International consultant on UAV drone forensics for KP (SSA)

Vushtrri, Kosovo
negotiable Expires in 3 weeks



The OSCE Mission in Kosovo (the Mission) is implementing a comprehensive project on “Advancement of strategic and operational capacities and human rights compliance within security sector institutions”. This project mainly targets the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIA) and Kosovo law enforcement institutions, including the Kosovo Police (KP), Kosovo Police Inspectorate (PIK), Kosovo Correctional Service (KCS), Kosovo Probation Service (KPS), and Kosovo Forensic Agency (KAF). Activities of this project focus on enhancing their operational capacities and specialized skills to effectively respond to criminal behaviour. Specifically, the project foresees numerous specialized and advanced training and workshops, supports the implementation of local strategies and associated action plans to improve operational effectiveness in tackling all forms of criminal activities, and develops and reviews sub-legal frameworks.

The project’s overall objective is to support the security sector institutions in advancing their strategic and operational capacities and human rights compliance within the police, forensics, police oversight, and correctional services. This will be covered through three specific objectives:

  1. Security sector institutions operate more effectively in areas of forensics, oversight mechanisms, re-integration and rehabilitation;
  2. Local law enforcement institutions are able to effectively identify, prevent, and combat serious and organized crime;
  3. Law enforcement institutions and relevant oversight bodies improve their response to preventing, combating, and monitoring hate crimes, while institutional mechanisms efficiently address VERLT.

At the request of the KP Forensics Directorate, the OSCE Mission in Kosovo will deliver a three-day training course to KP and KAF relevant staff, aiming to develop and enhance their knowledge and practical skills in UAV drone forensics.

Objective of Assignment:

The goal of the training is to equip the participants with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in UAV drone forensics. It will cover the critical aspects of UAV drone forensics, including data acquisition, evidence preservation, and analysis techniques. Participants will learn how to retrieve and interpret data from drone flight logs, GPS co-ordinates, and onboard sensors. The training will strengthen the capacity of KP and the KAF to handle the emerging challenges posed by the use of drones in criminal activities. It will also address the handling of drone hardware and software to maintain the integrity of evidence.

Duration of Assignment:

The Consultant will be hired for 6 working days.

Tasks and Responsibilities:

  1. Develop the training methodology and materials in consultation with the Police Development and Monitoring Section (PDMS) activity manager and deliver the agenda;
  2. Prepare presentation slides and case studies in consultation with the activity manager;
  3. Delivering a three-day training on UAV drone forensics for KP and KAF;
  4. Producing a post-training evaluation report with recommendations for further action by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo.


  • By 30 April 2025, submit the presentation, agenda, and corresponding materials to the activity manager for review and comments;
  • By 9 May 2025, incorporate PDMS comments in the training agenda and material and submit the final version to the activity manager for approval;
  • From 20 May to 22 May 2025, conduct a three-day training for 6 participants;
  • By 23 May 2025, deliver a post-training evaluation report to the PDMS Project Manager summarizing the observations during the training.

Necessary Qualifications:

  • Minimum 15 years of relevant professional experience in criminal forensics, including UVA drone forensics;
  • Minimum five years of training experience in the area related to criminal forensics;
  • Proven work experience as a UVA drone forensic, including data acquisition, evidence preservation, and analysis techniques;
  • University degree in technical IT relevant field;
  • Minimum ten years of relevant professional experience in the area of UAV drone forensics analysis.
  • Proven experience in delivering specialized training courses to law enforcement agencies and public institutions;
  • Previous professional experience in work with international organizations;
  • Knowledge of the Kosovo context is an advantage;
  • Cultural sensitivity and sound professional judgment;
  • Previous experience in working in a capacity-building role is an asset;
  • Excellent spoken and written English language is essential;
  • Demonstrated ability and willingness to work as a member of a team with people of different cultural and religious backgrounds and different genders, as well as cultural sensitivity and judgment.

Remuneration Package:

Remuneration will be based on the selected consultant’s/expert’s qualifications, experience, the tasks and deliverables for this position and in accordance with the OSCE established rates.

In order to apply for this position, you must complete the OSCE’s online application form, found under OSCE Careers – Jobs. Applicants are encouraged to use the online recruitment and only fully completed OSCE applications will be accepted. However, if you have technical difficulties with the system, you may use the offline application form found at Offline application form | OSCE Employment and forward the completed form quoting the vacancy number
by e-mail to: [email protected]. In line with your qualifications please indicate a preference for one or more fields of expertise listed above (while using the online application the field of expertise preference can be indicated in the cover letter part). Kindly note that applications received after the deadline, submitted in different formats than the OSCE Application Form or other languages than the English language would not be considered. The OSCE is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national,
religious, ethnic, and social backgrounds to apply.

Additional Information
Vushtrri, Kosovo


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