negotiable Expires in 2 weeks




The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page.

  • Project: Climate Finance (Strategic Framework and Country Programme) Consultant – GCF Readiness 2 Project, Kiribati
  • Duty Station: Tarawa, Kiribati
  • Contract Duration: 3 months
  • Total Fees: USD12,000

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page.

Kiribati is a founding member of GGGI. The Government of Kiribati and GGGI have been working to address targeted needs in green growth, climate adaptation and mitigation, sustainability, low-carbon, and development. GGGI seeks to complement the Government objectives of the Kiribati National Vision 2016-2036 and works across a number of sectors in Kiribati including climate-smart agriculture, green procurement, green-preneurship, green business development, and climate finance absorption and mobilization.

The Government of Kiribati acknowledges climate change as a national priority. The Office of the President leads on climate matters through the Climate Change Division. The Climate Finance Division (CFD) of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MFED) is the national designated authority (NDA) for climate finance from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and Adaptation Fund.

The NDA, in collaboration with GGGI as the Delivery Partner for this GCF Readiness project, sought Readiness funding from the GCF that aims to implement the following climate priorities to improve Kiribati’s capacity to access climate finance and successfully engage with the GCF through the project pipeline. To achieve this, the Readiness grant will focus on the following objectives:

  1. Build and strengthen human, technical and institutional capacity within the NDA Office and across government, private sector and civil society organisations to undertake climate mandates,
  2. Strengthen and ensure the effectiveness of the internal coordination and communication mechanisms across ministries and stakeholder groups to reduce duplication, improve climate planning and programming and successfully move projects through the pipeline,
  3. Develop and implement climate finance-related strategies and plans including no objection procedures, and the Country Programme,
  4. Support the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MFED) in strengthening its policies and procedures, including their implementation, for the GCF FMCA accreditation, ensuring a strong and viable national delivery partner.

The CFD hosts the GCF Readiness Project Management Unit (PMU). The CFD Director coordinates with GGGI as the Delivery Partner for this GCF Readiness 2 Project, as well as other key stakeholders.

This GCF Readiness 2 Project is funded by the GCF for a two-year duration ending in March 2026.


The Ministry of Finance & Economic Development (MFED), through its Climate Finance Division (CFD), is committed to enhancing its climate finance mechanisms, policies, and procedures. To achieve this, the Project Management Unit (PMU) under the CFD seeks a Consultant to provide expertise in reviewing and updating the existing ‘Strategic Framework and Country Programme for Climate Finance in Kiribati’ (SFCP).

The main objectives of the consultancy are to support the delivery of Output 2.1.1 of Kiribati’s second GCF Readiness grant[1]. The project output, Output 2.1.1 Country programmes endorsed by GCF recipient country processes, is a review of Kiribati’s current national Strategic Framework and Country Programme and development of a national climate financing strategy for Kiribati. In addition to supporting the delivery of the specific outputs for the GCF Readiness grant, the consultant will also provide ad-hoc guidance and advice to CFD and the PMU on the overall implementation of readiness outputs applicable to strengthening the NDA and building national skills, knowledge and capacities.

The Consultant’s Activities:

Review and Update the Kiribati Strategic Framework and Country Programme (Output 2.1.1)

  • Task 1: Comprehensivereview of the existing Kiribati Strategic Framework and Country Programme and related documents, including Kiribati’s enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution, the Kiribati Joint Implementation Plan for Climate Change and Disaster Risk, the National Infrastructure Investment Plan and the Kiribati 20-year Vision and associated Development Plans. This review should also provide an assessment of the current climate finance landscape for Kiribati.
  • Task 2: Develop a Stakeholder Engagement Plan to engage with key stakeholders including government line agencies, key climate change focal points in Kiribati, non-government organisations, civil society and climate finance providers. The Kiribati National Expert Group on Climate Change and Disaster will be used as the main mechanism to engage national stakeholders.
  • Task 3: Supported by the Climate Finance Division and GGGI staff in Kiribati, conduct consultations with key stakeholders using the most appropriate formats to understand key priorities and project pipelines on current and planned projects.
  • Task 4: Update the framework to develop a national climate financing strategy that reflects current government priorities, goals and plans for climate action in Kiribati.
  • Task 5: Align the framework with the latest climate finance trends and requirements, including national and international climate finance allocations, budgets, and sectoral objectives,
  • Task 6: Ensure the updated climate finance pipeline produced is informed by stakeholder consultations and existing climate priorities for Kiribati, and
  • Task 7: Develop and deliver stakeholder awareness sessions, suitable for delivery virtually or in person, to CFD staff and stakeholders on the Kiribati national climate financing strategy.




The consultant will be allocated 20 working days (over 3 months) to complete the assignment with engagements and consultations with the CFD and the government’s key committees/technical working groups and partners. The Consultancy is expected to commence immediately after contract signing. Other reporting requirements are also noted below. The following indicative work schedule is proposed:

#DeliverablesKPI for each deliverablePaymentDuration
1Output 2.1.1 Country programmes endorsed by GCF recipient country processes.

National Climate Financing Strategy for Kiribati

  • Stakeholder Engagement Plan, discussions questions and summary of stakeholder consultations,
  • Review Government of Kiribati current budget, policies and sectoral documents that feed into the current SFCP including a climate finance landscape assessment for Kiribati,
  • Draft NCFS including updated long and short list of climate investment pipeline disaggregated into sectoral priorities, and
  • Validation workshop and presentation deck in PowerPoint
40%Within 2 months of signing the contract and before 31st December 2024
2Final Report

This incorporates a summary of the Strategic Framework and Country Programme (SFCP) and also any capacity development delivered, along with observations on the challenges in building Kiribati’s capacity to access climate finance, lessons learned from the assignment, and recommendations for activities to further enhance the country’s capacity to access climate finance.

  • A summary report with annexes of deliverables from the tasks including the final NCFS document and updated pipeline
60%Within 3 months of signing the contract
  • The consultant is expected to work under the general guidance of the GGGI Project Manager in Tarawa and other GGGI staff in collaboration with the Climate Finance Division, MFED. She/he is expected to have a weekly update for the duration of the contract,
  • The Consultant is to provide his/her own equipment to produce all deliverables,
  • The Consultant shall submit the Final Report which should reflect the outcome of all activities prepared by the consultant. The report should also give recommendations for further activities to be carried out in order to secure long-term sustainable financing.
  • Apart from the Final Report, the following procedures and framework should be presented as annexes to the Final Report:
    • The National Climate Financing Strategy, and
    • Other materials such as presentations or awareness-raising materials etc.
  • All relevant technical papers, reports, and other documents prepared from the start to the end of the assignment shall be attached to the Final Report,
  • The Consultant shall submit the report in both hard copies and electronic versions readable by a Microsoft Office application,
  • All outputs must be in English with report format, fonts, icons and photos approved prior to usage.
  • Final report must be approved by GGGI with the agreement of the Ministry of Finance & Economic Development and the CFD.
  • The duration dates/timeframes refer to dates/timeframes with the final/approved deliverables/versions and NOT draft documents,
  • The Consultant shall consider the comments and necessary revisions proposed. Within 14 days from the receipt of the comments or modification proposal from the GGGI, the Consultant shall prepare and submit the final versions of the report and training modules.

The Consultant’s required qualifications and experience are detailed below:

Qualifications and skills (including a minimum level of education)

    • University degree or postgraduate studies in climate science, environmental studies, economics, finance, management, administration, international relations, international development or related studies.
    • General professional experience
    • At least 10 years of practical experience in leading/managing projects in the area of climate policy and institutional strengthening,
    • Strong knowledge of GCF procedures and national climate finance mechanisms, including working with National Designated Authorities to develop climate strategies and plans would be an asset
    • Understanding of Pacific region structures, climate finance barriers and readiness needs,
    • Proven track record of working with governmental bodies, private sector, and civil society organizations,
    • Strong facilitation and communication skills,
    • Excellent English communication, report writing, training, and mentoring skills.

Date to close is Korean Standard Time (KST). Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered Application. Cover Letter, and CV must be sent in English. A consortium, or a firm may not be engaged for the individual consultant assignment.

Child protection – GGGI is committed to child protection, irrespective of whether any specific area of work involves direct contact with children. GGGI’s Child Protection Policy is written in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
