilities, and individuals of other underrepresented groups are highly encouraged to apply. UNFPA promotes equal opportunities in terms of appointment, training, compensation and selection for all regardless of personal characteristics and dimensions of diversity.

[1] Due to the Ministry of Defense’s policy on the limited interaction of external personnel with conscripts, focus group discussions concerning the pilot training will be conducted by designated ministerial-level representatives from the MOD.



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