Parent Sector : Education Unit, UNESCO Phnom Penh Office
Duty Station: Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Type of contract : Non-staff
Duration of contract : 11 months, tentatively November 2024 to October 2025
Recruitment open to : External candidates
Application Deadline (Midnight Paris Time) : 18 November 2024
UNESCO Core Values: Commitment to the Organization, Integrity, Respect for Diversity, Professionalism
I. Background:
Following the success of the first phase of Strengthening Teacher Education Programmes in Cambodia (STEPCam), UNESCO and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) is implementing STEPCam Phase II through the $12.62 million System Transformation Grant (STG) supported by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). Building on the achievements of STEPCam Phase I, the second phase retains a strong focus on enhancing the quality of education in Cambodia towards its ultimate objective of improving the learning outcomes of students. The programme aims to achieve its objectives through four components:
Component 1: Teacher Education, which focuses on strengthening pre-service teacher education to cultivate teaching excellence
Component 2: Teacher professional development, through strengthening continuous professional development
Component 3: Classroom Learning, which aims at building capacity for effective early grade teaching and learning
Component 4: Digital Transformation in Education, focusing on building institutional readiness for the effective use of digital strategies in education delivery in Cambodia
II. Scope of the assignment
Under the overall authority of the UNESCO Representative and supervision of the Chief of Education Unit, the Consultant will work under the direct supervision of the STEPCam Programme Manager and closely collaborate with the Senior National Programme Officer to provide technical support for the implementation of Component 2: Teacher Professional Development – Expanding and strengthening the system of Continuous Professional Development (CPD). This consultancy directly contributes to four areas of work: (1) support the MoEYS with the expansion of the CPD system to increase its management capacity, robustness, and comprehensiveness; (2) support the MoEYS with expansion and further development of the CPD and Teacher Career Pathway (TCP) management module(s), linked to an MIS of the MoEYS; (3) support the MoEYS in coordinating and monitoring the CPD system rollout and TCP pilot at STEPCam target schools in the first and second cycles, and the opt-in schools in the first cycle of implementation; (4) support any upcoming new tasks in the fields of CPD, TCP, Management Information System (MIS) and Teacher Qualification Upgrade (TQU) that might arise during the consultancy period. The Consultant will work in close consultation and collaboration with STEPCam programme officers and consultants, technical departments of the MoEYS, and other Development Partners supporting the MoEYS with the planning and implementation for the institutionalisation, further expansion, and national rollout of the CPD system in Cambodia.
III. Specific Tasks
Specific tasks include, but will not be limited to, the following:
1. Support the MoEYS with the expansion of the CPD system to increase its management capacity, robustness, and comprehensiveness, in alignment with the further development of an integrated MIS and TCP system of the MoEYS, including:
1.1. Develop mechanisms for recognition of prior learning for accrediting relevant activities, retroactive awarding of CPD credits, and capturing such credits in the CPD management module
1.2. Provide technical oversight to support the MoEYS with accreditation of CPD providers and offerings, including training of the dedicated staff and external assessors as needed, to increase the CPD supply contributed by accredited Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs), Technical Departments (TDs), Development Partners (DPs), and other potential providers, to ensure full integration of CPD/INSET activities and promote ownership of the system by the MoEYS
1.3. Provide technical oversight to ensure that blended ICT-focused CPD offerings to be developed and implemented under STEPCam Component 4 meets the MoEYS CPD accreditation requirements
1.4. Work with the MoEYS to develop a multi-year national CPD/INSET plan, based on the CPD system rollout plan developed under STEPCam Phase I and reflecting ongoing/upcoming interventions of DP-supported projects
1.5. Support capacity building of the MoEYS TDs, particularly the Teacher Development Department (TDD) of the Directorate Generate of Teacher Education and Development (DGTED) in CPD, TCP and MIS system management and implementation
1.6. Lead the efforts to support the MoEYS TDs, particularly TDD, in developing the accreditation system, guidelines for implementation, credit attribution mechanisms, institutionalization, and a rollout plan for the self-directed CPD, as part of the effort to expand the scope and robustness of the CPD system for a national rollout
1.7. Support the MoEYS in piloting the mechanisms to award and capture CPD credits for the action research projects completed under Component 1 as an initial step to inform the development of a rollout strategy for the self-directed CPD
1.8. Develop practical and cost-efficient programmes and materials for the training of relevant national and sub-national stakeholders in the management and rollout of the expanded CPD system, including the self-directed CPD
1.9. Develop a training programme and materials to prepare the MoEYS for the pilot of school-based CPD through various funding mechanisms such as CPD vouchers to allow individual teachers to procure CPD activities based on professional needs
2. Support the MoEYS with expansion and further development of the CPD and TCP management module(s), linked to an integrated MIS of the MoEYS, including:
2.1. Work with the MIS international and national TAs for on-going monitoring of further development and expansion of the CPD, TCP, and MIS systems to ensure synergy and inter-connectedness of these systems according to the systems’ strategic plans and/or implementation guidelines
2.2. Provide technical input to develop a programme and material package for training national and sub-national MoEYS staff in the CPD and TCP modules, linked to an integrated MIS, to ensure effective management and rollout of the modules
2.3. Work with the MoEYS dedicated staff to ensure that education staff who had successfully completed an accredited CPD activity (e.g., EGR and EGM trainings) have CPD credits registered on the CPD module
3. Support the MoEYS in coordinating and monitoring the CPD system rollout at the target schools in the first and second cycles and opt-in schools in the first cycle of the rollout, including:
3.1. Based on the CPD system evaluation framework, lead the baseline assessment of confidence and teaching effectiveness levels of teachers at the target schools and mid-line assessment of increased confidence and effectiveness among these teacher participants since engaging in CPD, and produce formal reports for both assessments
3.2. Provide support to review and finalise the list of schools provided by Provincial Offices of Education of the MoEYS that opt into the CPD system rollout from 2025, and conduct a CPD training needs assessment (TNA) of teachers supported in the target schools to prepare for the CPD implementation in the first and second cycles
3.3. Produce a concise TNA report to inform the development of 15 more CPD courses to be added to the national CPD supply and which can be taken by the target primary school teachers
3.4. Co-facilitate and participate in regular technical inter-departmental meetings to plan and consolidate progress updates to closely monitor the implementation of the blended CPD courses to ensure that the implementation aligns with the workplan and issues are addressed in a timely manner
3.5. Build capacity of the MoEYS dedicated staff to conduct regular monitoring and lead an annual assessment of the CPD system rollout and TCP pilot, linked to an integrated MIS of the MoEYS, and support the MoEYS to generate a concise report on the progress and recommendations to inform next steps of the systems’ implementation
4. Support any upcoming new task in the fields of CPD, TCP, MIS, and TQU that might arise in the life span of the consultancy in agreement with the STEPCam Phase II Programme Manager
4.1. Assist in the identification of future priorities for CPD, TCP and MIS system expansion and rollout and support advocacy to promote a buy-in across sub-sectors and all levels of education
4.2. Support the timely coordination and release of all reports as required by the team
4.3. Advise the Programme Manager of any potential challenges and suggest solutions to address any bottlenecks
IV. Deliverables
The following deliverables are expected in line with the specific tasks outlined above:
1. Deliverable 1 by 6 December 2024
a. Proposed workplan for the assignment
b. Inception report (up to a maximum of 15 pages, excluding annexes), summarising the key challenges, risks, and suggestions to ensure success for the assignment, including but not limited to the CPD system expansion and further development of the CPD and TCP management module(s) linked to an integrated MIS, and the CPD system rollout at the STEPCam target schools
2. Deliverable 2 by 31 December 2024
a. Progress report summarising completed tasks and achievements for the technical support provided to the MoEYS in delivering necessary trainings to potential TEIs and other potential providers to increase their chance in obtaining accreditation from the MoEYS as CPD providers
b. Key findings of baseline assessment on confidence and teaching effectiveness levels of teachers at the STEPCam target schools in five provinces
3. Deliverable 3 by 31 January 2025
a. Complete draft multi-year national CPD/INSET plan reflecting ongoing/upcoming interventions of DP-supported projects
b. Complete final baseline assessment report on confidence and teaching effectiveness levels of teachers at the STEPCam target schools in five provinces
4. Deliverable 4 by 28 February 2025
a. Progress report on technical support provided to the following tasks:
i. On-going monitoring of further development and expansion of the CPD, TCP, and MIS systems to ensure synergy and inter-connectedness of these systems
ii. Planning and monitoring of the implementation of the blended CPD courses
5. Deliverable 5 by 31 March 2025
a. Progress report on technical support provided to the following tasks:
i. Capacity building of the MoEYS TDs in CPD, TCP and MIS system management and implementation
ii. Technical input provided for development of a programme and material package for training national and sub-national MoEYS staff in the CPD and TCD modules, linked to an integrated MIS
6. Deliverable 6 by 30 April 2025
a. Progress report on technical support provided to the following tasks:
i. Accreditation of CPD providers and offerings, including training of the dedicated staff and external assessors as needed, to increase the CPD supply contributed by accredited CPD providers
b. Final complete multi-year national CPD/INSET plan
c. Revised teacher CPD TNA tool and workplan to assess CPD needs of teachers in the opt-in schools and in STEPCam target schools
7. Deliverable 7 by 31 May 2025
a. First complete draft of the accreditation system, guidelines for implementation, credit attribution mechanisms, and a rollout plan for the self-directed CPD
8. Deliverable 8 by 30 June 2025
a. First draft of the mechanisms for recognition of prior learning for accrediting relevant activities, retroactive awarding of CPD credits, and capturing such credits in the CPD management module
b. Progress report on technical support provided to the following tasks:
i. On-going monitoring of further development and expansion of the CPD, TCP, and MIS systems to ensure synergy and inter-connectedness of these systems according to the systems’ strategic plans and/or implementation guidelines
ii. Planning and monitoring of the implementation of the blended CPD courses
iii. Review and finalisation of list of schools which opt in the CPD system rollout from 2025, including the list of primary teachers from these schools identified to benefit from two consecutive cycles of CPD rollout in 2025 and 2026
c. Final report on annual assessment of the CPD system rollout and TCP pilot, linked to an integrated MIS of the MoEYS, including successes, challenges, and recommendations to inform next steps of the systems’ implementation
9. Deliverable 9 by 31 July 2025
a. Progress report on technical support provided to the following tasks:
i. Piloting the mechanisms to award and capture CPD credits for the action research projects completed under Component 1 as an initial step to inform the development of a rollout strategy for the self-directed CPD
b. Final TNA report on CPD needs of teachers in the opt-in schools and in STEPCam target schools to prepare for the CPD implementation in the first and second cycles, respectively
10. Deliverable 10 by 31 August 2025
a. Final training programme and materials to prepare the MoEYS for the pilot of school-based CPD through various funding mechanisms such as CPD vouchers to allow individual teachers to procure CPD activities based on professional needs
b. Progress report on technical support provided to ensure that blended ICT-focused CPD offerings developed and implemented under STEPCam Component 4 meets the MoEYS CPD accreditation requirements
11. Deliverable 11 by 30 September 2025
a. Complete final mid-line assessment report on increased confidence and teaching effectiveness among teachers at the STEPCam target schools since engaging in CPD
b. Final accreditation system, guidelines for implementation, credit attribution mechanisms, and a rollout plan for the self-directed CPD
c. Final programmes and materials for the training of relevant national and sub-national stakeholders in the management and rollout of the expanded CPD system, including the self-directed CPD
d. Final completion report summarising achievements and way forward for the consultancy, including the following:
i. Support provided to the MoEYS for accreditation of CPD providers and offerings, including training of the dedicated staff and external assessors as needed, to increase the CPD supply contributed by accredited CPD providers
ii. Support for capacity building of the MoEYS TDs in CPD, TCP and MIS system management and implementation
iii. Monitoring of further development and expansion of the CPD, TCP, and MIS systems to ensure synergy and inter-connectedness of these systems according to the systems’ strategic plans and/or implementation guidelines
iv. Planning and monitoring of the implementation of the blended CPD courses
V. Contract duration, location and other conditions
The duration of the contract will be for a period of 11 months, from November 2024 to October 2025, during which the Consultant is expected to provide technical assistance for 110 working days. The Consultant is expected to have two mission trips and be based in-country for at least five (5) days on each mission trip during the consultancy (UNESCO will organize necessary fieldwork and missions to the provinces, as necessary). In addition, the Consultant is expected to have in-person work sessions with the Directorate General of Teacher Education and Development and select TEIs, with the possibility of working from the UNESCO Phnom Penh Office for coordination with the STEPCam programme team as requested by the Programme Manager.
The Consultant will be responsible for their necessary tools, equipment (laptop, printer, etc.) and software to complete the assignment. For in-person work sessions, MoEYS will provide a working space and access to the internet, printer and LCD projector.
VI. Required qualifications and experience
• At least a Master’s degree in the field of education, teacher education, teacher training and development, public policy or other relevant technical fields
• At least 15 years of demonstrated international experience in education policy and planning, implementation, monitoring and implementation of CPD systems and programmes related to teacher education and professional development, and/or institutional capacity building in the education sector
• Demonstrated professional experience working with government technical departments and senior government officials, and building institutional capacity in the education sector
• Demonstrated knowledge of the planning, management, implementation and monitoring of CPD systems in different country contexts
• Demonstrated professional experience in teacher education, teacher development and/or education policy and planning with the UN, World Bank and/or international NGOs would be desirable (minimum of 3 examples)
• Good understanding of the context of education system and teacher education reform in Cambodia would be desirable
• Excellent conceptual and analytical skills
• Excellent interpersonal, coordination and communication skills
• Excellent mentoring, training, facilitation and presentation skills
• Ability to take initiative, establish priorities and capacity to work efficiently under pressure
• Ability to work in a multicultural team to achieve shared objectives
• Excellent understanding of education policy and planning, teacher education and teacher development
• Excellent in written and spoken English
Interested candidates are kindly requested to click on “Apply Now”, then download and complete the Employment History Form (Word file). Employment History Form / My Documents’. Before uploading the document, at the end of the word document, the candidate must insert the extra pages with the following required information in English:
1. Curriculum Vitae or Resume
2. Technical proposal (3 pages maximum), including a description of your proposed approach and methodology for undertaking the assignment
3. Financial proposal, indicating a monthly rate (in US$) to undertake the terms of reference above, including travel and other related costs. Applications submitted without a monthly rate will not be considered.
4. The contact details of three referees
Please submit your application through SuccessFactors. Only if you are unable to attach requirements in system, please inform us at [email protected].
Please note that all candidates must complete an on-line application and provide complete and accurate information. To apply, please visit the UNESCO careers website. No modifications can be made to the application submitted.
The evaluation of candidates is based on the criteria in the vacancy notice, and may include tests and/or assessments, as well as a competency-based interview.
UNESCO uses communication technologies such as video or teleconference, e-mail correspondence, etc. for the assessment and evaluation of candidates.
Please note that only selected candidates will be further contacted and candidates in the final selection step will be subject to reference checks based on the information provided.