Additional InformationPossibility of contract extension
In general, ADB consulting contracts may be extended to a reasonable degree when doing so is justified within ADB's core procurement principles. Any extensions are subject to operational needs, consultant performance, and continued availability of funds.
Specific considerations for this assignment, if any, are discussed here:
With regards to the implementation of Component II of the IAIP project the specific tasks of the consultant are: (i) Advise on the hydro-mechanical and hydro-meteorological equipment (including technical specifications) to be produced and installed as part of the WRIS and IAMS to be developed by CS02 and CS01 respectively. In addition, advise or specify site requirements for installation or endorse CS02 proposed sites for installation of hydro-mechanical and hydro-meteorological instruments, telemetry and safety installations. (ii) Advise, coordinate and if necessary, assume a lead role in identifying and establishing robust data and software interlinkages between WRIS and IAMS capabilities. (iii) Advise MOWRAM on the core competences of personnel engaged in the operation and maintenance of the IAMS and WRIS systems including water accounting and data management, so that these will be integrated into respective capacity support and training programs to be delivered through existing consulting support. (iv) Support MOWRAM by identifying potential and suitable learning institutions and organizations that offer relevant and suitable academic, technical and vocational training in water resources field, relevant to the IAIP Output 2, and the long-term operation of the WRIS and IAMS of MOMRAM staff. (v) Support MOWRAM by reviewing and endorsing the list of hardware components specified by existing consultants for procurement and installation, and operation of the IAMS and WRIS, and including the primary server(s) to be installed at the NWRDMC building (vi) Support MOWRAM by advising and collaborating with existing consulting teams in setting out a structured procedure and protocol for operationalizing the IAMS and WRIS databases on the server(s) for web-based operation. (vii) Provide technical support to MOWRAM in advising existing consulting teams on necessary hardware and software protection measures to mitigate climate risks (lightning, flooding and others) power outages and vandalism, and cyber security to considered and/or integrated in the development of the IAMS and WRIS. (viii) Support MOWRAM in advising consulting support teams on the order for development of WRIS and IAMS modules and establish an overall timeline as well as milestones for individual modules to become operational so that synergies between WRIS and IAMS created. The overall timeline may be structured to comprise a module and program expansion phase, ending and national operation of WRIS and IAMS.
Possibility of consideration for downstream assignment Yes No Not knownIndefinite Delivery Contract (IDC) Yes NoCountry of assignment
Country of eligibility for national consultants
Same as country of assignment
Individuals of ADB member countries who have appropriate authorization to legally reside and work in the country of the assignment but do not hold the nationality of that country may also be considered as national consultants.