Grade: P4
Vacancy no.: TEMP/MOSCOW/P/2024/01
Publication date: 06 December 2024
Application deadline (midnight Geneva time): 14 December 2024
Job ID: 12592
Department: RO-Europe and Central Asia
Organization Unit: DWT/CO-Moscow
Location: Moscow
Contract type: Short Term
Contract duration:11 months
This is a temporary assignment. The selection process is not subject to the rules and procedures defined in Annex I of the ILO Staff Regulations.
The following are eligible to apply:
- ILO Internal candidates in accordance with paragraphs 31 and 32 of Annex I of the Staff Regulations.
- External candidates.
The ILO values diversity among its staff and welcomes applications from qualified female candidates. We also encourage applicants with disabilities. If you are unable to complete our online application form due to a disability, please send an email to [email protected].
The position is located in the ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (DWT/CO-Moscow). DWT/CO-Moscow provides high-quality, timely and integrated technical support in the design and implementation of Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs) and other ILO country support activities within the framework of outcome-based work plans. It coordinates the ILO activities in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation , Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
The specialist will consider all legal and practical aspects of international labour standards, with a view to strengthening and improving the application and dissemination of such standards at all levels. The specialist will ensure that normative aspects of the ILO are fully integrated in Decent Work Country Programmes in the countries covered by DWT/CO-Moscow. The specialist will also be responsible for responding to requests from the countries covered by the DWT/CO for support in the development of labour law policy and the drafting of new or revised labour legislation.
The specialist will collaborate with other United Nations organizations and relevant actors of the civil society for the promotion of international labour standards. Given the specific needs of the sub-region, the specialist will also act as a focal point for one cross-cutting issue or priority theme. The specialist will work in close collaboration with other technical specialists in the DWT and in the region, including with the colleagues responsible for the employers’ and workers’ organizations on the legal and practical aspects of international labour standards. The incumbent’s activities will encompass legal and policy advice, programme development, technical support/backstopping, capacity building (including with the International Training Centre of the ILO in Turin) and promotion of international labour standards and tripartism.
The specialist will report to the Director of DWT/CO-Moscow. S/he will receive technical guidance and advice from the International Labour Standards Department (NORMES). Technical advice and support will also be provided by the Governance and Tripartism Department (GOVERNANCE) at ILO headquarters.
Key Duties and Responsibilities
- Ensure that governments timely discharge their reporting obligations under article 22 of the ILO Constitution, and take suitable action on comments made by ILO supervisory bodies such as the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations, the Conference Committee on the Application of Standards and the Committee on Freedom of Association.
- Provide capacity building to the government and social partners, as well as to the judiciary and parliamentarians on international labour standards and the supervisory system.
- Formulate policy and give advice on legal issues to ILO constituents regarding institutional strengthening, application of ILO standards, their application to the informal economy and the promotion and delivery of development cooperation activities.
- In collaboration with NORMES and GOVERNANCE, conduct research on regulatory frameworks and analytical work in the field of international labour standards and labour law; analyse draft labour legislation submitted by governments to the ILO for comments; provide substantive support and advice to labour law reform processes; assist governments and social dialogue bodies in taking such processes forward; and ensure the alignment of draft legislation with relevant international labour standards and best comparative practices for effective labour market governance.
- Develop and examine legal frameworks, institutions and practices that may be useful for the social partners to improve, implement and evaluate social dialogue. Provide advice and assistance to employers’ and workers’ organizations on existing and proposed labour legislation.
- Advise ILO constituents on the application of, or effect given to, Conventions and Recommendations as an effective means of attaining the Organization’s decent work and social justice objectives. Advise ILO constituents on the application of labour law and collective agreements, as well as on labour dispute settlement as effective means of attaining the Organization’s decent work and social justice goals. Draw on ILO standards and appropriate comparative practices at the international level in giving this advice.
- Promote the establishment and effective operation of procedures for tripartite consultations in accordance with the Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 (N°144) and promote the ratification and implementation of international labour standards.
- Mainstream gender equality concerns into all activities related to international labour standards and labour legislation.
- Formulate, revise, evaluate and present project proposals, and negotiate financing, with special regard to labour legislation and international labour standards.
- Cooperate with the other specialists of the DWT/CO to ensure that international labour standards are fully taken into account in the design, implementation and evaluation of Decent Work Country Programmes.
- Develop and disseminate information on action programmes through publications, manuals, guidebooks, press releases, etc. and ensure representation in donors’ meetings, international, regional and local forums, and promotional campaigns.
- Contribute to the dissemination of the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work through the organization of workshops and seminars. Prepare promotional material.
- Perform other relevant duties as assigned.
optional section 2 (only if needed)
Advanced level university degree (Master’s or equivalent) in law.
A first-level university degree (Bachelor’s or equivalent) in one of the afore-mentioned fields or other relevant field with an additional two years of relevant experience, in addition to the experience stated below, will be accepted in lieu of an advanced university degree.
At least seven years of experience in labour law, including at the international level.
Excellent command of English. Knowledge of Russian would be a major asset. Working knowledge of another official language of the Organization (French or Spanish) would be an advantage.
In addition to the ILO core competencies, the following are required:
Knowledge and technical/behavioural competencies
- Knowledge of ILO procedures for the adoption of standards and the supervision of their application;
- Knowledge and understanding of the ILO’s fundamental and governance standards including the practice of ILO supervisory bodies related to their application.
- The ability to: design research studies and conduct comparative analyses involving the application of principles of law to the analysis of administrative, substantive and procedural problems of substantial intricacy; advise and persuade colleagues and constituents on legal questions; ability to make use of analytical, and technical qualitative and quantitative tools; ability to conceptualize, plan, coordinate and direct investigations;
- Capability to participate effectively in technical missions and within team;
- Ability to work in close cooperation with social partners and government representatives. ability to provide direct technical advice in the field of specialisation;
- Ability to guide and coordinate external collaborators’ work, general service staff or young professionals;
- Ability to prepare technically accurate reports and publications, with conclusions that may lead to an action plan and the elaboration of programmes;
- Ability to contribute to multidisciplinary research carried out through work team, project formulation and its application;
- Ability to facilitate adequate advice regarding eminently good practices, and to approach wider issues other than the ones of the field of specialisation field;
- Ability to elaborate project proposals, policies and procedures and to bring them up to high-level meetings;
- Good written and spoken communication and presentation skills;
- Diplomatic skills;
- Deal with colleagues and constituents with tact and discretion;
- The ability to work in a multicultural environment and to demonstrate gender-sensitive and non-discriminatory behaviour and attitudes.
Conditions of employment
- Any appointment/extension of appointment is subject to ILO Staff Regulations and other relevant internal rules. Any offer of employment with the ILO is conditional upon certification by the ILO Medical Adviser that the person concerned is medically fit to perform the specific inherent requirements of the position offered. In order to confirm an offer from the ILO the successful candidate will be required to undergo a medical examination.
- Any extension of technical cooperation contracts are subject to various elements including the following: availability of funds, continuing need of the functions and satisfactory conduct and performance.
For more information on conditions of employment, please visit the ILO Jobs International Recruitment page.
Recruitment process
Please note that all candidates must complete an on-line application form. To apply, please visit ILO Jobs. The system provides instructions for online application procedures.
Applicants will be contacted directly if selected for a written test and/or an interview.
Depending on the location and availability of candidates, assessors and interview panel members, the ILO may use communication technologies such as Skype, Video or teleconference, e-mail, etc for the assessment and evaluation of candidates at the different stages of the recruitment process, including technical tests or interviews.
The ILO has zero tolerance for acts of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and is determined to ensure that all staff members and all beneficiaries of ILO assistance do not suffer, directly or indirectly, from sexual exploitation and abuse.
To ensure that individuals with a substantiated history of SEA, sexual harassment or other types of abusive conduct are not hired by the Organisation, the ILO may conduct a background verification of candidates under consideration.
Fraud warning
The ILO does not charge any fee at any stage of the recruitment process whether at the application, interview, processing or training stage. Messages originating from a non ILO e-mail account – – should be disregarded. In addition, the ILO does not require or need to know any information relating to the bank account details of applicants.