INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT – Formative Assessment of People who Use Drugs (PUD)

Juba, South Sudan


The Position:

Under the overall guidance of the Head of the Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health Team at UNFPA and in collaboration with technical teams from UNFPA and SSAC/MoH, the consultant will conduct formative assessment of people who use drugs and their clients in South Sudan.

How you can make a difference:

UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. UNFPA’s strategic plan (2022-2025), reaffirms the relevance of the current strategic direction of UNFPA and focuses on three transformative results: to end preventable maternal deaths; end unmet need for family planning; and end gender-based violence and harmful practices. These results capture our strategic commitments on accelerating progress towards realizing the ICPD and SDGs in the Decade of Action leading up to 2030. Our strategic plan calls upon UN Member States, organizations and individuals to “build forward better”, while addressing the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on women’s and girls’ access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, recover lost gains and realize our goals.

In a world where fundamental human rights are at risk, we need principled and ethical staff, who embody these international norms and standards, and who will defend them courageously and with full conviction.

UNFPA is seeking candidates that transform, inspire and deliver high impact and sustained results; we need staff who are transparent, exceptional in how they manage the resources entrusted to them and who commit to deliver excellence in programme results.

Job Purpose:

The HIV National Strategic Plan (NSP) includes People who Use Drugs (PUD) within the goal of reaching at 70% of Key Populations (KPs) with combination HIV prevention interventions by 2026. There is no current information on HIV-related prevalence of incidence for PUD in South Sudan. No previous efforts have been made to engage this population in the national HIV response, although there is a growing amount of anecdotal information available about the increasing use of a variety of substances across a number of population groups (in 2022, 35% of sex worker respondents in the mapping study stated they were taking some form of medication to address addiction. No data were gathered on drug use [UNFPA 2022]. PUD were part of KP-led efforts to gather information on priorities during the Country Dialogue through which anecdotal information emerged indicating rapidly increasing drug use in Juba and a complete absence of programming related either to HIV or to drug use itself.

To address this gap in the HIV response, a KP-led formative assessment will be carried out in Juba (Central Equatoria state) and two other locations either in {Aweil (Northern Bahr El Ghazal State) and Renk (Upper Nile State) or Wau (Western Bahr El Ghazal State) and Bor (Jonglei)} yet to be determined in 2024. This will begin to establish some links with this population group and provide information and guidance on how to begin to plan for and roll-out HIV and other health interventions for these groups. Based on the results of the assessment, an intervention strategy will be developed. Opportunities will be sought during reprogramming to implement recommended interventions during subsequent years. Additionally, other partners such as PEPFAR, will be approached to support programming.

Subsequently, by 2025, initiate condom and lubricant programming and harm reduction interventions for PUD in Juba using peer-led approaches; Engage local KP-led CSOs to develop and disseminate information in different modalities (including social media) on HIV prevention, harm reduction and sexual health for PUD; Support local KP-led CSOs to convene small scale empowerment activities for PUD; Support local KP-led CSOs to engage with local law enforcement representatives, cultural and religious leaders, politicians and others to create and sustain an enabling environment for PUD programming; Build the capacity of local KP-led CSOs in systems and practices for safety and security of staff, volunteers and individuals in communities; and Integrate legal and human rights literacy interventions into community empowerment activities.

There is growing amount of anecdotal information available on PUD indicates there is an increasing use of a variety of substances across a number of population groups (in 2022, 35% of sex worker respondents in the mapping study stated they were taking some form of medication to address addiction, no data were gathered on drug use [UNFPA 2022].

PUD in South Sudan are practicing number of high-risk behaviors for example: engagement in sexual activities under the influence of substance use/alcohol, no condom use, low comprehensive knowledge of HIV, limited access to HIV services, most PUD regularly engage in casual sex with more than one partner, that puts them at high risk of HIV and STIs transmission, irrespective of the epidemic type or local context.

Nevertheless, they also have legal and social issues related to their behaviors that increase their vulnerability to HIV, they are socially marginalized and experience frequent human rights violations, systematic disenfranchisement socially and economically and criminalization. The services provided remain largely inadequate because societal norms make it difficult for PUD to appear publicly and to access required services, PUD are considered immoral and culturally unacceptable in South Sudan.

However, currently there are two known organizations: Network of AIDS Service Organizations in South Sudan (NASOSS) and RIWA South Sudan providing programmes targeting PUD which is not up to the expectation. This is due to funding constraints, lack of specific health services for PUD, sensitivity and illegality of use of drugs in the country, socio-conservatism, fragile security situation and lack of policy. The absence of such healthcare facilities means the PUD are suffering from ailments. This lack of access to treatment and care will have long-term health implications for most of the PUD.

Considering the above, UNFPA will engage the services of an international consultant to conduct formative assessment of people who use drugs and their clients.


The specific objectives of the consultancy are as follows:

  1. To describe and map the population size of PUD and their clients in South Sudan
  2. To identify types of drugs, use among PUD and their clients
  3. To identify key barriers for PUD for accessing health services and factors that predispose them to higher risk for HIV and STI transmissions
  4. To understand the extent of stigma, discrimination and violence faced by PUD in South Sudan and its influence on health and health seeking behaviour.
  5. To understand the current state of knowledge, needs and gaps for PUD in relation to HIV and other linked health and social interventions
  6. To establish key recommendations to design and implement interventions toward improvement of health status of PUD
  7. To assess readiness of key stakeholders and health providers in creating an enabling environment and provision of comprehensive health services to PUD in South Sudan


The consultant is expected to work for 30 calendar days within the time frame from 19th Aug. to 30th September 2024

You would be responsible for:

  1. Conduct a scoping assessment to design and propose the appropriate methodology to conduct this assignment
  2. Conduct desk review and analysis of related documents, reports, policies, plans and assessments
  3. Engage in consultations and meetings with a sample of key stakeholders from three states of the country including People who use drugs and their clients, Key populations, health workers, facility administration, Civil society organizations, networks, Ministry of Health leadership at national and subnational levels, NGO partners, developmental partners, other line Ministries as necessary
  4. Design and administer questionnaires, hold focus group sessions, and consultative workshops as necessary
  5. Conduct field missions and visits to the three states as necessary

Qualifications and Experience:


  • Advanced degree in public health, social sciences or related field
  • At least 7 years’ experience in Health Systems Strengthening, Public health or Social Science and implementation in a similar context
  • Experience working in fragile state setting
  • Technical competency in statistics and statistical software as well as qualitative research methods

Knowledge and Experience:

  • Technical expertise in designing health systems policies and strategies particularly on public health interventions
  • Demonstrated knowledge and technical expertise in research methods.
  • Demonstrated ability to provide, negotiate and present sound methodological and technical advice and guidance to multiple stakeholders and partners.
  • Knowledge of the health systems situation, stakeholders, and context in South Sudan.
  • A team player and prepared to work in a resource-scarce environment.
  • Demonstrated ability to innovate, integrate, synergize, and communicate complex ideas in English, verbally and in writing.
  • Ability to monitor and communicate progress in terms of process and results.
  • IT proficiency

Required Competencies:


  • Exemplifying integrity,
  • Demonstrating commitment to UNFPA and the UN system,
  • Embracing cultural diversity,
  • Embracing change

Core Competencies:

  • Achieving results,
  • Being accountable,
  • Developing and applying professional expertise/business acumen,
  • Thinking analytically and strategically,
  • Working in teams/managing ourselves and our relationships,

Functional Competencies:

  • Advocacy/ Advancing a policy-oriented agenda
  • Leveraging the resources of national governments and partners/ building strategic alliances and partnerships
  • Delivering results-based programmes
  • Internal and external communication and advocacy for results mobilization

Managerial Competencies (if applicable):

  • Providing strategic focus,
  • Engaging in internal/external partners and stakeholders,
  • Leading, developing and empowering people, creating a culture of performance
  • Making decisions and exercising judgment

Compensation and Benefits:

This position offers an attractive remuneration package and other benefits as applicable.

UNFPA Work Environment:

UNFPA provides a work environment that reflects the values of gender equality, diversity, integrity and healthy work-life balance. We are committed to ensuring gender parity in the organization and therefore encourage women to apply. Individuals from the LGBTQIA+ community, minority ethnic groups, indigenous populations, persons with disabilities, and other underrepresented groups are highly encouraged to apply. UNFPA promotes equal opportunities in terms of appointment, training, compensation and selection for all regardless of personal characteristics and dimensions of diversity. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is at the heart of UNFPA’s workforce – click here to learn more.


Selection and appointment may be subject to background and reference checks, medical clearance, visa issuance and other administrative requirements.

UNFPA does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process and does not concern itself with information on applicants’ bank accounts.

Applicants for positions in the international Professional and higher categories, who hold permanent resident status in a country other than their country of nationality, may be required to renounce such status upon their appointment.

To view the complete job description and apply to this position, click “Apply Now” below.

Juba, South Sudan


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